From the Sheboygan Press:
Following through on his vow in recent days, Mayor Bob Ryan again refused Monday night to resign his office after aldermen voted 14-2 to officially request that he step down because of a recent drunken binge by Ryan.
“We all know that I will respectfully decline,” Ryan said after re-entering the council chambers following the vote. He stepped out to allow Council President Eric Rindfleisch to oversee the discussion on the resolution.
Only Aldermen Joel Hammen and Kevin Matichek voted in Ryan’s favor.
...Meanwhile, Sheboygan City Clerk Sue Richards said Monday she has received a letter asking that Ryan be removed from office.
Richards, who did not divulge the contents of the letter, said she has forwarded it to City Attorney Stephen McLean.
“We’re treating it as a communication at this point and not a formal complaint until it is reviewed by the city attorney,” Richards said.
McLean said he would review the letter and it would likely come up before the next council meeting in two weeks.
The council by itself cannot remove Ryan from office, but can begin the process of forced removal following a formal complaint by a citizen of the city.
Ryan is not fit to serve. He has shown that he does not have control of his alcoholism.
There's no question that he should resign.
It's amazing that Ryan continues to hang on.
What arrogance!
Video, from FOX 6 News:
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