This is becoming a pattern. Michelle is dispatched to do her husband's dirty work while he is perched regally above the fray.
Can't Barack fight his own battles?
Michelle seems to be stronger than he is.
Michelle Obama: name Hussein is 'the fear bomb'
Mark Silva writes:
Michelle Obama, who often has decried "the fear bomb'' that opponents have used against her husband for his middle name -- Barack Hussein Obama -- said in Canton, Ohio, today that it is happening again and shows why it's so important that he wins election as president.
"They threw in the obvious, ultimate fear bomb," Obama said today of her husband's 2004 Senate race. "We're even hearing [that] now. … 'When all else fails, be afraid of his name, and what that could stand for, because it's different.'"
The senator's wife said that rivals use innuendo to play on fears. "Just as they're saying it now," she said.
But, she told about 200 supporters this morning at a restored theater in Canton, Obama won despite that "climate of negativity and doubt" in 2004. "We learned, number one, that when power is threatened by real change they will say anything to stop it," she said. "But we also learned that the American people can handle the truth."
I know I've said this a lot lately, but I don't think Obama's middle name should be an issue.
Are opponents really creating a "climate of negativity and doubt" by referring to Hussein?
I don't think Michelle Obama is giving Americans enough credit. We aren't idiots. We know that Barack Hussein Obama isn't related to Saddam Hussein. We know he's not a terrorist.
Good grief.
Even though President Bush has been called Hitler, we all know that he isn't Hitler. (Well, most of us do. Some especially deranged Americans don't.)
Michelle says that during Barack's 2004 Senate campaign the voters didn't reject him out of fear. She says "the American people can handle the truth."
Yeah. So what's the point?
She says that the "fear bomb" is a dud.
Alrighty then.
The Obama campaign seems to be going out of its way to paint Obama as a victim.
I think that's a mistake.
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