Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation has harsh words for the former Mrs. Felos' attempts to capitalize on Terri
Clearwater, FL – The volunteers with the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation were astonished to learn of the behavior of former Dunedin, Florida Attorney Constance d’Angelis. d’Angelis is the former wife of George Felos, legal representative to Michael Schiavo.
In a press release issued through PR Web, titled “Lawyer Who Presented CT Scan & Medical Evidence in Court Analyzes Autopsy Results in Terri Schiavo Case” Ms. d’Angelis claims she will be available to interpret the anticipated Medical Examiner’s report on the late Terri Schiavo.
Quoted from her release: “Upon the release of the autopsy report, she can analyze the results and weigh in on the important matters of how--by reason, not emotion--the "persistent vegetative state" diagnosis of Terri Schiavo was arrived at, and why.”
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation would like to take this opportunity to point out that not only was Ms. d’Angelis co-counsel to George Felos during the guardianship proceedings on behalf of Michael Schiavo, she is not qualified to interpret or analyze a Medical Examiner’s report. She is only licensed as an attorney and as a massage therapist.
Ms. d’Angelis is the former owner of lovinglawsuits.com and the author of Pancha Karma - A Life Changing Experience. She aided George Felos in bringing forth a petition to remove ‘artificial life support’ from Terri Schiavo that originated in 1998 though current law at that time did not provide for the removal of a feeding tube under Terri’s circumstances.
Her release goes on to say: “The judge's February 2000 ruling was sustained throughout numerous appeals in both the State and Federal Courts.” However, Ms. d’Angelis fails to make clear that no Federal Court has ever reviewed either Terri’s case or the medical evidence presented to the lower court. Instead, they have declined jurisdiction.
It is, therefore, our conclusion that Ms. d’Angelis is either attempting to capitalize on this tragic situation or preparing to support her former husband’s contentions on a subject matter she is wholly unqualified to remark on.
Statement of Pamela Hennessy, Media Coordinator for the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation: “The former Mrs. Felos is not a doctor, a surgeon, a pathologist or even an orderly. She is a massage therapist. Certainly, she can lend absolutely no analysis or insight into the results of the Medical Examiner’s report. Rather, she can only recant what her former husband suggests as the truth to Terri’s condition. Medical analysis is best left to medical practitioners and not lawyers.”
Not surprisingly, the ex-Mrs. Felos hopes to capitalize on Terri's death.
George Felos, Michael Schiavo's attorney, expects to cash on as well.
Felos has signed with Roth Talent Associates to sell his story.
RTA advertises all that George Felos has to offer as a speaker:

George Felos
Attorney, Right-to-Die Expert & Author
Program Title - The Terri Schiavo Saga: From Family Fight to Constitutional Crisis
Can the government tell you how to live... or die?
George Felos, America’s foremost right-to-die expert and attorney for Michael Schiavo, says no. He fought successfully in U.S. courts at every level—and overcame the Congress and both Governor Bush and President Bush—for Terri Schiavo’s right-to-die. Felos’ career of confronting legal and ethical dilemmas gives him license to present the compelling argument that individual rights are constitutionally protected, regardless of social (religious, economic, etc.) implications.
At the podium, Felos electrifies audiences by using the Schiavo case as an illustration to explore the clash between fundamental liberties and how individual constitutional rights and ethics are eroding in today’s society. His thought-provoking lecture presentation combines legal logic with a moral compass and his unique understanding of the right to live—and die—in America.
Felos has championed the cause of death with dignity since the late 1980s, when he argued the landmark case in Florida, which established an individual’s constitutional right to refuse or have withdrawn unwanted medical treatment. Since that time – as an attorney, author (Litigation as Spiritual Practice), educator, Hospice patient volunteer, and Board Chair of the world’s largest non-profit hospice, he has guided patients and their families in their quest for humane and dignified end-of-life-care.
Mr. Felos frequently appears on television and radio programs around the world, including Today, Good Morning America, Early Show, Larry King Live, On the Record with Greta Van Sustern, The O'Reilly Factor, Inside Edition, All Things Considered, and the BBC, among others. He resides in Florida.
During the thirteen days of Terri Schiavo's starvation, George Felos slammed politicians for exploiting her case. He was outraged by the actions of the U.S. House and Senate. He denounced President Bush and Governor Bush.
Felos, like some Democrats, charged that they had made Terri their political football. He questioned their sincerity regarding their claims of commitment to the dignity of all life. He insisted they didn't really care about her. They just wanted to use Terri to score points with their pro-life base.
Well, who is hoping to make money off her death? Are the politicians that tried to save Terri signing with talent agencies and going out on the lecture circuit?
Having Terri's blood on his hands, successfully arguing to kill her, isn't enough for Felos. His victory in court doesn't satisfy him. He wants more. He wants to fill his pockets with blood money.
It must be easy for him to sell his story. How hard can that be, since he sold his soul long ago?
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