Once again, Cindy Sheehan pulled a "Look at me! Look at me!" publicity stunt, trying to take the State of the Union spotlight off of President Bush.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier in Iraq who reinvigorated the anti-war movement, was arrested and removed from the House gallery Tuesday night just before President Bush's State of the Union address, a police spokeswoman said.
I wouldn't say that Sheehan "reinvigorated the anti-war movement." I think it's more appropriate to say that radical Left organizations and the lib media exploited Sheehan for that purpose back in August.
Since then, she's been trying to feed her addiction to media attention.
Sheehan, who was invited to attend the speech by Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., was charged with demonstrating in the Capitol building, said Capitol Police Sgt. Kimberly Schneider. The charge was later changed to unlawful conduct, Schneider said. Both charges are misdemeanors.
I wonder if Woolsey would support Sheehan if she challenges Dianne Feinstein in a race for the Senate.
Sheehan was taken in handcuffs from the Capitol to police headquarters a few blocks away. Her case was processed as Bush spoke.
Were handcuffs really necessary?
I don't think so, but I'd bet Sheehan liked it. It added to the drama. Walking out of the chamber without that hardware wouldn't look all that different from walking out to go to the restroom.
Yes, handcuffs were an absolute must.
Schneider said Sheehan had worn a T-shirt with an anti-war slogan to the speech and covered it up until she took her seat. Police warned her that such displays were not allowed, but she did not respond, the spokeswoman said.
Police handcuffed Sheehan and removed her from the gallery before Bush arrived. Sheehan was to be released on her own recognizance, Schneider said.
Sheehan should know better than to not cooperate with the police. Obviously, she staged the whole thing.
...Woolsey offered Sheehan a ticket to the speech -- Gallery 5, seat 7, row A -- earlier Tuesday while Sheehan was attending an "alternative state of the union" press conference by CODEPINK, a group pushing for an end to the Iraq war.
Sheehan, wrapped in a bright pink scarf against the cold, protested outside the White House with a handful of others before heading to the Capitol Tuesday evening. There were no cameras around, but the small band faced the executive mansion and repeatedly shouted, "You're evicted! Get out of our house!"
Gee, that protest didn't draw much of a crowd. Luckily, an AP reporter was there to chronicle the event. Otherwise, we wouldn't know that Sheehan and a few other people stood in front of the White House doing their best to get noticed.
That's big news!
This is funny.

From CODEPINK's website:
This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union Address fell on the same day. As Air America Radio pointed out, "It is an ironic juxtaposition: one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, and the other involves a groundhog. So instead of sitting at home alone shouting at your TV in anger and frustration - have fun! Take the People's State of the Union to the public.
Gather with other CODEPINK women at a friendly bar or restaurant to watch the President's speech and make a night of it. Check out the link below for games to play, drink suggestions, and party favors.
Apparently, the CODEPINK crowd and Air America think Groundhog Day is January 31. Those poor people are so confused.
I'd like to know if they saw their shadows yesterday.
If they did, it means three more years of the Bush Administration.
If they didn't, it means three more years of the Bush Administration.
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