Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A Deficit of Decency

To borrow the title of Zell Miller's book, the protesters of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech at Santa Monica College suffered from a massive deficit of decency.

From AP:

SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's return to his alma mater turned into an exercise in perseverance when virtually his every word was accompanied by catcalls, howls and piercing whistles from the crowd.

Schwarzenegger's face appeared to redden during his 15-minute commencement address Tuesday to 600 graduates at Santa Monica College, but he ignored the shouting as he recalled his days as a student and, later, his work as a bodybuilder and actor.

"Always go all out and overcome your fears," he told the graduates. "Work, work, work. Study, study, study."

Inside the stadium, the drone from hundreds of rowdy protesters threatened to drown out the governor's voice at times. Many in the crowd erupted in boos when a police officer pulled down a banner criticizing the estimated $45 million cost of the Nov. 8 special election that Schwarzenegger proposed Monday.

The governor is backing three ballot initiatives that call for imposing a cap on state spending, stripping lawmakers of the power to draw their own districts and increasing the time it takes teachers to gain tenure.

At times during Schwarzenegger's speech, cheers and boos mingled, and the graduates themselves appeared eager to hear the governor. Many applauded at one point when the noise from the bleachers briefly subsided.

...Schwarzenegger has been feuding for months with groups he calls "special interests" _ teachers, nurses and other public employee unions who accuse him of selling out to big business while shortchanging education, health care and other programs. Those groups have hounded Schwarzenegger at his public appearances.

...About two dozen Schwarzenegger supporters also rallied outside the stadium. One of them, Ben Eisenberg, who heads the Santa Monica College Republicans, said the ceremony "should be about the students."

I haven't followed the politics of California, so I don't have an opinion on Schwarzenegger's call for a special election. I do, however, have an opinion on the special interest groups that disrupted the graduation ceremony.

What a bunch of self-centered, boorish people!

It's legitimate to protest. It's their right. That said, exploiting the once in a lifetime moment of the 600 graduates was despicable.

These protesters are worse than two-year-olds having temper tantrums. Two-year-olds are two-year-olds. They don't have the skills to communicate their feelings in a controlled fashion. Either the protesters have the mental capcities of toddlers or they are inexcusably selfish.

The commencement was about the achievements of the graduates. It was THEIR day, reserved for recognition of their hard work. Instead, these very small people chose to hijack it.

If anyone deserves to be booed, it's the protesters.

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