Feingold continues to suck up to the radicals on the far Left. It makes sense. That's where he finds his support.
However, he is severely marginalizing himself by cozying up to fringe groups and online communities.
On Thursday, MoveOn.org announced a speech to be delivered by U.S. presidential candidate Russ Feingold.
(Did you know he's Wisconsin's senator? It's understandable if you wouldn't know that. He's been shirking his duties to his constituents to focus on his personal goals and quest for power.)
Press Release
News Advisory:
-- Speech at National Constitution Center, Monday at noon EST.
-- Sen. Russ Feingold to "Present Vision for Restoring Democracy."
-- Address Will Build MoveOn's GOTV Effort by Energizing Members.
-- Progressive Vision Series Promotes a Positive National Agenda.
Senator Russell Feingold will outline critical steps needed to defend our Democracy, including making all elections secure against vote suppression and tampering, ending the influence of big money on politics, preserving checks and balances in government and defending the constitutional rights of American citizens.
The speech, sponsored by MoveOn.org Political Action, is the third and final in a series of events aimed at promoting a positive national agenda and at mobilizing the organization's volunteers and voters in the upcoming congressional elections.
..."MoveOn members care passionately about restoring democracy," said Ben Brandzel, advocacy director for MoveOn.org Political Action. "Senator Feingold's leadership will motivate members to work hard so we can win big in November and achieve these critical goals," he added.
"We now have an election system badly in need of repair, and a President who thinks he is above the law. As a consequence, we've seen the checks and balances built into our constitution weakened and many of our citizens' rights eroded. This fall we have an opportunity to say enough is enough and begin restoring our democracy," said Feingold.
At the Obama and Feingold events and online, members are encouraged to sign up for Call for Change, a volunteer phone bank designed to increase Democratic turnout for the mid-term elections. The program allows MoveOn's tens of thousands of volunteers to instantly mobilize and make GOTV calls to Democratic voters in the most competitive races.
WHO: Senator Russell Feingold (D-Wis.)
WHAT: Speech: "Reclaiming our Democracy"
WHERE: National Constitution Center, Kirby Auditorium, 2nd floor in the Annenberg Center, 525 Arch St., Independence Mall, Philadelphia, Pa.
WHEN: Monday, Sept. 25, at Noon. Doors open at 11 a.m. The speech will be broadcast nationally and starts promptly at noon
How: To R.S.V.P. contact alex@fenton.com
Broadcast nationally?
That could prove to be embarrassing. If Feingold gives his MoveOn audience what they want, an extreme Leftist rant, he will be driving away moderates.
Feingold cannot uphold this maverick facade much longer.
It's clear that he's a puppet of the radical Left, and George Soros is pulling his strings.
MoveOn likes to boast about being a grassroots network of millions of Americans, the little guy empowered.
That's deceiving. MoveOn is propped up by wealthy donors, like George Soros.
Read about Soros' influence on American politics.
Read more in The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Sixties Radicals Siezed Control of the Democratic Party, written by David Horowitz and Richard Poe.
It's ironic that Feingold is whining, "We now have an election system badly in need of repair, and a President who thinks he is above the law."
Blah, blah, blah.
His speech, "Reclaiming our Democracy," is being sponsored by a group that has hijacked the election system and effectively privatized the Democratic Party.
He and his partner John McCain didn't fix the campaign process.
Feingold, the crusader for campaign reform, is actually part of the problem, not the architect of its solution.
He's become the lapdog of the rich, liberal elite.
What does Feingold know about "Reclaiming our Democracy"?
He knows what it takes to grab power. He knows that he has to cater to the Left, so he does so willingly.
Rather than giving a speech on "Reclaiming our Democracy" to an adoring MoveON crowd, Feingold should listen to a speech about reclaiming his integrity.
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