Who's eyebrows are raised about Michele Bachmann?
Bill Maher's eyebrows? Maybe Rachel Maddow? I suppose Chris "Are you a flake?" Wallace is in a state of raised eyebrows.
Michele Bachmann's claim that she has "never gotten a penny" from a family farm that's been subsidized by the government is at odds with her financial disclosure statements. They show tens of thousands in personal income from the operation.
And, on a less substantive note, she flubbed her hometown history when declaring "John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa," and "that's the kind of spirit that I have, too," in running for president.
The actor was born nearly 150 miles away. It was the serial killer John Wayne Gacy Jr. who lived, for a time, in Waterloo.
Those were among the latest examples of how the Minnesota congresswoman has become one to watch — for inaccuracies as well as rising support — in the Republican presidential race.
Did the Associated Press rip Joe Biden or Obama apart like this when they were presidential candidates?
Did PolitiFact highlight the litany of Obama gaffes? Did the Associated Press report on all the raised eyebrows Obama's idiotic comments have caused?
Good grief, Biden, the human gaffe/exaggeration/lie machine, is a heartbeat from the presidency!
What about Biden's "bomblets"? The list is endless.
Clearly, Michele Bachmann is being targeted for destruction. She's being dubbed a ditz.
In 2008, the lib media found success with their relentless attacks on Sarah Palin, and they're repeating the strategy.
It's extremely slimy.
I'm so sick of conservative women being marginalized.
Michele Bachmann is not a flake.
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