"Don't show me that CNN poll."
Russ Feingold's presidential stock is falling.
A new CNN poll does not have good news for Feingold.
He barely registers on the 2008 presidential nominee radar screens of registered Dems.
(DEMOCRATS ONLY:) Please tell me which of the following people you would be most likely to support for the Democratic nomination for President in the year 2008. New York Senator Hillary Clinton, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, former Vice President Al Gore, Indiana Senator Evan
Bayh, Delaware Senator Joe Biden, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack, Illinois Senator Barack Obama, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson or Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold?
Registered Democrats
Oct. 27-29
Clinton 28%
Obama 17%
Gore 13%
Edwards 13%
Kerry 12%
Bayh 2%
Biden 2%
Feingold 2%
Richardson 2%
Vilsack 1%
No opinion 8%
Aug. 30 - Sept. 2
Clinton 38%
Obama* N/A
Gore 19%
Edwards 12%
Kerry 9%
Bayh 2%
Biden 3%
Feingold 3%
Richardson 3%
Vilsack *
No opinion 8%*Obama not included in list on the August 30-September 2 poll.
Are you listening, Russ?
According to this poll, registered Dems are losing interest.
Perhaps Feingold should reconsider his path.
His presidential campaign looks to be at a dead end. He's lost support among Dems. He's fallen from a measly 3% to an even more pathetic 2%.
Some advice for Feingold:
Give it up! Do your job as a senator from Wisconsin. Address the concerns of your constituents.
In spite of his highly touted Listening Sessions, Feingold has done a poor job of communicating with Wisconsinites.
Months and months ago, I contacted Feingold about his resolution to censure President Bush.
I just got a response last week! EIGHT MONTHS!
Feingold wrote:
"I appreciate hearing from you and I regret the delay in responding to your concerns."
Oh well. I guess I should cut my senator some slack. Poor Feingold couldn't find time to fulfill his duties to the people of Wisconsin.
He's had such a busy schedule. Those multiple trips to Iowa and Hollywood fund-raisers don't leave much spare time for replying to constituents.
It's time-consuming to put on makeup and appear on Meet the Press and all those other Sunday talk shows.
I understand. I really do.
I understand that Feingold puts his personal political goals ahead of the concerns of the people he was sent to Washington to SERVE.
I also understand that the odds of him realizing his presidential aspirations are fizzling.
Update: Read Russ' recent thoughts on a presidential run.
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