Is Wisconsin Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager tough on crime? Does she believe in upholding the law?
Apparently, she's not too tough when it comes to immigration violations.
At the rally in Madison today, Lautenschlager framed the problem of illegal immigration as a civil rights issue.
Whenever a politician does that, I'm reminded of the pro-abortion crowd referring to their movement as "pro-choice." In that case, choice equals ending a life, killing a developing human being.
In the immigration case, rather than address the flagrant dismissal of the law, political opportunists are defining illegal immigration as a civil rights movement.
It's nuts for illegal aliens to take to American streets and demand that America grant them the rights afforded to citizens.
Lautenschlager said that HR4437, the immigration bill co-authored by Jim Sensenbrenner, "does nothing to promote civil rights and justice for all."
What does Lautenschlager want? Civil rights and justice for whom? Law-breakers?
According to the AG, "We need to address these issues in a wise and judicious manner. HR4437 doesn't do that. It doesn't do anything to enhance safe communities, it doesn't do anything to deal with an already stressed law enforcement system..."
So, in the meantime...What? It sounds like Lautenschlager supports law-breaking.
Do we look away and keep allowing undocumented people into the country and support them, at the burden of hard working American taxpayers?
Here's a thought for the chief law officer and legal counsel of Wisconsin -- Enforce the law rather than pander for votes. There's a novel idea!
Read more on the rally.
Paul Bucher, Republican AG candidate, put out a press release criticizing Lautenschlager and Kathleen Falk, another Dem candidate for AG, for appearing at a rally supporting illegal immigrants.
“Peg Lautenschlager and Kathleen Falk are ideological twins who are determined to hijack the mission of the state Department of Justice and use the office to further their social activist agendas,” Bucher stated. “Which part of illegal do they not understand? Don’t they have anything better to do than appear at rallies?” Bucher, the veteran Waukesha County DA said that while his opponents were at the rally furthering their activism, he was meeting the families of homicide victims, reviewing an 8th offense drunk driving complaint, prosecuting domestic violence cases, and working with law enforcement in Waukesha County to develop written policies dealing with new legislation.
Bucher said it was “inappropriate for our state’s ‘top cop’ and her Democratic opponent to appear at a rally in support of illegal immigration. They have both repeatedly shown that they believe the rule of law is flexible. When it serves their political purposes or them personally, they are apparently more than willing to disregard it.” Bucher cited Falk’s plan to release state prison inmates and Lautenschlager’s drunken driving arrest and the circumstances surrounding it. “The public wants an Attorney General who will uphold the rule of law, not bend it to suit his or her own activist agenda and political purposes,” stated Bucher.
“If Falk and Lautenschlager have a problem with the law as it is currently written, they are more than welcome to run for Congress or the state Legislature,” Bucher stated... “Both Falk and Lautenschlager are once again pandering to their political base,” Bucher stated. “Meanwhile the issues that the state’s top cop should be dealing with go unattended, from a raging methamphetamine epidemic in northwestern Wisconsin to the handgun violence problem in the city of Milwaukee to election integrity.”
It's not good for an attorney general candidate and the WISCONSIN ATTORNEY GENERAL to simply dismiss the law in the name of personal political goals.
Lautenschlager and Falk obviously appeared at the rally with the short term goal of winning some votes in mind. It would have been much wiser for them to stand up for the long term principle of the rule of law.
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