How did the judicial filibuster compromise come about?
One scenario that's being floated came out on Britt Hume's show on Thursday.
Rush Limbaugh explained it this way:
Major Garrett reported that he was told by senior Republican sources that Senators DeWine and Graham were dispatched by Senator Frist and the White House to cut the best possible deal on judges. You understand this? Fox reported that Mike DeWine and Lindsey Graham were sent to that meeting chaired by McCain and Warner, by Frist and the White House, to cut the best possible deal on the judges. Now, if that were true, it would mean that Frist admitted he didn't have the votes. "Get your ass over there, make a deal, Lindsey. Get over there, Senator Graham and Senator DeWine and make a deal." So I said, "Okay." This was the first bit of spin that I had been treated to since this all happened, so I decided to check into it, and to the best of my ability to check in and verify this, it seems that this assertion is false. It seems that it is totally false.
This story makes no sense to me.
If at the behest of the White House, Frist sent DeWine and Graham out to cut a deal, why would Frist repeatedly have distanced himself from the agreement? At the very least, he wouldn't be opposing it so vehemently.
More telling, does anyone believe that Frist is a good enough actor to pull off such a scheme?
The clincher: Would Frist be willing to let McCain, the obstacle in the way of his presidential aspirations, take credit for a compromise? No way.
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