Suzanne and Bobby Schindler leave Terri's hospice.
Fight Over Impending Funeral
The legal fight to keep brain-damaged Terri Schiavo alive appeared to be over last night, but a new row erupted between her husband and her parents over what will happen to her body after she dies.
Michael Schiavo, who had his wife’s feeding tube removed by court order ten days ago, has made arrangements for her to be cremated and her ashes interred in his family’s plot in Pennsylvania.
But Bob and Mary Schindler want their daughter to have a Roman Catholic funeral service and to be buried near their home in Clearwater, Florida.
...Michael Schiavo’s lawyer, George Felos, said a judge had already backed the cremation plan. "My client will scrupulously follow the court order," he said. "Her ashes will be interred in the Schiavo family plot in Pennsylvania, where Terri and Michael grew up."
Brother Paul O’Donnell, the Schindlers’ spiritual adviser, said it was a further assault by Mr Schiavo on his wife’s rights as a Catholic after the rejection of her parents’ communion request. "She has been denied the precious body and blood of Christ in violation of her religious freedom," he said. (According to reports, Terri has received Holy Communion.)
Mrs Schiavo’s brother, Bobby, said he had advised his parents not to make any further visits to the hospice because of her condition. "My mother has to experience her daughter dying in this fashion," he said. "It’s not painless and it’s not peaceful."
This is heart-breaking.
Even after winning the right to kill his "wife" (not the wife he has been with for a decade and the mother of his two children), Michael Schiavo refuses to compromise with the Schindlers about Terri's funeral.
Don't tell me that Terri, at age 26, made her burial wishes known to Michael Schiavo too, as he claims she made her end of life instructions clear to him.
I continue to believe that Schiavo gave up his right to make decisions for Terri when he replaced her with wife number two. At that point, when he abandoned her, Terri's family should have become her legal guardians.
He talks about keeping his promise to her. That, of course, would be only certain promises--not the promise of marital fidelity. That vow meant nothing to him.
My heart aches for the Schindlers.
Michael Schiavo and George Felos are HEARTLESS.
I wonder if they're scheduled to discuss the funeral on Larry King Live this week.
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