Wednesday, June 15, 2005


From the Buffalo News:

No clear answer on who closed event to media

WASHINGTON - A major appearance by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in Buffalo was suddenly closed to the media Monday, a week after the senator lambasted reporters for lacking enough "spine" to stand up to the Bush administration.

After a day of conflicting statements, there was no clear answer to the question of who closed the Erie County Democratic Committee's fund-raising event in the Buffalo Convention Center to reporters and photographers.

Senior county Democratic officials told The Buffalo News early in the day that Clinton aides had told County Democratic Chairman Leonard R. Lenihan that the senator's people wanted the event closed to the media.

But later, Lenihan said that "it was my decision" to bar the media from the $1,200-a-plate event attended by about 200 supporters. Proceeds will go to the county committee.

Lenihan said the conflicting versions of why the media were turned away at the Convention Center doors was the result of a "misunderstanding."

Vic Baker, a news producer for WIVB-TV, said, "We got a call early Monday inviting us over, and when we got there, we were told to wait outside."

Rich Kellman, a reporter for WGRZ-TV, said Lenihan told him that it was his decision to bar reporters.

Convention Center Director Paul Murphy said that when television crews arrived to set up at 11:30 a.m., local Democrats told him to have them stay outside.

In a conference call, Clinton said:

"I did not make that decision. I am happy when I speak at Democratic events to have it open to the press. I guess that was a decision by the leadership of the Erie County Democratic Party. This is the first I've heard of it."

A week ago at a fund-raising event in Manhattan for her 2006 re-election campaign, Clinton combined highly charged criticisms of the Bush administration with an attack on the media.

"The press is missing in action, with all due respect," Clinton said.

"Where are the investigative reporters today? Why aren't they asking the hard questions? It's shocking when you see how easily they fold in the media today. They don't stand their ground.

"If they're criticized by the White House, they just fall apart. I mean, come on, toughen up, guys, it's only our Constitution and country at stake. Let's get some spine."

There was not that much media interest in covering the Convention Center event in Buffalo, said Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Hanley. To which an editor at WGRZ-TV, Maria Sisti, responded: "Oh, baloney!"

How funny that only a week ago Hillary was whining about the press being "missing in action"!

It appears that she's very selective about when she wants the press around.

Obviously, Hillary wanted to deliver some red meat without a record of her comments.

Where are all the Dems to complain about this sort of secretive, shadowy behavior?

Where is the outrage from the national media from being shut out?

The complaints and the outrage are missing in action.

Hey, Dems and Old Media! Your hypocrisy is showing!!

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