Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Al Qaeda Lieutenant Durbin

From AP:

CHICAGO Illinois Senator Dick Durbin says he won't apologize for comments comparing American interrogators at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Nazis and Soviet gulags.

News of the Democrat's comparison created a buzz around the Internet today, fueled by sound bites of yesterday's Senate floor speech on radio talk shows. By this afternoon, Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna asked Durbin to apologize.

Durbin says the Bush administration should apologize for abandoning the Geneva Conventions.

Human-rights activist groups and some lawmakers -- mostly Democrats -- want Bush to close the prison.

But administration officials say some of the people who have been detained at Guantanamo later return to fight against the United States.

Durbin's comments are positively inexcusable.

Refusing to apologize after making such reckless, irresponsible remarks is incomprehensible to me. The man has no shame. This guy is a U.S. senator! He sounds more like an al Qaeda lieutenant than an American elected official.

Where are his fellow Dems? Why aren't they denouncing this vitriol? The answer is they fully support his seditious words. They applaud him.

Durbin and those of his ilk, and sadly, there are many, are slapping the faces of those who survived the atrocities of Nazis, the Soviets, and Pol Pot. Durbin and his comrades are spitting on the graves of all who were tortured and murdered under these brutal regimes.

Dick Durbin and his like-minded cohorts and Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein would all get along well. They're on the same page, spewing anti-American propaganda, stoking the flames of hatred for Americans.

Durbin should apologize to every member of our Armed Forces for his role in inciting anti-Americanism and providing aid and comfort to the enemy. He should apologize to all of the military families with loved ones in harm's way for what he has done to undermine the mission and endanger their safety.

He has no conscience. He's not fit to serve in the Senate.

Durbin is unpatriotic. He doesn't deserve to be called an American.

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