Monday, June 6, 2005

Hillary Channels Dr. Dean

It's said that Hillary Clinton is positioning herself to appear like a moderate in preparation for a 2008 presidential bid.

If she is doing that, she is a miserable failure. At a campaign fund-raiser in Midtown Manhattan on Monday, while addressing a "Women for Hillary" gathering, she showed that she's capable of giving Dr. Dean a run for his money when it comes to off the wall, reckless rhetoric.

Some samplings of her idiocy from the
New York Times:

"There has never been an administration, I don't believe in our history, more intent upon consolidating and abusing power to further their own agenda."

"I know it's frustrating for many of you; it's frustrating for me: Why can't the Democrats do more to stop them? I can tell you this: It's very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they're doing. It is very hard to tell people that they are making decisions that will undermine our checks and balances and constitutional system of government who don't care. It is very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth."

Mrs. Clinton described Republican leaders as messianic in their beliefs, willing to manipulate facts and even "destroy" the Senate to gain political advantage over the Democratic minority. She also labeled the House of Representatives as "a dictatorship of the Republican leadership," where individual members are all but required to vote in lock-step with the majority's agenda.

Referring to Congress' Republican leadership, she said, "Some honestly believe they are motivated by the truth, they are motivated by a higher calling, they are motivated by, I guess, a direct line to the heavens."

"We can't ever, ever give in to the Republican agenda," she declared. "It isn't good for New York and it isn't good for America."

"The press is missing in action, with all due respect," she said. "Where are the investigative reporters today? Why aren't they asking the hard questions? It's shocking when you see how easily they fold in the media today. They don't stand their ground. If they're criticized by the White House, they just fall apart.

"I mean, c'mon, toughen up, guys, it's only our Constitution and country at stake. Let's get some spine."

"If you read about her, try not to get upset - I had to read about her and it kept me upset for months," Mrs. Clinton said of Judge Brown. "This is a woman who truly sees the world in 19th century terms. You know, during the Clinton administration, we used to talk about building a bridge to the 21st century. This administration wants to build a bridge to the 19th century.

"They want to undo and turn the clock back on the progress of the 20th century, whether it's the right to organize, whether it's the right to be able to have a choice when it comes to the most private and intimate decisions that a woman has to make, whether it is to protect the environment."

A particularly "excruciating test" for the nation's political future, Mrs. Clinton predicted, could come this summer in a showdown over a nominee to the United States Supreme Court, if one or more current members retire.

President Bush "wants to nominate someone, I believe, who will be a confrontational nominee so that he can provide support to his far-right extremist base," Mrs. Clinton said. "And we have to stand as firmly as possible against that."

On a brighter note, she said, Democrats appear to have all but "stopped" President Bush's "scheme" to overhaul Social Security. But she decried his fiscal policies, particularly Republican-backed tax cuts, saying they were ballooning the deficit and ceding "fiscal sovereignty" to countries like China, which are harder to influence when they become "your banker."

The Times offers all theses quotes in an effort to support her. They are eating up Hillary's extremist lines. They actually seem to think this makes Hill look good.

That shows just how hopelessly out of touch the NYT is with Middle America. What the liberal elite considers a plus, I see as an embarrassment.

That little editorial line, "on a brighter note," managed to make its way into a news article. What a liberal rag! Paper of record--yeah, right. The NYT considers it good news that Hill believes Bush's "scheme" for Social Security is going nowhere. There's no doubt whose camp the NYT is in.

From the
Washington Post:

"I stay awake at night thinking about all the mistakes and the wrong direction and all the bad decisions being made in Washington," Clinton said at the fund-raiser. "It's very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they're doing. It's very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth.

"We cannot give them (Republicans) another two years of majority. We cannot give them another four years after that," she said.

I believe she stays awake at night and thinks. What else does she have to do besides have visions of imaginary vast right wing screw-ups dancing in her head? It's not like Bill is around to "keep her company."

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