Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Barbra Streisand's Psychobabble

The political statements that Barbra Streisand puts on her website are truly bizarre.

Often loaded with misspellings, I think she has learned to do a spell check before posting her bits of wisdom.

Her April 3, 2006, statement, "Perhaps the Real Reason Bush Went to War," is unusual in that the spelling isn't a problem.

It is typical liberal Streisandia in its goofiness and extremism.



Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, Bush saw himself surging to historical highs in the polls. His cabal of advisors saw the opportunity to cement their place in American history by starting a war under the guise of protecting the American people against terrorists. However, Bush shifted his focus from al Qaeda, terrorist group and sole perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks, to Iraq and a ruthless dictator who had no connection to 9/11. Even though 15 of the highjackers were from Saudi Arabia and Osama bin Laden, mastermind of 9/11 and leader of al Qaeda, was hiding in Afghanistan, Bush chose to invade Iraq.

In his unfinished authorized memoir of the President, Mickey Herskowitz touched upon the psycho-social reasons relating to Bush’s decision to invade Iraq: a long-standing father and son competition based on feelings of jealousy and inadequacy. Herskowitz stated that Bush felt his father wasted all of his political capitol he acquired during the Gulf War. George W. Bush was quoted saying "If I have a chance to invade, if I had that much capitol, I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I am going to have a successful presidency." In invading Iraq, Bush saw the opportunity to emerge from his father's shadow and no longer be seen as the perpetual underachiever who consistently failed under the watchful eye of his accomplished father. He had the chance to finish what he feels his father was unable to finish. And he could finally have the opportunity to achieve something his father was unsuccessful in achieving...a two-term presidency.


The psychobabble always makes me laugh.

What is with these people?

It's even funnier to imagine the politically charged climate of an elite Hollywood gathering, with the glitterati nodding in agreement to these weird theories as servants wait on them, amid multi-million dollar surroundings.

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