NewsMax is reporting that Ed Klein, author of the highly anticipated book about Hillary Clinton, will be interviewed by Sean Hannity on his nationally syndicated ABC Radio Network show - heard over 400 stations, on Tuesday, the day the book is
officially released.
Klein will also appear on Hannity & Colmes later on Tuesday night.
The way NewsMax sees it, "The book may prove worrisome for Senator Clinton, who has apparent ambitions to run for president in 2008. Previous reports suggest the critical account by Klein could be fatal to her aspirations.
"A Clinton aide said it was 'full of blatant and vicious fabrications.'
"A vexing problem for the Clinton camp is Klein himself. He is anything but a right-wing hatchet man. He's the former editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine, former foreign editor of Newsweek and author of several best sellers, including The Kennedy Curse and Farewell, Jackie."
Drudge writes:
Besieged author Ed Klein is preparing to defend his work this week when he hits the promotional circuit for TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY.
Klein's publisher has upped the book first printing to nearly 350,000 copies, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.
[The book ranked #26 on AMAZON.COM's hourly sale chart late Sunday.]
Klein will sensationally claim Bill Clinton is flagrantly cheating on his senator wife.
"Hillary's aides noticed that Bill seemed to grow even more reckless after his memoir MY LIFE became a big bestseller. Thanks to his record-shattering $12 million book advance plus another $10 million in speaking fees, he was rolling in money -- and hubris," Klein writes.
"Throwing caution to the wind, he started a torrid affair with a stunning divorcee in her early forties, who lived near the Clintons in Chappaqua. There was nothing discreet about the way he conducted this illicit relationship; he often spent the night at his lover's home, while his Secret Service agents waited in a car parked at the end of her driveway."
"It's one thing to go out to California with his wild buddies and stuff there,' said someone with intimate knowledge of the former president's philandering. 'But being indiscreet with a woman in Chappaqua steps over the line. That's the place Hillary calls home.'"
The book presents a photo of the former president 'mouth-kissing' an unidentfied woman.
The problem that Hillary and her camp face with the release of Klein's book is that he cannot be dismissed as a right-wing mouthpiece. I wonder what the plan of attack will be. Will Hill slime Klein?
As Drudge reports, the book is expected to be a big seller. I doubt Hill will be able to just ignore what's in it.
If what Klein writes is true, it should come as no surprise to anyone that Bill would move on as Hillary pursues her goals.
Should we care?
I think if Hillary is planning to run for president we should care about the activities of her husband.
Hill and Bill wanted to be seen as a team in 1992, when the "you get two for the price of one" line was trotted out to help elect Bill. I really don't think that line would go over too well now. After all, we paid the price in the 90s. I wish it was possible to get a refund. I have zero interest in revisiting the Clinton years--illicit affairs, cigars, etc.
No thanks.
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