Even Herb Kohl expressed his distress! SHOCKING!!!
What's the problem?
Terrorists' rights.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate on Thursday endorsed President Bush's plans to prosecute and interrogate terror suspects, all but sealing congressional approval for legislation that Republicans intend to use on the campaign trail to assert their toughness on terrorism.
The 65-34 vote means the bill could reach the president's desk by week's end. The House passed nearly identical legislation on Wednesday and was expected to approve the Senate bill on Friday, sending it on to the White House.
"The Senate sent a strong signal to the terrorists that we will continue using every element of national power to pursue our enemies and to prevent attacks on America," Bush said in a statement Thursday night.
...The White House and its supporters have called the measure crucial in the anti-terror fight, but some Democrats said it left the door open to abuse, violating the Constitution in the name of protecting Americans.
Twelve Democrats sided with 53 Republicans in voting for the bill. Lincoln Chafee, R-R.I., in a tough re-election fight, joined 32 Democrats and the chamber's lone independent in opposing the bill. Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, was absent.
Read the roll call vote here. There realy aren't any surprises.
There's a lot of hand wringing on the Left.
Carl Levin said, "The habeas corpus language in this bill is as legally abusive of rights guaranteed in the Constitution as the actions at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and secret prisons that were physically abusive of detainees."
Referring to the upcoming elections, Teddy Kennedy said, "In 40 days, we can put an end to this nonsense."
Nancy Pelosi was angry.
In a statement yesterday, Speaker Dennis Hastert said, "Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and 159 of her Democrat colleagues voted today in favor of more rights for terrorists. So the same terrorists who plan to harm innocent Americans and their freedom worldwide would be coddled, if we followed the Democrat plan."
With eyebrows arched, Nancy Pelosi shot back, "I think the speaker is a desperate man for him to say that. Would you think that anyone in our country wants to coddle terrorists?"
I find it stunning that so many people in our country do want to coddle terrorists.
They don't understand that we are at war.
The 9/11 attacks were absolutely horrific; yet five short years later, the Dems (and Lincoln Chafee) focus on protecting terrorists rather than Americans.
The Dems want to present themselves as capable of fighting the War on Terror. They want the American people to trust them. They want us to trust them with our lives.
I don't trust them.
There will be legal challenges to S. 3930. I'm sure Ramsey Clark and his like-minded comrades will find time to argue against the legislation.
They'll probably find activist judges to rule in favor of our enemies.
Who knows what will remain of the legislation after they get done with it?
I take comfort in the fact that the Bush administration is doing everything within the law to prevent another 9/11.
For that to continue, it's critical that Republicans hold on to the House and the Senate.
Read R. Jeffrey Smith's analysis of S. 3930 in The Washington Post.
He frets about terrorist suspects not being given the full rights that the U.S. legal system provides for its citizens.
Another lib considers Bush to be a greater enemy to this country than the Islamic extremists, like Abu Hamza al-Muhajir (also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri).
He's the new leader of al Qaeda in Iraq.
AP reports that in an audio message posted on a website yesterday, the leader is rallying the troops.
In addition to recruiting the speaker also called for explosives experts and nuclear scientists to join his group's holy war against the West.
"The field of jihad (holy war) can satisfy your scientific ambitions, and the large American bases (in Iraq) are good places to test your unconventional weapons, whether biological or dirty, as they call them," said the speaker.
And the Dems are worried about terrorists' rights?
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