Sunday, June 5, 2005

Does Dr. Dean Have the Plague?

Two prominent Democrats, Joe Biden and John Edwards, are running from Howard Dean like he has the plague.

I think it's an orchestrated attempt to pander to different factions of a fractured party. I believe the Democrats have taken a cue from John Kerry. They are trying to be all things to all people, like Kerry did during his failed campaign. Unfortunately for the Dems, by trying to cover all bases, they don't adequately cover any.

Mad Dr. Dean's mission is to appeal to the fringe Michael Moore, MoveOn, leftist nutjobs, while Biden and Edwards are sent out to keep the less radical, more sane Dems happy.


Democrats Joseph Biden and John Edwards are criticizing party chairman Howard Dean, saying his rhetorical attacks on Republicans have gone too far.

...Dean "doesn't speak for me with that kind of rhetoric and I don't think he speaks for the majority of Democrats," Biden, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Sunday on ABC's "This Week."

...Edwards said Dean "is not the spokesman for the party."

Dean is "a voice. I don't agree with it," Edwards, a former senator and the Democrats' vice presidential nominee in 2004, said Saturday at a party fundraising dinner in Nashville, Tenn.

The thing is Dean is the DNC CHAIRMAN. He may be only a single voice, but he's a very, very, very loud one.

The strategy of having Dean talk like a lunatic to the party loons and other Dems dispute his remarks won't work. As long as Mad Dr. Dean keeps dishing it out, Republicans, Independents, and Bush Dems will keep rejecting the Democratic Party.

It's not as if the Dems are offering any ideas. They have no ideas, which makes the rejection so much easier. It's not difficult to turn your back on someone as abrasive, and stark raving mad, as Dr. Dean.

It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

--William Shakespeare

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