The polls in Wisconsin haven't opened yet, but we already have a problem.
According to Executive Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, Rick Wiley, there has been a clear violation of Wisconsin law by a Democrat.
Wisconsin 31st State Senate District Dem candidate Kathleen Vinehout is so desperate for votes that she's bribing UW-Eau Claire students with free hotdogs.
---For Immediate Release---
Contact: Bob Delaporte, (608) 257-4765
November 6, 2006
( Madison , WI )....First it was "Smokes for Votes." Then it was "Pastries for Votes." Now Democrats are continuing their assault on the health of voters by offering "Wieners for votes."
Democrats in Eau Claire are illegally offering free food in an effort to bribe people for their vote. Today, a complaint had to be filed against Democrat Kathleen Vinehout's campaign for handing out free food in violation of Wisconsin 's "election bribery" law. The Executive Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, Rick Wiley, says he doubts even free food will help Vinhout's campaign.
"Apparently, Kathleen's campaign is so out of steam, they have to offer free hotdogs for votes," Wiley said, "Cigarettes, pastries and now hotdogs for votes. No wonder Democrats want universal health care. The people they are bribing for their vote are going to need it."
Kathleen Vineholt's campaign manager was spotted putting up flyers on the UW-Eau Claire campus for a phony front group called "Students 4 Students Voting." The flyers offer free hotdogs for voters, a clear violation of Wisconsin law. Wisconsin Statute 12.11(1) defines "election bribery" as ". . . any amount of money, or any object which has utility independent of any political message it contains and the value of which exceeds $1." Wiley says he's not surprised that Vineholt has resorted to breaking Wisconsin law to get votes.
"Kathleen Vineholt is continuing a Democrat tradition of Election bribery," Wiley said, "For Democrats, it's a lot easier to illegally hand out freebies than it is to come up with a plan to make Wisconsin better."
A complaint was also filed on Vineholt's campaign because a UW-Eau Clair professor was caught coordinating with Democrats at taxpayer expense. According to the complaint filed today, a professor was using her taxpayer funded e-mail to get students to accept rides from Democrats to the polls. On those shuttles, voters were handed a completed sample ballot with all the Democrats filled in - making it clear they were to vote for Democrats to enjoy the free perk.
Jim Doyle's administration remains under investigation by Federal, State and County authorities.
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Authorized and paid for by the Republican Party of Wisconsin, Reince Priebus, Treasurer
When will the Dems learn that they can't bribe voters? It's illegal.
This incident raises some interesting questions:
What is your vote worth to you?
Would you sell it for a hot dog?
It's kind of funny; but then again, it's not funny at all.
I don't know who's worse -- the Eau Claire Professor working with the Vinehout campaign to stage the illegal weinie roast or the students that would have boarded the shuttles, gone to the polls, and voted the Dem Party ticket just for a free hot dog.
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