Thursday, March 31, 2005

Sloppy Berger



WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former national security adviser Sandy Berger will plead guilty to taking classified documents from the National Archives, the Justice Department said Thursday.

Berger, who served in the Clinton administration, will enter the plea Friday in U.S. District Court in Washington, said Justice spokesman Bryan Sierra.

The plea agreement, if accepted by a judge, ends a bizarre episode in which the man who once had access to the government's most sensitive intelligence was accused of sneaking documents out of the Archives in his clothing...

He said he was reviewing the materials to help determine which Clinton administration documents to provide to the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. He called the episode "an honest mistake," and denied criminal wrongdoing.

Berger and his lawyer, Lanny Breuer, have said Berger knowingly removed the handwritten notes by placing them in his jacket and pants and he inadvertently took copies of actual classified documents in a leather portfolio.

He returned most of the documents, but still missing are some drafts of a sensitive after-action report on the Clinton administration's handling of al-Qaida terror threats during the December 1999 millennium celebration.

"Mr. Berger has cooperated fully with the Department of Justice and is pleased that a resolution appears very near," Breuer said Thursday.

The charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material is a misdemeanor that carries a maximum sentence of a year in prison and up to a $100,000 fine.

However, a federal law enforcement official said a plea agreement calls for Berger to serve no jail time but to pay a $10,000 fine, surrender his security clearance for three years and cooperate with investigators. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the pending court proceeding. A judge must approve the agreement...

Former President Clinton was among Democrats who questioned the timing of the disclosure of the Berger probe, three days before the release of the final Sept. 11 commission report. The commission, writing just three months before the 2004 presidential election, detailed failures of both the Clinton and Bush administrations.

Poor sloppy Sandy. Removing classified documents, stuffing notes in his pants, failing to return all of the drafts he "borrowed"--it could happen to anyone.

For three years Sandy won't have security clearance, surrendering his access to classified government materials. It'll will be tough for him to manage without that privilege.

I suppose he could find someone else with security clearance to smuggle out classified documents for him, as an "honest mistake" of course.


VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul's condition was "very grave" on Friday, the Vatican said in a statement, adding that the Pontiff had suffered shock and cardio-circulatory collapse.

Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the Pope had been given the Holy Viaticum -- communion reserved for those close to death -- and had decided himself not to go to hospital for treatment.

The statement said the Pope had received cardio-respiratory assistance on Thursday and on Friday morning was still "conscious, lucid and tranquil."

At the Gemelli hospital, an emergency room chief said there were no plans to admit John Paul "at the moment," ANSA reported.

His assessment could mean that the Vatican medical staff feels confident it can handle the latest medical crisis with the sophisticated medical equipment installed at the Vatican. But it could also mean that the pope's condition was considered so precarious it would be better not to move him immediately.

After moments ago hearing reports that the Pope's condition had stabilized, it's shocking to learn that he is in very grave condition.

The Greatest Days

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope John Paul II was responding to treatment with antibiotics and his condition appeared to have stabilized after he suddenly developed a high fever brought on by a urinary tract infection, Vatican radio reported early Friday.

Marc A. Thiessen suggests that these days, when the Pope is at his weakest physically, may actually be the greatest of his papacy.

"The principal task of the pope is not the effective management of the Church bureaucracy — it is to serve as an effective witness for Christ in the world. John Paul does this more eloquently today, through his silent suffering, than he ever did with words. It does not really matter if he can use his voice intelligibly — or at all. By carrying on, despite his afflictions, he stands as a living rebuke to our utilitarian culture — and a living witness to the value of every life, especially the elderly and infirm...

We need his example, which affirms the continuing value of every human person who feels isolated by illness and abandoned by a society. And we need to be reminded that we all have responsibilities to the weakest among us — to help them live in dignity, and to value the gift of their presence, whatever their condition, at every stage of their lives.

In that encyclical over a decade ago, the Holy Father said this about the suffering of others: "When the body is gravely ill, totally incapacitated, and the person is almost incapable of living and acting, all the more do interior maturity and spiritual greatness become evident, constituting a touching lesson to those who are healthy and normal." Today, as his own body grows increasingly incapacitated, and as he becomes less capable of living and acting, it is John Paul's spiritual greatness that is becoming all the more evident — and he is teaching the world anew.

How blessed we are to have such a teacher in our midst; to receive the precious gift of his suffering; and to be living witnesses to what may one day be considered the greatest days of the greatest papacy in history. John Paul was once asked why he does not retire, and is said to have given this reply: "Because Christ did not come down from the Cross." The Lord will take him from us when He is ready. 'Til then, give us this silent pope."

Over This, Your White Grave

Over this, your white grave
the flowers of life in white--
so many years without you--
how many have passed out of sight?
Over this your white grave
covered for years, there is a stir
in the air, something uplifting
and, like death, beyond comprehension.
Over this your white grave
oh, mother, can such loving cease?
for all his filial adoration
a prayer:
Give her eternal peace--

Karol Wojtyla [Krakow, spring 1939]

The Pain for the Schindlers Continues

LEVITTOWN, Pa.Terri Schiavo's ashes will be buried in an undisclosed location near Philadelphia so that her immediate family doesn't show up and turn the burial into a media spectacle, a member of the Schiavo family said Thursday.

"If Mike knew they would come in peace, he would have no problem with it," Scott Schiavo, Michael Schiavo's brother, said during an interview at his home.

After an autopsy, Michael Schiavo plans to have his wife's body cremated and her ashes brought to Pennsylvania, where she grew up. Scott Schiavo said the ashes would be buried in a plot left by an aunt and uncle, but the family does not plan on providing the specific location for the burial.

Her parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, had fought for years to prevent her feeding tube from being removed, and they opposed cremation and wanted her buried in Florida.

A spiritual adviser to Terri Schiavo's parents, Paul O'Donnell, said they plan to hold a Roman Catholic Mass without her body sometime next week. Asked about perhaps never knowing where his sister might be buried, Bobby Schindler said, "We've already said goodbye. ... He's been doing this kind of stuff for 15 years. What would make him stop now?"

As he monitored TV news reports from the kitchen of his small house in the Philadelphia suburbs, Scott Schiavo received a stream of calls Thursday from people denouncing him and his brother. On his answering machine was a lengthy message from a man from Texas who, shouting obscenities, called the Schiavo family murderers.

"This isn't over by a long shot. We're going to get our name right," he said. "The world is going to know who Mike was, they're going to know Mike wasn't a beast. ... We're going to clear his name, and point it right back at the Schindlers, to let people know just who Bob Schindler is, what type of person he is."

Police made visits Thursday to both Scott Schiavo's home and the home of his brother, William, in Philadelphia, as a result of threats to the families.

At Terri Schiavo's alma mater, Archbishop Wood High School in Warminster, workers changed a sign that read "Terri Schiavo, Class of 1981, We pray that you may live" to "We pray that you rest in peace."

During his marathon press conference this afternoon, George Felos claimed that Michael Schiavo tried to be as respectful as he could to the wishes of the family during the death process.

Oh really? I find that hard to believe. He certainly is torturing the Schindlers after the "death process."

Terri, a practicing Catholic is not being allowed a funeral and burial in accordance with the rites of the Church.

Refusing to disclose Terri's final resting place to her family is beyond cruel.

Michael Schiavo is lucky to have his brother, Scott, to dish out the heartless statements to the media while he stays out of sight.

I wonder where Michael is. With the wife and kids?

Felos: High Priest in the Culture of Death

Schiavo Attorney: 'Venom' Inappropriate

Thursday afternoon, Michael Schiavo's attorney George Felos answered accusations that his client would not allow Terri Schiavo's parents to see her during her last moments alive.

"Mr Schiavo's overriding concern here was to provide for Terri a peaceful death with dignity," Felos said. "This death was not for the sibling and not for the spouse and not for the parents. This was for Terri. She has a right to die peaceably in a loving setting and with dignity and that was his (Michael's) overriding concern."

Michael Schiavo's attorney George Felos answered accusations that Michael was cruel and would not allow her parents to see her during her last moments alive.

Felos responded to Pavone's accusations during the news conference.

"It was very disquieting to hear the priest issue venom and make extremely harsh statements about Mr. Schiavo, about what was going on. I know the priest mentioned he was the head of a pro-life organization and he has a strong feeling of that. We felt that was highly inappropriate under the circumstances."

Felos also said, "Had there been words of reconciliation, words of compassion, words of hope, words of love from (Pavone), perhaps he could have been instrumental in some sort of healing for this family. It is a tragedy that they were all not there and couldn't be there at the time of Terri's passing."

Felos said Michael Schiavo tried to be as respectful as he could to the wishes of the family during the death process.

If we are to believe that Schiavo truly tried to be respectful to the Schindler family and their wishes as he fought to have their beloved Terri killed, then he failed miserably.

Is it possible to buy back your soul once you've sold it?

The Schindler Family's Statement

Suzanne Vitadamo and Bobby Schindler read the following:

Pinellas Park, FL –

SUZANNE: As you are aware, Terri is now with God and she has been released from all earthly burdens. After these recent years of neglect at the hands of those who were supposed to protect and care for her, she is finally at peace with God for eternity. We are speaking on behalf of our entire family this evening as we share some thoughts and messages to the world regarding our sister and the courageous battle that was waged to save her life from starvation and dehydration.

We have a message for the volunteers that have helped our family:

Thank you for all that you’ve done for our family. Thank you to the hundreds of doctors who volunteered to help Terri. Thank you to the fifty doctors who provided statements under oath to help Terri. Thank you to the lawyers who stood for Terri’s life in the courtrooms of our nation. From running our family’s website, to driving us around, to making meals, to serving in so many ways—thank you to all of the volunteers who have been so kind to our family through all of this.

We have a message for the supporters and people praying worldwide:

Please continue to pray that God gives grace to our family as we go through this very difficult time. We know that many of you never had the privilege to personally know our wonderful sister, Terri, but we assure you that you can be proud of this remarkable woman who has captured the attention of the world. Following the example of the Lord Jesus, our family abhors any violence or any threats of violence. Threatening words dishonor our faith, our family, and our sister, Terri. We would ask that all those who support our family be completely kind in their words and deeds toward others.

We have a message to the media:

We appreciate your taking Terri’s case to the nation. Please afford our family privacy to grieve at this time.The patience and graciousness of the on-site media here at hospice has been deeply appreciated by our family.

We have a message to the many government officials who tried to help Terri:

Thank you for all that you’ve done. Our family will be forever grateful to all of the outstanding public servants who have tried to save Terri.

We have a message to all of the religious leaders who tried to help Terri:

Thank you to all people of faith who demonstrated love for Terri and strength of conviction to defend the sacredness of all human life as a precious gift from God.

Our family is highly honored that the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, would speak out so boldly on behalf of our sister, Terri.

BOBBY: We have a message of forgiveness:

Throughout this ordeal, we are reminded of the words of Jesus on the cross: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Our family seeks forgiveness for anything that we have done in standing for Terri’s life that has not demonstrated the love and compassion required of us by our faith.

We have a message to parents worldwide:

Our family would encourage parents to spend time with their children and to cherish each and every moment of each and every day with them as a precious gift from God.

We have a message to Terri from her family:

As a member of our family unable to speak for yourself, you spoke loudly. As a member of our family unable to stand under your own power, you stood with a grace and a dignity that made your family proud. Terri, we love you dearly, but we know that God loves you more than we do. We must accept your untimely death as God’s will.

Terri, your life and legacy will continue to live on, as the nation is now awakened to the plight of thousands of voiceless people with disabilities that were previously unnoticed. Your family intends to stand up for the other “Terri’s” around this nation and we will do all that we can to change the law so others won’t face the same fate that has befallen you.

We have a final thought to share:

Our family had hoped this day would never come, but as it has now arrived, we ask ourselves a question in these incredibly sad circumstances: What would the Lord Jesus ask us to do in a moment like this? In John’s Gospel, Jesus responded to the questions of the rabbis, who asked why a man had been born blind. He said: “it is so that the works of God might be made manifest through him.”

God’s plan for Terri is unfolding before our eyes. Our prayer at this time is that our Nation will remember the plight of persons with disabilities and commit within our hearts to defend their lives and their dignity for many generations to come.

The Schindlers are a remarkable family.

Their valiant struggle for Terri's life, their relentlessness in the face of legal defeat after defeat is awe-inspiring.

Their grace on the day of her death is extraordinary.

They genuinely live their faith, imaging Christ to the world.

God bless them.

The Holy Father Receives the Last Rites

Vatican source: Pope given last rites
Ailing pontiff suffers from high fever with urinary tract infection

VATICAN CITY (CNN) -- Pope John Paul II was given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church late Thursday night as his health deteriorated, a Vatican source has told CNN.

The sacrament does not necessarily mean that the pope is dying. Last rites -- also known as the sacrament of anointing the sick -- are commonly given to people who are seriously ill as well. The pope received the sacrament after he was shot by a would-be assassin in 1981.

The pope is suffering from a high fever caused by a urinary tract infection, the Vatican confirmed earlier Thursday -- one day after revealing he had been put on a nasal feeding tube for nutrition.

The pope is taking antibiotics, a Vatican spokesman said.

Medical sources at Gemelli Hospital in Rome, where the pope has been hospitalized twice since February, told CNN that no provisions are being made for the pope to be readmitted for treatment.

Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said in a statement released Wednesday: "To improve his calorific intake and promote an efficient recovery of his strength, nutrition via the positioning of a nasal-gastric tube has begun."

The pope underwent a tracheotomy February 24 and still has a tube inserted in his windpipe to help his breathing.

Earlier Wednesday, the pope appeared at his studio window and blessed the thousands of faithful in St. Peter's Square.

He appeared alert during the four-minute appearance, which drew cheers from the crowd gathered beneath his window.

He raised his hand in blessing and made the sign of the cross as a Vatican official read greetings and prayers.

A microphone was raised to his face as he tried to speak, but the words were not clear.

The pope has spent a total of 28 days in two stints at Gemelli hospital in Rome in the past two months.

Nicola Cerbino, a spokesman at the hospital, said Wednesday that there was no plan to hospitalize the pope.

On Monday the pope skipped the post-Easter Angelus prayer for the first time in his 26-year papacy.

The 84-year-old pope suffers from a number of chronic illnesses, including crippling hip and knee ailments, and Parkinson's disease, a progressive neurological disorder that can make breathing difficult.

Throughout his various illnesses and brushes with death, even after the assassination attempt, the pope always said his life was in God's hands.

CNN's Alessio Vinci contributed to this report.

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick "is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived."

If it be God's will, may the Holy Father's health improve.


After hearing Felos address the press, I'm at a loss for words.

George Felos, the attorney for Michael Schiavo:

"My condolences to the entire Schiavo and Schindler family and all those in the country and around the world who are grieving at Terri's loss," he said.

"I haven't made a statement for a number of days....I can just tell you that Mr. Schiavo's overriding concern here was to provide for Terri a peaceful death with dignity, and I emphasize it because this death was not for the siblings, and not for the spouse and not for the parents. This was for Terri."

George Felos, an attorney and spokesman for Michael Schiavo, offered a more textured and complex account of the final moments, decrying the persistent acrimony between both sides.

He said the parents weren't in the hospice at the time, but Terri Schiavo's brother, Bobby Schindler, initially refused to leave at the request of hospice officials who wanted to assess his sister's condition, then was compelled to leave after engaging in hostilities with a police officer.

"It's a tragedy, it's a tragedy that they could not all be there for the time of Terri's passing," Felos said.

In the end, Felos said, "Mrs. Schiavo had a calm, peaceful and gentle death."

Felos also slammed Fr. Pavone for making reference to Michael Schiavo's heartlessness. He said such rhetoric was not befitting a priest and that the emphasis should be on healing.

When a reporter asked Felos how Terri's death could be considered gentle when in fact she was starved to death, Felos insisted that the removal of her feeding tube did not starve Terri.


Moment of Silence

Police escort a van allegedly carrying the body of Terri Schiavo away from the Woodside Hospice on Thursday in Pinellas Park, FL

Moments after the news of her death, members of the Florida Senate held a moment of silence for Terri Schindler-Schiavo.

“Regardless of your perspective on end-of-life issues this is very sad moment and a very reflective moment for a lot of us,” said Senate President Tom Lee.

I wonder what went through the minds of those senators who were responsible for blocking legislation to potentially save Terri's life during that moment of silence for her.

Did they reflect on their role in this woman's death?

Did they believe they did the right thing?

Did they feel guilt for extinguishing a life?

I sincerely doubt it.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
--Martin Luther King Jr.

A Vatican Cardinal's Response

Vatican cardinal condemns Schiavo death

Associated Press

ROME - A Vatican cardinal denounced the death Thursday of Terri Schiavo, saying removing the feeding tube that was keeping her alive was "an attack against God."
Portuguese Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, head of the Vatican's office for sainthood, told reporters that "an attack against life is an attack against God, who is the author of life."

The cardinal, speaking shortly after the brain-damaged woman died in Florida, said the ailing Pope John Paul II "teaches us not only with his suffering, but also with his teaching the great respect for life. Life is the most precious thing we have."

President Bush's Statement

Today millions of Americans are saddened by the death of Terri Schiavo. Laura and I extend our condolences to Terri Schiavo's families. I appreciate the example of grace and dignity they have displayed at a difficult time. I urge all those who honor Terri Schiavo to continue to work to build a culture of life, where all Americans are welcomed and valued and protected, especially those who live at the mercy of others. The essence of civilization is that the strong have a duty to protect the weak. In cases where there are serious doubts and questions, the presumption should be in the favor of life.

The most solemn duty of the American President is to protect the American people. Since September the 11th, 2001, we've taken bold and vigorous steps to prevent further attacks and overcome emerging threats. We face a new and different kind of enemy. The threats today are unprecedented. The lives of our citizens are at stake. To protect them, we need the best intelligence possible, and we must stay ahead of constantly changing intelligence challenges…

After commenting on Terri's passing, President Bush went on to discuss the WMD Commission Report, saying, "The most solemn duty of the American President is to protect the American people."

I think another duty of the American President is to protect the American people from the American Judiciary.

Governor Jeb Bush's Statement

“After an extraordinarily difficult and tragic journey, Terri Schiavo is at rest. Columba and I offer our condolences to Mr. and Mrs. Schindler, Bobby Schindler, Suzanne Vitadamo and to all those who offered their prayers and support to Terri’s family over these past weeks, months and years. These prayers were not in vain.

“Many across our state and around the world are deeply grieved by the way Terri died. I feel that grief very sharply as well. I remain convinced, however, that Terri’s death is a window through which we can see the many issues left unresolved in our families and in our society. For that, we can be thankful for all that the life of Terri Schiavo has taught us.

“I still firmly believe that human life is a gift and a mystery, and that its mystery is most evident at its beginning and ending. May all of us whose hearts were moved during the life of Terri Schiavo grow in wisdom at its ending.”

Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation Statement

Clearwater, FL – It is with heavy hearts that the volunteers of the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation acknowledge the passing of Terri on this day at approximately 9.00am ET.

Terri has demonstrated to us a tremendous will to live by enduring more than 13 days of deprivation.

So many people from every walk of life have expressed their love and support to Terri and her family throughout this struggle and we thank them for their kindness. Messages of condolences and prayers have begun coming in from all parts of the world and we are touched and comforted by the kind words of so many people.

It was reported to us that Terri’s family was not permitted to be at her bedside when she passed and it is our hope that they will be comforted in this very difficult hour by your kindness.

DeLay's Statement

SUGAR LAND, Texas, March 31 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) today released the following statement mourning the passing of Terri Schiavo:

"Mrs. Schiavo's death is a moral poverty and a legal tragedy. This loss happened because our legal system did not protect the people who need protection most, and that will change. The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior, but not today. Today we grieve, we pray, and we hope to God this fate never befalls another. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Schindlers and with Terri Schiavo's friends in this time of deep sorrow."

Sensenbrenner's Statement

WASHINGTON, March 31 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) released the following statement regarding Terri Schiavo's death today:

"While words prove woefully inadequate when speaking of Terri Schiavo's premature death today, I wish to express my deepest condolences to Terri's family and friends during this painful time.

"Congress in a bipartisan fashion took up Terri's cause and met in extraordinary session to provide Terri with an opportunity for a new, full, and fresh review in federal court of her right to receive life-sustaining treatment. Regrettably, this effort did not receive the court review the law requires.

"Terri's will to live should serve as an inspiration and impetus for action. I am hopeful the Senate will join the House in passing the Protection of Incapacitated Persons Act to assist those whose circumstances mirror Terri Schiavo's and ensure others with disabilities do not receive the same treatment by our legal system."


WASHINGTON, March 31 /U.S. Newswire/ -- "Apparently Planned Parenthood isn't content with killing 244,628 innocent children in the last year through abortion. Now the harmful organization is telling its advocates how to thank elected officials for voting against a measure aimed at saving the life of Terri Schiavo," said David Bereit, national director of American Life League's STOPP International.

On Thursday, March 24, the director of public affairs for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida sent an e-mail to advocates for the abortion operation telling them how to "express your appreciation" to Florida Republican senators who split with the GOP leadership by voting against a bill intended to save Terri Schiavo. The message listed the names and contact information for the six senators.

In a Wednesday, March 30, phone conversation with David Bereit, the Planned Parenthood executive admitted to sending the e-mail and said, "We just felt that it was pretty courageous of them (the six senators) to do what they did, and it's always a good idea to thank legislators when they do something you like."

When asked by Bereit about the specifics of the measure, the abortion clinic employee admitted, "I really am not sure exactly what the legislation said," but explained that she sent out the e-mail because, "I think probably the majority of our supporters feel that there should not be government intrusion, that the court should be the ones handling this issue, as it has, and so that's why I did it."

"It shouldn't surprise anyone that Planned Parenthood and its supporters think the courts should ultimately decide who lives and who dies in America," Bereit explained. "After all, it was the courts that forced abortion upon America, giving Planned Parenthood the ability to make over $100 million a year by terminating innocent children."

Bereit added, "This is just one more example of why people across America are uniting to oppose Planned Parenthood and its destructive agenda."

MSNBC Focuses on "Bitterness" of Priest

Priest blasts Schiavo's husband as 'heartless'
Parents' adviser issues bitter denunciation outside hospice

MSNBC staff and news service reports
Updated: 11:45 a.m. ET March 31, 2005

PINELLAS PARK, Fla. - Terri Schiavo’s death Thursday brought immediate and bitter denunciations of her husband, Michael Schiavo, from a priest who was advising the brain-damaged woman’s parents.

Michael Schiavo’s “heartless cruelty” in insisting that his wife’s feeding tube be removed so she would die continued to the end of her life as he refused to let the woman’s parents be with her at the end, said the Rev. Frank Pavone.

Pavone said Mary and Bob Schindler, who had battled Michael Schiavo for years to keep their daughter's feeding tube in place, wanted to be with their daughter when she died. They were with Terri Schiavo until 10 to 15 minutes before her death, but were then asked to leave, Pavone said.

"And so his heartless cruelty continues until this very last moment,” he said.

“This is not only a death, with all the sadness that brings, but this is a killing, and for that we not only grieve that Terri has passed but we grieve that our nation has allowed such an atrocity as this and we pray that it will never happen again,” the priest added.

Rather than pointing out Fr. Pavone's "bitterness" and his description of Schiavo as "heartless," as though this was somehow uncalled for, perhaps MSNBC should stress the fact that Schiavo refused to allow Terri's family to be with her when she died.

That sounds heartless to me and a completely appropriate characterization of Michael Schiavo.


Brother Paul O'Donnell, a spokesman for Bob and Mary Schindler, Schiavo's parents, said they were with their daughter's body and praying.

The Schindlers and their other two children earlier requested permission to be with Schiavo during her last moments at a hospice in Pinellas Park, Florida. Police barred them from being with her, O'Donnell said.

O'Donnell, one of the family's spiritual advisers, said Schiavo's family was "begging to be at her bedside...but are being denied."

Michael Schiavo, Terri's husband and guardian, controlled who could visit her and when.

David Gibbs, a lawyer representing the Schindlers, said his clients were "with Terri up until 10 minutes before she passed.

Bobby Schindler talks to reporters outside the hospice after he was turned back from trying to visit his sister.

"This is indeed a sad day for this nation. This is a sad day for this family. Their faith in God remains consistent and strong," he said. "They are absolutely convinced God loves Terri more than they do."

The Rev. Frank Pavone was with the Schindlers during their final visit. He said, "This is not only a death with all the sadness that brings, this is a killing. And for that we not only grieve that Terri has passed, but we grieve that our nation has allowed such an atrocity as this, and we pray that it will never happen again."

Absolutely heart-breaking.

A Long Goodbye

My heart breaks for Terri's parents, Mary and Bob Schindler, and her siblings, Suzanne and Bobby.

They've lost a beloved daughter and sister. Although it has been fifteen years now since Terri suffered the heart attack that resulted in her severe brain damage and she was incapable of expressing herself the way she once did, it is no less painful and no less devastating.

My grandmother died after a prolonged illness. Toward the end of her life, she was unable to recognize me. She couldn't speak or feed herself. None of that mattered.

Although ravaged by disease, she was still the woman I adored when I was a child. She was still the woman of great strength and wisdom that I cherished as a young adult. My love for her transcended what befell her physically.

Anyone who adheres to the notion that Terri's family really lost her long ago is wrong.

The finality of death comes with a jolt, even when there is ample warning and the goodbye is long.

Terri did not die fifteen years ago. Her death began on March 18, 2005, when Judge Greer agreed with Michael Schiavo and ordered that nutrition and hydration be withheld from her. They finished her execution today, March 31.

"Death, where is they sting?" Maya Angelou answers, "It is here in my heart and mind and memories."

If what I experienced with my grandmother is similar, I can say that Terri's condition in no way diminished the love her family has for her.

Their mourning will be no less intense than if Terri had died fully cognizant, because illness or disability cannot overcome love.

Tragically, a grave injustice has been done in Terri's case. That must make this moment unbearable for her loved ones.

I pray the Schindlers find comfort and peace knowing that while they can no longer hug Terri, she is in God's arms now.


Schiavo's Parents Want to Be at Bedside
Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri Schiavo was in her final hours Thursday morning, and her parents were pleading with her husband Michael Schiavo to allow them to be at their brain-damaged daughter's bedside in her final hours, a spokesman for the family said.

Brother Paul O'Donnell said Terri's parents were not at her bedside when she died.

Brother Paul O'Donnell, a spokesman for Bob and Mary Schindler, Schiavo's parents, said the couple was with their daughter's body and praying.

Theresa Marie Schindler-Schiavo

December 3, 1963-March 31, 2005

"I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die."

John 11:25-26

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Laura Bush in Afghanistan


Associated Press Writer

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Under heavy protection in this dusty, dangerous capital, Laura Bush expressed support Wednesday for Afghan women freed from Taliban repression and urged more educational opportunities and greater rights. Afghanistan's leader said the first lady's visit mattered more than international aid.

Mrs. Bush met with women who are training to be teachers and gave presents to Afghan children on the street. She visited President Hamid Karzai and thanked U.S. troops for bringing down rulers who kept girls from school

"We are only a few years removed from the rule of the terrorists, when women were denied education and every basic human right,'' Mrs. Bush said at a teacher training institute. "That tyranny has been replaced by a young democracy, and the power of freedom is on display across Afghanistan.

"We must be mindful though, that democracy is more than just elections," she said. "The survival of a free society ultimately depends on the participation of all its citizens, both men and women.''

..."This matters much more than hundreds of millions of dollars," Karzai said of Mrs. Bush's visit, although the fragile democracy is heavily dependent on international aid. "Much more."

...Mrs. Bush ate with soldiers at Bagram Air Base and told them she had found great appreciation for their efforts. "Thanks to you, millions of little girls are going to school in this country,'' she said.

Millions of women and girls have returned to work and school since the Taliban were ousted. Equality is embedded in a new constitution, and some women have abandoned the head-to-toe public veiling that was mandatory under the Islamist government.

...President Bush said his wife called him before she left Kabul. The president said Afghans are showing people who live under oppression an example of the benefits of freedom.

"Think about a society that has gone from a Taliban-dominated society - where if you were a woman who spoke your mind, you were taken to a public square and whipped - to a free society in which women are now being trained to be able to follow their hearts and teach,'' he said during a visit to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "That's the difference between tyranny and freedom."

Mrs. Bush's visit to Afghanistan hasn't received much attention by the MSM, which is understandable.

Liberal outlets wouldn't want to highlight that the first lady made a potentially dangerous trip to speak to American troops and to women who were oppressed under Taliban rule. The message is too hopeful. It would force them to focus on the positive accomplishments of the Bush administration.

It's funny how often the MSM cited John Kerry's campaign claim that Bush had neglected Afghanistan, and now they are neglecting to give notice of Mrs. Bush's visit to the region.

"This matters much more than hundreds of millions of dollars," Karzai said of Mrs. Bush's visit, although the fragile democracy is heavily dependent on international aid. "Much more."

At least President Karzai acknowledged the importance of the first lady's trip.

What's good for Afghanistan and its people is bad for the Democrats, party of Defeatists.

Back to the U.S. Supremes

Schindlers Appeal to Supreme Court

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
By Jane Roh

The parents of a severely brain-damaged woman filed an emergency stay with the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday night, hours after a federal appeals court once again declined to hold another hearing on whether to reinsert Terri Schiavo's feeding tube.

The Supreme Court has declined to intervene five times.

Schiavo was on her 13th day without nutrients or water. A court ruling had allowed her husband and legal guardian, Michael Schiavo, to order the tube that had kept her alive for 15 years removed.

Appearing with the woman's family, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said as long as it was possible to restore food and water, Schiavo's loved ones should not give up hope.

"We ask God to sustain this family as they go through this gut-wrenching ordeal," Jackson said, surrounded by Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, and her brother and sister. "We know that the innocent do suffer and that you need not be guilty to be crucified."

Jackson was with the Schindler family for a second day on Wednesday. The onetime Democratic presidential contender broke with many fellow liberals in pressing for the reinsertion of Schiavo's feeding tube.

Let's be realistic. The Supreme Court will not intervene. The family's continued pursuit of justice for Terri is more symbolic than anything else at this point, since they have been slapped down at every turn.

Nonetheless, I admire the Schindler family's refusal to abandon Terri. It's clear that they are as determined as Terri herself. They simply will not give up.

As long as Terri is breathing, they will fight for her.

We should all be so blessed to have such loving parents and siblings.

Pie Attack on Bill Kristol

Earlham student hits pundit with pie

RICHMOND, Ind.(AP) -- A pie in the face didn't silence conservative pundit William Kristol during a speech at Earlham College.

A man who later was identified as a student at the private Quaker college jumped onto the stage and splattered Kristol with the pie Tuesday night about 30 minutes into a speech about U.S. foreign policy.

Members of the audience jeered the student as he walked off the stage, then applauded as Kristol wiped the goo off his face with a paper towel and said, "Just let me finish this point," the Palladium-Item reported.

The student was suspended and could face expulsion following a disciplinary review, Earlham Provost Len Clark said today.

The school, which did not release the student's name, said Kristol was hit by an ice cream pie. Some of the pie also hit college President Doug Bennett, who was sitting on the stage.

Clark issued a written apology complimenting Kristol for his "graciousness."

Kristol, the editor of The Weekly Standard in Washington who was chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle, finished his speech after he was hit by the pie and then took questions from the audience before spending 30 minutes talking with students and others who gathered at the edge of the stage.

Earlham is a liberal arts college of about 1,200 students that is well-known for its peace studies program.

First, it was Ann Coulter. Her attackers had poor aim. Then, Bill Kristol was targeted by a pie thrower.

Have any libs been hit with pies while delivering speeches? I don't recall that happening.

These are childish stunts carried out by individuals needing to compensate for their inability to challenge conservative ideas rationally by arming themselves with pastry.

It's the MO of the mentally weak and impotent.

Check out the soggy piecrust of liberalism.


From the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals:

Judges Gerald Tjoflat and Charles R. Wilson, the same two judges who issued a dissenting opinion last week when the full court considered the case for the first time, also issued a statement in Wednesday's ruling.

"The relevant question here is whether a rational factfinder could have found by clear and convincing evidence that Mrs. Schiavo would have wanted nutrition and hydration to be withdrawn under these circumstances. The plaintiffs carry a heavy burden, but I do not believe that this question can be determined in this expedited fashion without a hearing on the merits," wrote Tjoflat, who was appointed to the bench by Gerald Ford. Wilson was nominated by former President Clinton.

Also, Jesse Jackson relayed that his attempts to sway state senators to reverse themselves and support a bill to save Terri have failed.

This is an unspeakably sad day for the country.

There is nothing left for the Schindlers or their supporters to do but pray.

4th Rejection in a week by 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

PINELLAS PARK, Fla. (AP) - With time running out for Terri Schiavo, a federal appeals court Wednesday rejected her parents' latest attempt to get the brain-damaged woman's feeding tube reconnected.

The Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed to consider an emergency bid by Bob and Mary Schindler for a new hearing in their case, raising a flicker of hope for the parents after a series of setbacks in the case. But the court rejected the bid 15 hours later - the fourth time since last week the court ruled against the Schindlers.

"Any further action by our court or the district court would be improper," Judge Stanley F. Birch Jr. wrote. "While the members of her family and the members of Congress have acted in a way that is both fervent and sincere, the time has come for dispassionate discharge of duty."

Birch went on to scold President Bush and Congress for their attempts to intervene in the judicial process
, by saying: "In resolving the Schiavo controversy, it is my judgment that, despite sincere and altruistic motivation, the legislative and executive branches of our government have acted in a manner demonstrably at odds with our Founding Fathers' blueprint for the governance of a free people - our Constitution."

To be granted, the parents' request would have needed the support of seven of the court's 12 judges. The court did not disclose the vote breakdown.

In requesting a new hearing, the Schindlers argued that a federal judge in Tampa should have considered the entire state court record and not whether previous Florida court rulings met legal standards under state law. The Schindlers' motion also said the federal appellate court in Atlanta didn't consider whether there was enough "clear and convincing" evidence that Terri Schiavo would have chosen to die in her current condition.

Sadly, this was to be expected.

It was a longshot to even hope for some good sense to prevail among the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Such close-mindedness on the bench is frightening.

I believe the court's stubbornness amounts to a toddler's temper tantrum--"In resolving the Schiavo controversy, it is my judgment that, despite sincere and altruistic motivation, the legislative and executive branches of our government have acted in a manner demonstrably at odds with our Founding Fathers' blueprint for the governance of a free people - our Constitution."

The Founding Fathers created a balance of powers; yet again and again, we are witnessing the imbalance of power exhibited by an arrogant, seemingly untouchable judiciary.

Ann Coulter Stands Her Ground

Ann Coulter speaks at the Lied Center as part of the J.A. Vickers Sr. Memorial Lecture Series.

Ann Coulter causes stir at KU

Heckling, standing ovations interrupt right-wing commentator

By Mike Belt, Journal-World

Conservative columnist and author Ann Coulter was greeted with a mixture of standing ovations and heckling after she took center stage Tuesday night at Kansas University's Lied Center.

As soon as she stepped up to the microphone, Coulter fired off one zinger after another about liberalism while promising to answer questions from left-wing members in the audience who could "thrash their way to a coherent thought."

"I've come to find I like liberals a lot more," Coulter said early in her speech. "They're kind of cute when they're cold, shivering and afraid."

Coulter spoke as the 37th J.A. Vickers Sr. Memorial Lecture Series lecturer to a crowd estimated by KU officials at about 1,800 people. The lectures, which began in 1971, were established through a gift to the Kansas University Endowment Association by the Vickers family of Wichita.

Coulter received several standing ovations during her speech, but she also found herself interrupted several times by a small, scattered group of hecklers.

"I think there are some people in the audience who meant to be at the sexual reorientation class down the hall," Coulter said, in response to the heckling.

Moments later Coulter stopped and called for assistance from students when hecklers started in again and no one of authority was seen trying to stop them.

"Could 10 of the largest College Republicans start walking up and down the aisles and start removing anyone shouting?" Coulter asked. "Otherwise, this lecture is over."

Several people responded, leaving their seats to confront the hecklers, and verbal confrontations erupted in parts of the auditorium...

Later, when heckling broke out again, a couple of uniformed KU Public Safety Department officers appeared and escorted about six people out of the auditorium...

Coulter's appearance spurred mixed emotions among those who came to see her. About a dozen protesters stood outside the center before her speech, carrying signs bearing quotes from her books and columns. Ron Warman Jr. dressed up in a clown suit to express his dislike of Coulter.

"I think she's a clown or a witch," the 45-year-old Lawrence man said.

Some of the protesters, such as Robert Richardson, said they were members of the Society of Open-Minded Atheists and Agnostics.

Kay Wright, Lawrence, carries a copy of Ann Coulter's book "How to Talk to a Liberal." Wright hoped to get it signed for her son, Lt. Col. Kevin Wright, of Fort Knox, Ky.

"We're just not open-minded enough to like Ann Coulter," Richardson, 28, of Lawrence, said.

Others, such as Mollie Devine, 26, said she was a big fan of Coulter.

"I love her," the Lawrence woman said. "She doesn't back down. She's also funnier than the other (conservative) columnists."

Mary Anne Smith, 38, said she welcomed a chance to hear a noted right-wing conservative speak.

Do you think any of the Coulter hecklers whined about suppressing free speech during the Ward Churchill controversy?

Do you think they objected to attempts to silence Churchill?

Do you think they warned of the "new McCarthyism" engulfing the country?

Do you think they are hypocrites?

I do.

No Surrender

NY Post Editorial

"The time has come to let Terri Schiavo die with dignity - and in peace.

The battle over her fate was mostly a noble one, and always a heart-rending one, but it has turned into a circus.

Nothing anyone can do will alter the outcome now. The arrests will make no difference; yesterday's high-profile arrival of the Rev. Jesse Jackson's stretch limousine will change nothing; Randall Terry's publicity-mongering is pointless.
The best of America - two sides fighting hard for their beliefs, using the law, not violence - is about to be overtaken by the worst of America; showboating, paranoia, lawlessness.

Enough. It's over. Let her die in peace. Terri Schiavo's parents have fought the good fight, and they have lost.

Terri Schaivo's legion of supporters - personal and political, honorable and otherwise - have made their point, again and again. They, too, have lost..."

I disagree. Deeply held moral beliefs aren't discarded so easily.

In all likelihood, Terri Schiavo will die very soon. That said, I see no reason for the family or her supporters to quietly go away.

The idea that it's time to move on seems to stem from disgust for the showboating by high profile figures, the media circus, and boredom in general from a public that has a short attention span.

My question is: How can one move on when such fundamental issues, striking at the very core of our national soul, are at stake?

Nothing about the moral dilemma has changed since March 18, when Terri's feeding tube was removed. The issues that aroused such passion in so many on both sides have not been resolved.

Furthermore, the exploitation of Terri's situation by some is irrelevant to the fight being waged by those believing her starvation is an ethical disgrace.

It is immoral to give up. It is immoral to surrender.

Yes, the courts have ruled. We're a nation of laws. Greer, Whittemore, and others have ruled against the Schindlers.

So what?

America's history is filled with court decisions that were questionable. For years, the courts institutionalized discrimination. Should people have given up after Plessy v. Ferguson?

Like the NY POST, I wish Terri peace in her final hours. I pray that her family members find comfort in their faith and solace in knowing they fought for her life.

One must never give up when fighting an injustice. Never.

MSM Misrepresents the Facts---Again

From Blogs for Terri:

March 30, 2005
The CT Scan - Proof of PVS? A $100,000 Challenge
Terri Schiavo's CT Scan has been grossly misrepresented in the mainstream press.

Previously, Codeblue applied his expertise in radiology to interpret Terri Schiavo's CT scans that have been released to the public and are being used in a public relations campaign to justify her starvation:

The most alarming thing about this image, however, is that there certainly is cortex left. Granted, it is severely thinned, especially for Terri's age, but I would be nonplussed if you told me that this was a 75 year old female who was somewhat senile but fully functional, and I defy a radiologist anywhere to contest that.


Today he responds to the neurologists that both the courts and MSM have relied upon to interpret images of Terri's brain with a $100,000 challenge:
Here's the problem with these experts: THEY DON'T INTERPRET CT SCANS OF THE BRAIN. RADIOLOGISTS DO. ...

What I'm saying is that Terri Schiavo's CT could be the brain of an eighty or ninety year old person who is not in a vegetative state. THOSE are the CT scans we should be showing next to Schiavo's, because in THAT case you would see similar atrophy and a brain much closer to Schiavo's.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

To prove my point I am offering $100,000 on a $25,000 wager for ANY neurologist (and $125,000 for any neurologist/bioethicist) involved in Terri Schiavo's case--including all the neurologists reviewed on television and in the newspapers who can accurately single out PVS patients from functioning patients with better than 60% accuracy on CT scans.

I will provide 100 single cuts from 100 different patient's brain CT's. All the neurologist has to do is say which ones represent patients with PVS and which do not.

If the neurologist can be right 6 out of 10 times he wins the $100,000.

I Said What I Meant, And I Meant What I Said

My points are what I first said about the image from Terri Schiavo's CT scan:

It is NOT as bad as the neurologists and bioethicists play it up to be; and,

There are many elderly patients with various levels of mental functioning who have severe atrophy that is difficult to distinguish from Terri Schiavo's atrophy

I stand by what I said. And I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

Any takers?

Special Thanks

Thank you,

You've increased my traffic, thereby helping to get the truth out about Terri Schiavo and the vileness of the "right to kill" crowd.

Albeit unwittingly, you're helping more than you know.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A Victory for the Schindlers

Mar 30, 12:40 AM (ET)

ATLANTA (AP) - A federal appeals court early Wednesday agreed to consider a petition for a new hearing on whether to reconnect Terri Schiavo's feeding tube.

The ruling by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals came as the severely brain-damaged woman entered her 13th day without nourishment.

Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, have maintained that Schiavo would want to be kept alive and have asked the courts to intervene. Schiavo's husband, Michael, insists he is carrying out her wishes by having the feeding tube pulled.


Flanked by Iraqi citizens who voted in the recent election, President Bush discussed freedom and democracy in Iraq in the White House Rose Garden today.

After offering condolences, prayers, and assistance to the victims of the Indonesian earthquake, Bush introduced a group of people dedicated to building a new Iraq--citizens who voted.

His remarks countered the dismal view we see played out in the mainstream media outlets.

I commend the more than 8 million Iraqis who defied the car bombers and assassins to vote that day. I appreciate the determination of the Iraqi electoral workers who withstood threats and intimidation to make a transparent election possible. I salute the courageous Iraqi security forces who risked their lives to protect voters.

By electing 275 men and women to the transitional national assembly, the Iraqi people took another bold step toward self-government. Today, Iraqis took another step on the road to a free society when the assembly held its second meeting. We expect a new government will be chosen soon and that the assembly will vote to confirm it. We look forward to working with the government that emerges from this process. We're confident that this new government will be inclusive, will respect human rights, and will uphold fundamental freedoms for all Iraqis.

We have seen many encouraging signs in Iraq. The world has watched Iraqi women vote in enormous numbers. The world has seen more than 80 women take their seats as elected representatives in the new assembly. We've also seen the beginnings of a new national dialogue, as leaders who did well in the last election have reached out to Sunnis who did not participate....

Iraqis are taking big steps on a long journey of freedom. A free society requires more than free elections; it also requires free institutions, a vibrant civil society, rule of law, anti-corruption, and the habits of liberty built over generations. By claiming their own freedom, the Iraqis are transforming the region, and they're doing it by example and inspiration, rather than by conquest and domination. The free people of Iraq are now doing what Saddam Hussein never could -- making Iraq a positive example for the entire Middle East.

Using Ted Kennedy's phrase, this "fraud made up in Texas" has brought liberty to millions of Iraqis and hope for freedom and democracy to millions more in the Middle East.

You'd think advocates for women's rights would be praising the Bush administration, for liberating Iraqi women and helping to carry out elections that placed more than eighty women in office. Their silence only serves to prove that they hate Bush more than they care about women being freed from oppression.

Iraqi women engaging in the self-determination that freedom allows should be acknowledged as a tremendous achievement rather than dismissed.

I think what the liberals are having such a difficult time with is not so much the fact that the Bush administration was right, but the hard truth that they were SO wrong.

Food for the Holy Father

Ailing Pope May Have Feeding Tube Fitted

Pope John Paul II may have to return to the hospital to have a feeding tube inserted since he is having trouble swallowing with the breathing tube that was inserted last month, an Italian news agency reported.

The APcom news agency stressed yesterday that no decision had been made and that the insertion of a feeding tube was a hypothesis that was being considered to help the pope improve his nutrition and regain his strength.

The agency said the pope’s doctors were considering the procedure, which involves inserting a feeding tube through the throat and into the stomach. The tube is then extended from inside the stomach to outside the body through a small incision in the abdomen. Liquid formula is then fed through the tube in the abdomen, and no tubes are left in the throat.

If performed, the pope would be receiving nutrition the same way Terri Schiavo was fed through her feeding tube before it was removed. Schiavo is the severely brain damaged woman at the centre of a right-to-die legal battle in the US.

John Paul has been having trouble swallowing since a tube was inserted in his throat February 24 to help him breathe. He was admitted to the hospital twice in February because of breathing crises.

Earlier yesterday, the Italian daily Corriere della Sera reported that the pope’s doctors were considering a new hospital stay next week both to perform tests on the breathing tube and to adjust his diet because of problems swallowing.

Another newspaper, La Repubblica, quoted the pope’s Vatican physician, Dr Renato Buzzonetti, as saying doctors are “reasonably calm” about the frail pope’s condition.

The Pope may need to be fed through a tube because of swallowing difficulties since his throat surgery.

No doubt, George Felos would recommend that John Paul choose to die with dignity and not suffer the trauma of receiving nourishment via a tube.

Of course, Felos argues that the insertion of a feeding tube is an extraordinary measure to prolong life.

I'm sure Felos would urge the Pope to opt for the beautiful and peaceful experience of dying by starvation rather than relying on a tube to sustain him.

What Felos considers to be an indignity the Catholic Church considers to be morally obligatory.

Such is the clash of the pro-death and pro-life movements.

NOW the Liberals Begin to Speak Out

Ralph Nader has joined Jesse Jackson and Joe Lieberman in denouncing the slow-motion execution of Terri Schiavo.

WASHINGTON, March 24 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Consumer Advocate Ralph Nader and Wesley J. Smith, author of the award winning book "Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America" call upon the Florida Courts, Governor Jeb Bush and concerned citizens to take any legal action available to let Terri Schiavo live.

"A profound injustice is being inflicted on Terri Schiavo," Nader and Smith asserted today. "Worse, this slow death by dehydration is being imposed upon her under the color of law, in proceedings in which every benefit of the doubt-and there are many doubts in this case-has been given to her death, rather than her continued life."

Among the many injustices in this case, Nader and Smith point to the following:

The courts not only are refusing her tube feeding, but have ordered that no attempts be made to provide her water or food by mouth. Terri swallows her own saliva. Spoon feeding is not medical treatment. "This outrageous order proves that the courts are not merely permitting medical treatment to be withheld, it has ordered her to be made dead," Nader and Smith assert.

The medical and rehabilitation experts are split on whether Terri is in a persistent vegetative state or whether Terri can be improved with therapy. There is only one way to know for sure- permit the therapy. That is the only way to resolve all doubts.

The court is imposing process over justice. After the first trial in this case, much evidence has been produced that should allow for a new trial-which was the point of the hasty federal legislation. If this were a death penalty case, this evidence would demand reconsideration. Yet, an innocent disabled woman is receiving less justice.

The federal and state governments are spending billions on what we are told will become miracle medical cures for people with all sorts of degenerative conditions, including brain damage. If this is so, why not permit Terri's parents and siblings who want to care for her do so in the hope that such cures are discovered?

Benefits of doubts should be given to life, not hastened death. This case is rife with doubt. Justice demands that Terri be permitted to live.


One wonders if it would have made a difference if voices from the left would have spoken sooner.

If only these individuals had come out in Terri's defense so passionately twelve days ago, it's conceivable that state legislation in Florida would have passed.

Had they acknowledged the injustice earlier, would Terri be at the point she is right now?

I'm heartened to hear them condemning this barbarism. Nevertheless, I'm left to question why they have chosen this late stage in Terri's saga to demand justice.

Conscience, perhaps?

CBS: It Just Keeps Getting Worse

Yesterday, Monday March 28, Terri Schiavo's obituary appeared on the CBS News website. Upon realizing their mistake, it was removed. While it is common practice for news outlets to have obituaries prepared in advance, some of the details in this column are completely fabricated and slanted to depict Michael Schiavo as a loving, devoted husband.

This is just another indication of the lack of journalistic credibility that is the signature of CBS News.

Dan Rather, be proud.

Posted by Glenn Beck:

Short, Sad Life Of Terri Schiavo
NEW YORK, March TK, 2005
This story was written by's Christine Lagorio

Surrounded by stuffed animals and medical equipment in her small hospice room in Pinellas Park, Fla., Theresa Marie Schindler Schiavo died TK.

Known as Terri Schiavo, the severely brain damaged Florida woman spent her last months in the glare of the public eye as a few still images and several seconds of video of her repeatedly broadcast around the world. She appeared made up and dressed, although the 41-year-old had not enunciated a word nor made any choices since the 1990 heart attack that left her body and mind ravaged.

Since 1998, when her husband Michael Schiavo first tried to have his wife's feeding tube and hydration stopped after she'd been declared by doctors to be in a "permanent vegetative state," Terri Schiavo's life has been played out in countless courts, the halls of congress and even in the executive office of United States — President Bush was roused in the middle of the night to sign emergency legislation. The Vatican has even commented on her case.

But Schiavo grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs, a shy girl who giggled easily, but who hated to stand out in a crowd.

"She was quiet," childhood friend Sue Pickwell told The Washington Post. Pickwell served as a bridesmaid in her friend's wedding to Michael Schiavo. "She didn't like the limelight. How ironic is that?"

Terri Schiavo was locked in battle with her own personal image as far back as anyone can tell. She was an overweight child who only gained pounds through adolescence, reaching at least 200 by her senior year of high school. She loved popular magazines and idolized celebrities such as David Cassidy, Starsky and Hutch. She only showed her boisterous side to a handful of close friends.

Those close friends have been telling newspapers that Terri never excelled in school. She sometimes talked about becoming a veterinarian, but got barely passing grades while in Catholic school. Her interests during school years are unclear, though she shied away from boys and parties.

Once in college, she stuck to old friends. She married the first man she ever kissed. She organized the wedding at the Catholic parish her family ha attended since her youth, Our Lady of Good Council. She was a month shy of her 21st birthday when she walked down the aisle.

Terri Schiavo's life as a newlywed exemplifies her small-town dreams. After Michael and she returned from their honeymoon at Disney World — a place the Post reports she equated annual visits to as living "a good life" — the Schiavos lived in the Schindler's basement because they couldn't afford to pay rent. Despite barely getting by, Terri Schiavo cut herself off from some close friends because her marriage became her life.

But when the pair moved to Florida two years later, Michael got a job managing a restaurant at nights and Terri worked at an insurance company during the day. She made a few friends and began to lose a significant amount of weight.

Most accounts say she ate regularly, or even ate large portions. But medical experts say her loss of weight was too rapid, and probably due to an acute case of bulimia, which led to an imbalance of electrolytes that caused her heart to stop.

On the evening of her heart attack, according to lawyer Gary Fox, who represented Michael Schiavo in a successful medical malpractice suit against two doctors who failed to diagnose Terri as bulimic, Terri and Michael had eaten a large meal. One account says that after they had finished, Michael rushed to the bathroom upon hearing thumping coming from behind the door. When he opened it, Terri was lying on the floor.

"She had purged, apparently, or vomited, binged, which is what bulimics do," Fox said.

The account of the incident is unclear, but by the time an ambulance arrived early on a February morning in 1990, Terri Schiavo had suffered severe brain damage. She fell into a coma on Feb. 25, 1990, and had been in a persistent vegetative state since.

But Terri Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, have hotly disputed that medical diagnosis. They repeatedly say they see signs of life and get muted responses to questions when they visit their daughter's hospice room. But because the pair lacks legal guardianship of their daughter, the courts have repeatedly ruled they are not authorized to make decisions regarding her life, death, or funeral proceedings.

The feeding tube keeping Terri Schiavo alive had been removed twice and then reinserted, once through an emergency court order and once on the order of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. The third feeding tube removal, March 18, was ordered by a Florida judge granting the husband's petition. It ultimately led to her death, TK days after feeding stopped.

Michael Schiavo, who was at the bedside of his wife Terri when she died, told Larry King that he lives now with another woman with whom he has two children.

"I can love more than one person," he told King. "Everybody can do that."

According to friends and relatives, Michael Schiavo was Terri's only love. His big-but-tight-knit family took in Michael's bride, and she befriended his siblings, including his brother, Scott.

"It's so sad they've turned this wonderful person into a sideshow," Scott Schiavo told the Post. "It's such a shame. It really is. The one that's hurt the most here is Terri."


Why doesn't CBS "KNOW" that Terri's parents were at her bedside? Why is it that CBS doesn't "KNOW" that her sister and brother were with her when she died?

It's clear that CBS sides with Michael Schiavo.

CBS doesn't report the news. It creates it.


Mar 29, 12:50 PM (ET)


PINELLAS PARK, Fla. (AP) - The parents of Terri Schiavo met and prayed Tuesday with the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who called her impending death "an injustice."

Joining the conservatives who have rallied to the parents' cause, the liberal Jackson said he would call state senators who opposed legislation that would have reinserted Schiavo's feeding tube and ask them to reconsider.

Terri Schiavo was in her 12th day without food and water. Her husband and guardian, Michael Schiavo, has insisted that he was carrying out her wishes by having her feeding tube pulled. His lawyer said Monday that an autopsy was planned to show the extent of Terri Schiavo's brain damage.

Jackson's arrival Tuesday was greeted by some applause and cries of "This is about civil rights."

"I feel so passionate about this injustice being done, how unnecessary it is to deny her a feeding tube, water, not even ice to be used for her parched lips," said Jackson, who has run for president as a Democrat. "This is a moral issue and it transcends politics and family disputes.""

I wanted the Reverend Jackson here for moral support," said Mary Schindler, Terri Schiavo's mother. "I feel good with him here. Very strong. He gives me strength."

University of South Florida political science professor Susan MacManus said Jackson's appearance shows that the life-and-death issues surrounding their daughter resonate beyond white, Christian conservatives.

"A person of faith, and not just a white, conservative person of faith will be seen as a welcomed change," MacManus said.

Schiavo's father, Bob Schindler, said he visited his daughter Tuesday and said she was "failing."

As Jackson said, this is a moral issue.

It strikes at the very core of the values of American society.

Withholding food and water was a tactic employed in Nazi death camps. For a hospice in America to allow a woman to linger for twelve days without nutrition and hydration is unconscionable. It is barbaric.

Felos tells us that Terri is beautiful, clutching a stuffed cat, surrounded by flowers, soft music playing.

Sorry, Felos. Your fairy tale imagery cannot disguise the fact that a slow-motion execution is underway.

Jesse Jackson

Source: Blogs for Terri

Jesse Jackson to Visit Hospice and Meet with Schindlers

On Tuesday morning, March 29, The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., founder and president of the RainbowPUSH Coalition, plans to visit the Woodside Hospice, where Terri lives, located at 6774 102nd Avenue N. (near 66th Street N and 102nd Avenue N) in Pinellas Park, Florida.

Rev. Jackson is responding to an invitation from the Schindler family to come and pray with the family, and if possible visit Terri Schiavo in the hospice.

After meeting and praying with the Schindler family, Rev. Jackson will make a statement to the press.

Frequently, I have pointed out that Jesse Jackson is very selective with his outrage and gets involved with causes that push a liberal agenda, ignoring other instances of injustice.

I've charged him with self-promotion when he cites grievances, making statements to the media, injecting himself into whatever the case of supposed discrimination or wrongdoing may be for purely personal advancement.

It would follow that I would again complain about another high profile visit by Jackson, in this case to Woodside Hospice.

I won't. Is that because he’s acting in accordance with my beliefs regarding Terri’s situation? No. It’s because this time Jackson is not blindly shilling for the Democrats.

I admire him for honoring the Schindlers' request to visit, particularly because Terri's right to life runs counter to the Democrats' pro-death platform.

It appears that Jackson sees the court-sanctioned crime that is occurring and is not hesitating to speak out against this travesty, even at the risk of alienating his political allies.

I greatly respect him for that.

An Accomplice to Jeff Weise's Attack

By STEVE KARNOWSKI, Associated Press Writer

RED LAKE, Minn. - A juvenile has been arrested in last week's shooting rampage on the Red Lake Indian Reservation, federal authorities said Monday. They would not say how the juvenile was believed to be connected to the attack, which left 10 people dead, including the 16-year-old gunman.

U.S. Attorney Tom Heffelfinger said the juvenile was arrested Sunday, but declined to give any details, including the age and gender of the juvenile. Heffelfinger said federal law required him to withhold the details.

The gunman, Jeff Weise, a student with a history of depression, shot to death his grandfather and the man's girlfriend last week, then went to school and killed seven others and himself.

Investigators had said last week that Weise acted alone in the rampage.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Major Earthquake, No Tsunami

Quake kills at least 1000 in Indonesia

Vice president says up to 2,000 could be dead

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Posted: 12:00 AM EST (0500 GMT)

(CNN) -- A major earthquake struck off the west coast of Indonesia late Monday, killing hundreds, but fears of another tsunami like those that devastated the region in late December have faded.

On Indonesia's Nias Island at least 300 people died and hundreds more were reported injured or trapped, said government spokesman Agus Mendrova.

But international news agencies are reporting that between 1,000 and 2,000 people may have been killed on Nias Island.

"It is predicted -- and it's still a rough estimate -- that the number of the victims of dead may be between 1,000 and 2,000," Vice President Jusuf Kalla told the el-Shinta radio station, according to The Associated Press.

At this hour, the death toll is near 1,000

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States is moving into "battle mode" following Monday's magnitude 8.7 earthquake in southern Asia, alerting U.S. posts in the region and contacting aid workers, a State Department spokesman said.

"We're applying what we've learned from the previous earthquake, so that we can be prepared to be responsive quickly and in a meaningful way," said spokesman Adam Ereli.

He said U.S. officials are "in battle mode to be in a position where we can act."

As usual, the U.S., the Great Satan, is poised to come to the aid of the victims of another natural disaster.

We're hated; yet we help.

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely help another without helping himself."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson


By MIKE SCHNEIDER, Associated Press Writer

PINELLAS PARK, Fla. - Described by her father as weak and emaciated, Terri Schiavo clung to life Monday, as police guarded her hospice room and demonstrators prayed outside for last-minute government intervention in the case.

Supporters of prolonging the severely brain-damaged woman's life also carried their protests to the White House, while her father repeated his plea that she be kept alive by having a feeding tube reinserted.

"She's still communicating, she's still responding. She's emaciated, but she's responsive," Bob Schindler told reporters after a morning visit with his daughter, saying that she showed facial expressions when he hugged and kissed her.

George Felos, the attorney for husband and guardian Michael Schiavo, told reporters later that he had visited Schiavo for more than an hour Monday and said she looked "very peaceful. She looked calm."

"I saw no evidence of any bodily discomfort whatsoever," Felos said, although he added her breathing seemed "a little on the rapid side" and her eyes were sunken.

So Felos has finally admitted that Terri is not exactly a vision of beauty and that she's having difficulty breathing.

I wonder what Felos will see after she dies, when he looks upon Terri's lifeless body. How will he describe her then? What words will he have for the press?

Calm? Peaceful? Beautiful?

The man is positively frightening, finding beauty at the sight of a woman being killed.

He considers himself a champion of freedom--the right to choose.

Choice. For decades, the left has worshipped choice. It is their god.

For Felos, and so many of the "right to kill" contingent, the morality of personal convenience is their guiding force. They live by the tenets of a twisted narcissism, which actually amounts to living in accordance with no moral sense at all.

Analyzing their mentality, Brian Pollard, M.D., rightly points out the moral immaturity of the pro-death advocates. He says, "To promote choice for its own sake is more akin to self-indulgence than self-determination. It is the philosophy of a pre-schooler in a candy shop."

Felos cloaks his murderous mission with soft garb. Calm. Peaceful. Beautiful.

In reality, he has fought to deprive an innocent woman of food and water and he has won. The ghoulishness Felos adheres to has been a cornerstone of the most heinous crimes in history, when life was not cherished but considered disposable.

There is nothing beautiful about what Felos has accomplished. Nothing.


Hospice spokesman Mike Bell said federal rules kept him from discussing Schiavo specifically, but "a fundamental part of hospice is that we would do nothing to either hasten or postpone natural death."


Bell says that it is fundamental that they do nothing to HASTEN NATURAL DEATH.

Does this man realize what a tragically ridiculous comment that is?

If withholding food and water is not considered hastening natural death, then what would be?



PINELLAS PARK, Fla. (AP) - Extra police blocked the road in front of the hospice where the severely brain-damaged Terri Schiavo lay dying Monday, and a spokesman for her parents said they are "dealing with reality" about their daughter's fate.

At least a dozen officers were assigned to the site a day after five supporters of her parents were arrested as protesters heckled police and boisterously chanted "Give Terri water." A next-door elementary school was closed for the week so students could avoid the throng...

"Everyone is willing to write this woman's obituary except one person. And that's Terri Schiavo herself," said Paul O'Donnell, a Roman Catholic Franciscan monk and a spokesman for her parents.

Some of the protestors, led by family spokesmen Patrick Mahoney, flew to Washington Monday to confront lawmakers and demonstrate in front of the White House gates, imploring leaders to step in and order Schiavo's feeding tube reconnected.

President Bush's aides have said they ran out of legal options to help the woman. Gov. Bush said Monday that while it "made sense" to have federal courts review the case, he had to respect their decisions last week not to order the tube reinserted.

"I have not seen any means by which the executive branch can get involved. My legal counsel has talked to the Schindler family and their lawyer over the weekend," Bush said. "My heart is broken about this."

Neither Schiavo's parents nor her husband offered new, specific details on her condition, but one of the two priests who visited her hospital room Easter Sunday said the brain-damaged woman's "death is imminent."

O'Donnell said Schiavo smiled, raised her hands and made guttural sounds late Sunday while being visited by her father and a friend, who was talking about how she liked to go out dancing.

"They are dealing with reality," O'Donnell said of the Schindlers in an interview on NBC's "Today.""They know their daughter is dying. They know what is about to happen."

...Schiavo's mother did not visit her daughter on Easter, emotions keeping her from the hospice for the first time since Terri's feeding tube was removed 10 days ago, O'Donnell said.

"If she goes in there again, we might have to take her to the hospital," O'Donnell said.

But the woman's parents claimed one Easter victory: Schiavo's husband, Michael, allowed her to receive communion wine.

As her brother, sister and brother-in-law watched, the Rev. Thaddeus Malanowski held Terri's right hand as he and the hospice priest, the Rev. Joseph Braun, placed the droplet on her tongue. Malanowski also anointed her with holy oil, offered a blessing and absolved her of sin.

"She received the blood of Christ," said Malanowski, adding he could not give her a fleck of communion bread because her tongue was too dry.

"We can discover this meaning in life in three different ways: (1) by doing a deed; (2) by experiencing a value; and (3) by suffering."

--Victor Frankl

Blaming George and Jeb

In Washington, 20 protesters gathered in front of the White House to demand that the House of Representatives enforce a subpoena issued two weeks ago requiring that Schiavo appear at a hearing - an ultimately futile attempt to have doctors prolong her life.

They and others called again on Gov. Jeb Bush to take action, but the governor said that despite the "blistering" criticism he has received from both sides, the only thing he could do now was to seek answers to difficult questions.

"After passions subside," Bush said, the Legislature should take another look at end-of-life issues.

"We need to review how we go about defining a persistent vegetative state," he said. "From what I can tell, when people are in pain they're not in a persistent vegetative state. So, if that's the case, why would they be given morphine? It brings up questions."

Paul O'Donnell, a Franciscan monk who has been acting as a spokesman for the Schindlers, stepped up pressure on Bush's brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, calling on him Monday to "step in and take custody" of Terri Schiavo.

"We're begging, governor: Do something today, now," O'Donnell said. "Don't join the culture of death and be writing this woman's obituary."

The Florida governor has sided with the Schindlers and made efforts to have the tube reinserted, adding his support to state legislation. But by Sunday, Gov. Bush said he had done all he could.

Speaking briefly to reporters Monday, Gov. Bush said he is "respectful of the judiciary's decisions," but "from a personal perspective it just breaks my heart."

"My legal counsel has talked to the Schindler family and their lawyer over the weekend, and I think they've exhausted their remedies as well," he said.

I understand how desperately those supporting the Schindlers' fight to prevent Terri from being starved to death want a miracle.

I understand the pleas to President Bush and Governor Bush. However, the sad reality is the actions that the executive and legislative branches of both the state and federal government took to prevent the starvation of a disabled woman were thrown out by the judicial branch.

Clearly, the Bush brothers did everything the power of their offices allowed.

Moreover, I believe that both of them acted out of deeply held personal beliefs. I don't think their decisions were swayed by pressure from the Religious Right.

In fact, if one believes the polls, they acted in direct opposition to the opinion of the overwhelming majority of Americans--political suicide.

Why is it so difficult for some to accept that both the president and the governor were led by their consciences rather than coercion from conservative Christian groups?

One minute, the left chastises President Bush for openly relying so heavily on his faith. The next, they question his sincerity and criticize him for exploiting religion to pander to believers.

It is not surprising for the left to find fault with the president. That's to be expected. Lost in their liberal fog, they manage to feel threatened by the strength of Bush's religious beliefs and warn of the imposition of theocracy, while simultaneously claiming his values are only a facade to achieve political goals. Same old, same old.

What does surprise me is that some on the right are turning on President Bush and Governor Bush for not doing enough. I understand the desperation Terri's supporters feel as she nears death. I'm feeling it too. Unfortunately, the hands of the executive branch are tied by a judiciary run amok, enforcing the ideals of a culture short on respect for life.

In political terms, the lesson to be learned from the Terri Schiavo case is how vital it is to have judges who will wisely interpret the law, not activists who choose to ignore it to promote their political agendas or legislate from the bench.

In moral terms, the lesson to be learned is that there are many in America who would prefer to side with death than err on the side of life. After first and foremost acknowledging the tremendous personal suffering Terri and the Schindlers have endured, this moral bankruptcy must be cited as the most tragic revelation of this battle.

O'Donnell Says Terri Still Responsive

FAMILY ADVISOR: Terri Schiavo reacted to a friend's visit


PINELLAS PARK - Terri Schiavo had an ''extraordinary'' reaction to a friend's Sunday night visit, her parents' spokesman claimed Monday morning.

Friar Paul O'Donnell, spiritual advisor to Bob and Mary Schindler, said Schiavo received a visit from her father and friend Sunday night. When the friend, identified as Sherry, recalled their days dancing and partying together, Schiavo ''raised her hands up and was moving and started making guttural sounds like she does when she talks to her mother,'' O'Donnell said.

Doctors have concluded that Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state and that apparent reactions to loved ones are reflective. Supporters of the Schindlers are still hoping Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will intervene to replace a feeding tube that has kept Schiavo alive the last 15 years.

O'Donnell and other family spokesmen have been making regular pleas to replace the tube since it was removed 10 days ago.

''Everyone is willing to write this woman's obituary except one person and that's Terri Schiavo,'' O'Donnell said.

From BlogsforTerri:

March 28, 2005
More on Terri's reaction to visit by her friends
Message from Cheryl Ford:





Tom DeLay's Father

Conservative hypocrisy? I don't think so.

"Today, as House Majority Leader, DeLay has teamed with his Senate counterpart, Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), to champion political intervention in the Schiavo case. They pushed emergency legislation through Congress to shift the legal case from Florida state courts to the federal judiciary.

And DeLay is among the strongest advocates of keeping the woman, who doctors say has been in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years, connected to her feeding tube. DeLay has denounced Schiavo's husband, as well as judges, for committing what he calls "an act of barbarism" in removing the tube.

In 1988, however, there was no such fiery rhetoric as the congressman quietly joined the sad family consensus to let his father die."

Considering that the MSM and political opportunists have spent most of last week charging conservatives with the shameless politicization of Terri Schiavo's personal tragedy, it seems odd to me that the Los Angeles Times would go with this unabashedly political attempt to discredit DeLay.

It appears that it's acceptable to use Terri's pain and the Schindlers' agony as a political football when they mistakenly believe that they are in the red zone.

What makes this effort to slam DeLay so feeble is that the specifics of the cases are entirely different.

While straining to draw similarities between the two situations, the striking differences become obvious.

The following reveals exactly how ridiculous it is to compare Terri's plight with the condition of DeLay's father after the accident:

"Doctors conducted a series of tests, including scans of his head, face, neck and abdomen. They checked for lung damage and performed a tracheostomy to assist his breathing. But they could not prevent steady deterioration.

Then, infections complicated the senior DeLay's fight for life. Finally, his organs began to fail. His family and physicians confronted the dreaded choice so many other Americans have faced: to make heroic efforts or to let the end come."

Begging for her daughter’s life, Mary Schindler poignantly pointed out that Terri was alive and death was not imminent until her feeding tube was pulled, a dramatically different scenario compared to the one the DeLay family faced.

As Brother Paul O’Donnell said, “She's dying because of a court order."

DeLay’s father sustained massive injuries in an accident, causing his organs to fail. He was dying.

Terri, on the other hand, did not need dialysis or a ventilator. Her organs were functioning. She was not dependent on any extraordinary measures of medical intervention to live. Unlike, Charles DeLay, she only required a feeding tube.

All Terri needed was food and water, just like all of us.

Unquestionably, this blast at Tom DeLay by the MSM should be called as a flagrant personl foul.