From U.S. Newswire:
Pelosi: 'Democrats Will Not Be Silenced; We Will Not Be Intimidated by the Republicans' Arrogant Power Plays'
WASHINGTON, May 18 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi joined Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and nearly 100 House and Senate Democrats today at a unity event on the steps of the United States Senate to protest Republicans' abuse of power. Below are Pelosi's remarks:
"Thank you very much, Leader Reid. I know that I speak for all of my colleagues when I say, 'Thank you Mr. Leader, for helping to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.'
"We come here to join you in this fight. We have been with you since day one because, Senator Reid, as you said in your opening remarks, 'This is the hour of decision for this nation's Senate. It is a historic moment, as well for our country and our country's future.'
"While Democrats are working on an agenda that focuses on the real needs of American families, the Republican Party is busy undermining democracy here at home. This is about our nation's future.
"What the Republicans are doing with their attempt to end the filibuster is to try to silence the minority and break the rules. They are using any means to justify their extreme agenda, even if it violates the rules and destroys more than 200 years of Constitutional checks and balances - not to mention fundamental decency and trust.
"Democrats stand united against the Republicans' abuse of power. We will not let them undermine one of the tenets of democracy - the rights of the minority. And make no mistake: that is what the Republicans are attempting to do: silence the voice of the minority and thereby deny millions of Americans a voice in Congress.
"So the fight you are making, Senator Reid and other Democratic Senators, is a fight for all Americans, so that their voice will not be silenced in the Congress of the United States. This great Congress was ordained to be a marketplace of ideas for the American people to be represented, not to have their voices silenced, and their ideas squelched.
"In the House, a handful of Republican leaders dictate the party line and ram bills through committees, and permit few if any amendments on the floor. They have even attempted to gut the ethics rules, holding themselves above the law.
"Their abuse of power is not limited to Congress. We have seen Republicans threaten federal judges, disregard the separation of powers, and show contempt for our Constitution.
"And now they want to silence the Democratic Senators. Democrats will not be silenced. We will not be intimidated by the Republicans' arrogant power plays.
"At stake is our ability to preserve our freedoms. Our Constitutional checks and balances are essential to the preservation of our freedoms. We must not allow the Republican Party to impose its radical views and extreme judges on the American people."
Pelosi echoes the latest Democrat mantra--Republican abuse of power.
If today's debate was about rules in the Senate, what's Pelosi got to do with it?
Pelosi's twisted rhetoric about Republican efforts to shred the Constitution and grab power is a lie. The Dems are the ones fighting to uphold the practice of legislating by judicial fiat. In effect, the Dems are seeking to do away with checks and balances as they are laid out in the Constitution.
Our Constitutional checks and balances are essential in preserving our freedoms. That's why it's critical that the Democrat party not impose its radical views and out of the mainstream, extremist ideas on the American people.
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