Jason Fields, not shouting obscenities or throwing microphones
Of course, passions run high on certain issues, but that doesn't mean an elected official, like Fields from Milwaukee, should use profanity to degrade his colleagues.
During a heated debate on expanding the school choice program, Fields lost it. He acted like a thug, throwing the microphone after shouting to the Assembly, "You all are full of sh-t."
Here's the audio, from Wisconsin Radio Network:
AUDIO: Rep. Jason Fields – language warning (5:24)
Milwaukee-area lawmakers heaped heavy criticism on a bill expanding the city’s Parental Choice program, during debate on the bill Tuesday night. The legislation removes the enrollment cap for vouchers and expands the program to private schools in all of Milwaukee County.
Milwaukee Democrat Jason Fields (D-Milwaukee) accused lawmakers from both parties of playing with the lives of kids, angrily telling them to “knock it off.” Fields questioned why lawmakers have a problem with kids in MPS, before saying “you’re all full of (expletive)” and throwing his microphone.
Here's video of Fields being interviewed by Mike Gousha in March 2009.
It shows he's capable of conducting himself in an appropriate manner.
Clearly, Fields is very passionate about the issue of school choice and the plight of black kids in Milwaukee. It's a shame he couldn't control himself. Rather than delivering powerful remarks, they become lost in his anger and language. His message gets lost in his poor conduct.
I suppose Fields succumbed to frustration yesterday, but that's absolutely no excuse to yell at the Assembly, "You all are full of sh-t."
That's debate in Madison?
All members of the Assembly should have jumped to their feet and shouted in unison, "SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!"
Transcript of Jason Fields' remarks to the Assembly, May 10, 2011
REP. JASON FIELDS: You know, I wasn't gonna talk on this kinda stuff because, quite honestly, I feel like it's futile. We've been here before. We do this all the time. And some of you are starting to piss me off. You couldn't just keep me cool. You're pissing me off with your tactics.
It's funny to me how you all have a say-so when it come to children in Milwaukee. You all got a say-so. I don't like the talk on this floor because, quite honestly, I don't even think the intellectual capital is that high.
We doin' this and at the end of the day, what is it about? What is it about?
Everybody, look at my face: You're pissing me off. Because it means NOTHING to you.
NONE of you! You don't have kids in your house, you haven't taken care of 'em. But you got the morale. Really? Show me how many black men you've taken care of. YOU HAVEN'T. YOU HAVEN'T! I HAVE!
WHERE ARE YOU? ALL OF YOU, where are you?
(Lowers his voice, but still angry)
You're quick to send 'em to jail. So let me get somethin' straight, because again, I don't like to talk about this kind of stuff because I, I... honestly, it ticks me off.
I think you have an amendment comin' from me. Y'all, y'all playin' with black kids, man, y'all playin'. All of you, you're playin'. Knock it off. Knock it off. You're playin'.
(Raises his voice)
The same people on my side of the aisle, you're, you know, with all due respect, knock it off. KNOCK IT OFF!
YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THESE KIDS! And y'all has high morals. You ain't took none of 'em in! Where were they? Did they go to your house?
And with all due respect to my friends on that side of the aisle, I gotta say this: You can't show up and be like, you know, 'I'm gonna be cool with black kids today.'
You ALL are wrong! And you have been!
YOU DON'T SLEEP WITH 'EM! YOU DON'T SEE THE PAIN THEY GO THROUGH! I DO! Because I'm there. I'm there. They in my house. I feed them. I put 'em in dress shirts.
So which one of you will tell me that I'm wrong?
Stand up. Which one of you?
That's what I thought.
It's easy to pretend to be like this. It's easy, but honestly, I gotta be honest with all of you. I'm tired. Because I'm fighting for young black men and I'm tired. And you're not helping me, none of you. You're not helpin'.
You get caught up in school choice, MPS. Really? Did y'all notice that they all black kids? Did you all notice that? Guess what? The kids in MPS don't have a problem with the kids at the Milwaukee Parental Choice program. They don't have a problem with each other. So why do you?
Y'all are full of sh-t!
(Throws microphone down and walks away)
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