Friday, March 28, 2008

Charges Against Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum Dropped

I don't think there's any question about it. The reporting of the alleged massacre at Haditha was an absolute disgrace, the hyping of the incident unconscionable.

Much to the dismay of the anti-Bush, anti-Iraq war, and in some cases, anti-American crowd, Haditha didn't quite turn out to be My Lai after all.

The Leftists, elected Democrats and their mouthpieces in the liberal agenda-driven media, were so eager to believe that U.S. Marines murdered Iraqi civilians in cold blood that they didn't bother to wait for an investigation into the allegations.

They scooped up all the leaks about the incident and splashed them without hesitation.

There were emphatic declarations of the Marines' guilt, with remarks from John Murtha being some of the most disgusting.

Will TIME run a cover story to complement "The Ghosts of Haditha" issue?

I think something like "The Left's Besmirching of U.S. Marines" would be in order. It would be appropriate to counter "The Shame of Kilo Company" with "The Shame of the Foaming at the Mouth Liberal Media."

The Marine Corps dropped charges and gave full immunity Friday to a serviceman who was accused of involuntary manslaughter in a squad's killing of 24 Iraqis in Haditha in 2005.

The case against Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum, 26, of Edmond, Okla., was dismissed as jury selection was about to begin for his court-martial. The government has been seeking Tatum's testimony against the squad leader, Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich of Meriden, Conn.

Prosecutors say Wuterich directed the assault immediately after a roadside bomb killed one Marine and wounded two others in a convoy. Wuterich and another Marine shot five men nearby before the squad leader ordered his men to clear homes with grenades and gunfire, killing unarmed civilians.

In February, Tatum received an order to testify against Wuterich and an unrequested immunity order that said anything to which he testified would not be used against him in his court-martial. On Friday, a new immunity order was issued, along with the dismissal of charges.

"Lance Cpl. Tatum will testify truthfully if called as a witness," said his attorney, Jack Zimmerman.

Tatum was relieved by the news and considered it an affirmation of his contention that he and his squadmates responded to a perceived threat as they had been trained to do, Zimmerman said.

"It has been a very happy morning," he said.

Tatum was the third enlisted Marine to have all charges dismissed.

Four enlisted Marines were initially charged with murder and four officers were charged with failing to investigate the deaths. Over time the case has shrunk, including removal of all murder charges.

The highest-ranking defendant is Lt. Col. Jeffrey R. Chessani of Rangely, Colo., commander of the Camp Pendleton-based 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment at the time of the Nov. 19, 2005, Haditha killings. He is the highest-ranking officer to face a combat-related court-martial since the Vietnam War and is scheduled to face court-martial in April.

Chessani, accused of dereliction of duty and violation of a lawful order, has said he didn't order a formal investigation because he believed the deaths resulted from lawful combat.

His attorney said Tatum's dismissal gave additional credence to Chessani's claims.

"This is a house of cards, and it's all falling apart now," said Brian Rooney.

In addition to two counts of involuntary manslaughter, Tatum had been charged with reckless endangerment and aggravated assault.

Zimmerman said there was no agreement with the government before the dismissal.

"Absolutely, there is no deal," he said.

...Wuterich is the only enlisted man still facing prosecution. He faces nine counts of voluntary manslaughter, aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and obstruction of justice. There is no date set for his court-martial.

Wuterich's civilian defense attorney, Neal Puckett, contended that the Tatum dismissal showed the government has a poor case against his client.

"I think it's a further demonstration of how weak the government's case has become. Of the four Marines who fired weapons that day, only one still faces charges," Puckett said.

So yet another soldier has had the charges against him dropped.

Without question, any Marines involved in wrongdoing should be held accountable and punished. The intentional slaughter of civilians is criminal. I'm certainly not suggesting that the investigation was inappropriate.

But what was so troubling about the Haditha incident was the way the Left and the despicable John Murtha trashed the Marines with their sprint to judgment.

They absolutely drooled over the story of Marines killing innocents in cold blood, yet they don't give much attention to charges being dropped. They don't retract their previous slander. I guess that doesn't fit their agenda.

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