Friday, November 30, 2007


When I first heard of the plans to erect a statue of Fonzie from Happy Days in a prominent downtown Milwaukee location, I was against it.

I have no problem with immortalizing the Fonz in bronze. Milwaukee shouldn't be ashamed of commemorating the Happy Days icon. I just thought a different location for the statue might be more appropriate than a downtown site. (I don't think Fonzie hung out much downtown.)

I question a Fonzie sculpture located near the Chase Plaza office tower. However, I don't object to the statue itself. I don't think it would reflect poorly on the city at all.

A statue of Jeffrey Dahmer would be a different story. That would feed into a negative image of Milwaukee, though it probably would draw loads of tourists.

I don't understand why some people are getting so bent out of shape over the Fonzie monument.

Actually, I do understand. They're snobs, elitists.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Arts agitator and Hotcakes Gallery owner Mike Brenner threw a self-described "temper tantrum" this week and vowed he'd shutter his gallery and leave Milwaukee if a proposed bronze sculpture of Fonzie, the character from the "Happy Days" TV series, is installed here.

Brenner's hyperbolic rant, made via e-mail and first reported by on Wednesday, was seconded Thursday by gallery owner Brooks Barrow, who vowed to follow suit.

"If Hotcakes closes, then I too will walk," wrote Barrow, owner of the Brooks Barrow Gallery in the Third Ward, in a post to's Art City blog.

The Fonz sculpture, an $85,000 project of Visit Milwaukee, according to Brenner and Barrow, is a "monument to small town Milwaukee" and an icon of mediocre public art, something Milwaukee has been plagued with for years.

David Gordon, director of the Milwaukee Art Museum, inspired by the ruckus raised by Brenner and Barrow, weighed in with his own e-mail Thursday, sent to area media. The Fonz sculpture is a harmless novelty, he said, though it may clash with a significant public art project planned for Wisconsin Ave.

Everything in the world clashes with "The Calling."

Gordon doesn't seem to have a problem with that.

There's no question that the whiners are snobs.

What's wrong with a "monument to small town Milwaukee" anyway?

What would be a more fitting monument to Milwaukee? Would a "big city" depiction of gun violence and murder be better? Instead of Fonzie and his trademark thumbs up pose, would a statue of a thug with a gun be a more appropriate representation of the real Milwaukee?

The city would be much better served by embracing small town values than big city blight.

Are Brenner and Barrow so sensitive and so stubborn that they couldn't bear to remain in a city home to a statue of Fonzie?

Really? Is their allegiance to their community that weak?

Consider how many truly offensive things are seen on the streets of Milwaukee. Brenner and Barrow should be troubled by all that stuff, not a bronze Fonz.

If the critics don't like a Fonzified Milwaukee, they should leave and spare us the hissy fits.

The pompous and pretentious Brenner and Barrow can threaten to close their galleries. They can hold their breath until they turn blue and pass out before they pack up and move away.

And Gordon can pontificate about art in the city but I doubt he'll win over many hearts and minds.

Personally, I think Brenner and Barrow and Gordon should take it down a notch. They should go bowling. Bumper bowling would probably be best given their obvious self-esteem issues. Yes, they should rent some shoes and bowl a few games, chow down on brats and beer, snack on beef jerky. They need to loosen up.

I don't really buy the notion that the bronze Fonz will be a major tourist attraction, but it's sure to draw dramatically more visitors to the city than Hotcakes and the Brooks Barrow Gallery.

If Milwaukee residents can live with that ghastly orange monstrosity "The Calling" for all these years, I'm sure the vast majority will manage to survive with a statue of Fonzie and get by without Hotcakes.

As this debate heats up and the rhetoric becomes more extreme, I wonder where Mayor Tom Barrett stands on the issue.

Does he welcome the Fonz with open arms or does he side with the pouty snobs?

I suppose, as is so often the case, Barrett stands on the fence with one thumb up and one thumb down.

Katelynn Tolzman Dies

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Tonight's boys and girls basketball games between Grafton and Homestead high schools have been postponed following the announcement earlier today that a third teenager has died from injuries suffered in last Friday's two-vehicle crash on I-43 in Grafton.

Katelynn M. Tolzman, 16, of the Town of Grafton, and a sophomore cheerleader at Grafton High School, died early this morning at Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa, Ozaukee County Coroner John Holicek said.

Also postponed is the hockey game that was scheduled tonight between Grafton-Port Washington High School and St. Mary's Springs High School in Fond du Lac, Grafton High Athletic Director Scott Parsons said.

Grafton students are being allowed to leave school early today because of the news, Parsons said.

"It's been just a very, very tough week here and with this news coming today it just doesn't make sense to play," Parsons said.

Aaron J. Prom, 17, of Saukville, is in critical but stable condition at Froedtert. Tolzman and Prom were passengers in a Mazda sedan driven by Kathryn Zoromski when the car left the southbound lanes north of Pioneer Road, crossed the median and slipped beneath a cable barrier.

...Zoromski, 16, of the Town of Grafton, and another passenger, Brandon Melichar, 17, of the Town of Port Washington, were pronounced dead at the scene.

Kathryn Zoromski's funeral was on Wednesday. Brandon Melichar's funeral was yesterday.

Now, this morning, news comes that Katelynn Tolzman died of her injuries.

There will be yet another funeral, more grieving. It's heartbreaking.

God be with the family and friends of Katelynn.

CNN IS the News

Much like when Dan Rather and 60 Minutes became a news story, CNN and its YouTube debate IS the story.

NRO spells it out:

Shortly before Wednesday night’s CNN/YouTube Republican debate, host Anderson Cooper defended the innovative format in which “ordinary citizens” were invited to submit their own questions by uploading videos to the Internet.

“Obviously people are cautious about any type of new technology,” Cooper told The Politico. “But this is not that new. This whole Internet thing has been around for a while, if I understand. I think the candidate that rejects it looks out of touch and foolish.”

The day after the debate, it was revealed that at least six of the questioners were Democratic activists rather than typical voters, whose opinions and concerns were supposed to be represented. The question for CNN — which was solely responsible for selecting the questions — is: Who looks foolish now?

...Republicans were reluctant to participate in last night’s debate, and CNN proved them right. Both they and the viewers had to endure two hours of inanity and stilted questioning. We learned a little something about the candidates in the exchanges Wednesday night, but we learned much more about CNN.

Yes, we learned a lot.

Kill Gillian Gibbons

"Kill her, kill her by firing squad."

MOHAMED OSMAN, Associated Press Writer, reports on "Calls in Sudan for execution of Briton."

Mohamed Osman writes:

"Thousands of Sudanese, many armed with clubs and knives, rallied Friday in a central square and demanded the execution of a British teacher convicted of insulting Islam for allowing her students to name a teddy bear "Muhammad."

Did Osman's parents name him Mohamed because they wanted to insult Islam?

He's not a teddy bear; but still, it's a slippery slope. Perhaps Osman should use a pen name. Thousands of Sudanese could turn on him.

Cassius Clay was lucky that when he changed his name to Muhammad Ali, crazed mobs didn't call for his head.

When a class of children decide to name a teddy bear after a popular student, is that really an insult to Islam? Should the teacher of the class be arrested and convicted for the offense?

KHARTOUM, Sudan -- Thousands of Sudanese, many armed with clubs and knives, rallied Friday in a central square and demanded the execution of a British teacher convicted of insulting Islam for allowing her students to name a teddy bear "Muhammad."

In response to the demonstration, teacher Gillian Gibbons was moved from the women's prison near Khartoum to a secret location for her safety, her lawyer said.

The protesters streamed out of mosques after Friday sermons, as pickup trucks with loudspeakers blared messages against Gibbons, who was sentenced Thursday to 15 days in prison and deportation. She avoided the more serious punishment of 40 lashes.

They massed in central Martyrs Square outside the presidential palace, where hundreds of riot police were deployed. They did not try to stop the rally, which lasted about an hour.

"Shame, shame on the U.K.," protesters chanted.

They called for Gibbons' execution, saying, "No tolerance: Execution," and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad."

Gibbons' chief lawyer, Kamal al-Gizouli, said she was moved from the prison for her safety for the final nine days of her sentence.

"They moved this lady from the prison department to put her in other hands and in other places to cover her and wait until she completes her imprisonment period," he said, adding that she was in good health.

Thousands of Sudanese, many carrying knives and sticks, protest in Khartoum, Sudan, after prayers Friday Nov. 30, 2007, calling for the execution of a British teacher Gillian Gibbons convicted of insulting Islam for letting her students name a teddy bear Muhammad. (AP Photos/Abd Raouf)

Let's cut to the chase.

These people are absolutely deranged.

They left their MOSQUES AFTER FRIDAY SERMONS and with clubs and knives in hand, they chanted, "Kill her, kill her by firing squad."

"No tolerance." No kidding.

And I think it's bad when people leave Mass and get out in the church parking lot, get behind the wheel, and act like jerks, cutting others off and behaving in a rather uncivilized, unchristian fashion. At least I've never seen anyone brandishing clubs and knives or calling for a fellow parishioner's execution.

...The protest arose despite vows by Sudanese security officials the day before, during Gibbons' trial, that threatened demonstrations after Friday prayers would not take place. Some of the protesters carried green banners with the name of the Society for Support of the Prophet Muhammad, a previously unknown group.

Many protesters carried clubs, knives and axes — but not automatic weapons, which some have brandished at past government-condoned demonstrations. That suggested Friday's rally was not organized by the government.

What self-control!

The protesters left the automatic weapons at home!

A Muslim cleric at Khartoum's main Martyrs Mosque denounced Gibbons during one sermon, saying she intentionally insulted Islam. He did not call for protests, however.

"Imprisoning this lady does not satisfy the thirst of Muslims in Sudan. But we welcome imprisonment and expulsion," the cleric, Abdul-Jalil Nazeer al-Karouri, a well-known hard-liner, told worshippers.

"This an arrogant woman who came to our country, cashing her salary in dollars, teaching our children hatred of our Prophet Muhammad," he said.

Really, is there any talking to or negotiating with such people?

They're uncivilized.

They're hypocritical.

They are radical Islam.

They're perhaps the greatest threat to peace in our time.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

UWM Defuses Walid Shoebat Controversy

620 WTMJ reports that UWM has refused to give in to the Muslim Student Association and its demand to cancel Walid Shoebat's appearnce.

The Shoebat event scheduled for December 4 is a go.

University officials really had no choice once they were outed and the story became major news. UWM had to reverse course when their under-handed attempt to ensure the cancellation of Shoebat's appearance by charging the sponsor of the event, student group the Conservative Union, an exorbitant security fee was revealed.

The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee has decided it will no longer charge a student organization a security fee for a speech planned on campus next week. The speech by Walid Shoebat caused controversy after a Muslim student group argued that it could cause hate toward Muslims on campus.

Here's UWM's explanation for its flip flop:

Statement from UW-Milwaukee Administration:

UWM Union Modifies Policy on Speaker Security Charges

From the beginning of our planning for the Dec. 4 appearance of Walid Shoebat at the UW-Milwaukee Union, campus officials have been most concerned with the safety of students and the others who will be coming to our university to attend the event. A safety plan for the event was created by the Division of Student Affairs after reviewing the experiences of other universities where Mr. Shoebat appeared. The cost for the required additional security services was based on a fee-recovery program developed by UWM Union officials over the summer.

It has become clear, however, that the additional security expenses have been perceived by some as a means to discourage speakers from visiting the UWM campus. Simply stated, that is not the case. UWM is committed to its long-standing practice of welcoming and encouraging discussion and debate of all issues no matter how controversial.

To ensure that the UWM Union remains a place where ideas are freely exchanged, the Union will explore other methods to recover such expenses. As a result of this policy change, the Union is canceling the additional security charges that were to have been applied to next Tuesday’s Shoebat speech sponsored by the Conservative Union and to a forum on the same day sponsored by the Muslim Student Association.

Throughout its history, UWM has kept its doors open to people expressing a myriad of perspectives. A particularly significant example was the Nov. 23, 1965, appearance of Martin Luther King, Jr. at UWM, which required extraordinary safety measures. In the following years, the university has welcomed numerous speakers who represented many perspectives. We will continue to do so in order to preserve and protect the right to free speech and, when necessary, we will take precautions to ensure the safety of all involved.

Blah, blah, blah.

You know the administration feels its back was against the wall on this one if it felt the need to raise civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr. as an example of the campus opening its doors to speakers with different perspectives. It seems tossed in there to deflect attention from the controversy at hand.

As far as the added security required for the Shoebat event, there's really no reason for "campus officials [to] have been most concerned with the safety of students and the others who will be coming to [UWM] to attend the event."

Shoebat has appeared all over the country and the world without incident.

Including: Chile, Mexico, Canada, UK and South Africa. He has appeared on national television also all over the world including CNN, CNN International, FOX News, ITN, RTE, NBC, CBS, and ABC. He has also been featured on BBC radio 4 and 5.

Speaking Highlights:

Harvard Law School lecture

Special forum on Capital Hill Washington DC

Columbia Unversity lecture

Concordia University

UCLA, USC, University of Georgia, Washington University, Penn State, San Diego State and many others.

Keynote address to more than 700 Jewish leaders and rabbis from all over the world and North America at its Partners Conference in Stamford, CT, which is the highlight of Aish's calendar, and again in New York later in November.

Encounter conference, largest gathering of orthodox Jews in UK.

Jewish communities of St Petersburg, Memphis, St Louis, Scranton, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Albany, Dallas, Tampa, W. Palm Beach, Seattle, Cincinnati, Toronto, Motreal, Winnepeg, Calgary, Vancouver, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rockville MD, Atlanta, St Louis, Minneapolis, Phoenix, and soon Las Vegas and Cleveland.

The safety excuse is exactly that -- an excuse.

The UWM administration is putting on a holier than thou act now, but I think they were hostile to the idea of Shoebat speaking on campus.

For some reason, some vocal students and officials consider it threatening to have an event featuring a former terrorist who has seen the error of his ways. There's no evidence to suggest that having Shoebat come to the university to speak out against Jihad poses a security risk and endangers students.

Shoebat's message doesn't incite violence.

RADICAL Islam's message is the security risk.

Manishkumar Patel

UPDATE, December 28, 2007: Manishkumar Patel Wanted for Bail Jumping
An Appleton man accused of doctoring his girlfriend's drink with an abortion drug in an attempt to kill her fetus had a warrant issued for his arrest today.

Thirty-4-year-old businessman Manishkumar Patel had posted a $750,000 cash bond to gain his release after being charged with seven felonies. They include attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child.

Sheriff's officials say Patel failed to show up at a day-report center yesterday as required under conditions of his bond.

Outagamie County Court Commissioner Maureen Roberts Budiac signed an arrest warrant today for felony bail jumping.

I predicted that Patel wouldn't be sticking around.

That was as easy as predicting the sun will rise tomorrow.


Manishkumar Patel: "I didn't want it"

I think how one reacts to this story has everything to do with when one believes life begins.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Two weeks after a 39-year-old pregnant Kaukauna woman watched her boyfriend frantically mix something in an ice cream smoothie and give it to her, she miscarried.

Suspicious of her boyfriend's actions, Darshana G. Patel didn't drink the smoothie, but she had consumed other food and drinks he had been preparing for her since she announced her pregnancy. Now, thinking her boyfriend might have had something to do with this miscarriage and a miscarriage she suffered last year, she had the smoothie tested and contacted Outagamie County sheriff's detectives.

A lab test showed the drink was laced with RU-486, also known as the abortion pill because it can induce miscarriages. After a search of Manishkumar M. Patel's home in Kaukauna found more RU-486 tablets, the well-to-do gas station and convenience store owner was charged Thursday with attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child and eight other charges. Darshana Patel and Manishkumar Patel are not related.

In what could be one of the first cases of its kind, Manishkumar Patel, the father of her 3-year-old son, is charged with trying to get rid of her fetus by slipping the abortion drug into her food and drinks, authorities say.

Manishkumar Patel is being held in the Outagamie County Jail after Court Commissioner Brian Figy, who called the accusations "devious, diabolical and deceiving," set bail at $750,000 and ordered him to surrender his passport. A preliminary hearing was set for Monday.

According to the criminal complaint, Manishkumar Patel, 34, told detectives that he contacted someone in India, where he lived until he immigrated to Wisconsin in 1999, about how to end a pregnancy. The person suggested the RU-486 pills, which Patel said he had shipped to him from India, where the drug is less restricted than in the United States, the complaint says.

Patel is married to another woman, but he has had a relationship with Darshana Patel at various times since 2001. Both are from India and share a common cultural background. Manishkumar Patel told detectives he was confident the fetus his girlfriend miscarried Sept. 30 was his and that having children was her idea, the complaint says.

What a bizarre relationship!

Patel is married but Darshana Patel doesn't seem to have a problem with that.

She's had a relationship with Patel "at various times since 2001."

This sentence from the article stands out: "Both are from India and share a common cultural background."

What is that supposed to mean?

Does that common cultural background include adultery?

I doubt it.

In any case, their shared homeland and cultural background are irrelevant to the crimes allegedly committed by Patel.

He told investigators he "didn't need more babies" and said "I didn't want it" when detectives asked him about having another child with his girlfriend, the complaint says.

In arguing for a high cash bail, Assistant District Attorney Mark Schroeder said Manishkumar Patel has a green card to live and work in the United States, but he would be a risk to flee the country. Patel, who owns 14 gas stations, a hotel and other businesses in Wisconsin, estimated his net worth at $400,000, Schroeder said.

This guy is a successful businessman, quite a tycoon.

I do question the wording that Patel "owns" all those gas stations, a hotel, and other businesses. He must carry a lot of debt. If he owned those businesses outright he'd have to be worth more than $400,000. Still, he's not a bum.

When Patel learned his girlfriend was pregnant, he moved in with her and made her meals and tea, said Outagamie County Sheriff's Sgt. Gary Shortess.

"That was the only time he seemed interested in her, when he thought she was pregnant," Shortess said.

Obviously, Patel wasn't only interested in his girlfriend when he thought she was pregnant. He was interested enough to get her pregnant.
Shortess and sheriff's Sgt. Ryan Carpenter described Manishkumar Patel as manipulative and controlling of Darshana Patel, who bought the home her boyfriend was living in with his wife. Darshana Patel, who is a family physician, also purchased vehicles for Manishkumar Patel.

Why did Darshana Patel buy a home and cars for Patel?

The woman is a doctor! I guess professionals aren't necessarily the brightest bulbs.

...In addition to attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child, Manishkumar Patel was charged Thursday with second-degree reckless endangerment, placing foreign objects in food, delivery and possession of prescription drugs, stalking, burglary and possession of burglary tools, all felonies, and two misdemeanor counts of violating a restraining order that his girlfriend obtained against him.

Schroeder said attempted homicide charges were filed, rather than homicide, because the current evidence supports that charge. The case is ongoing, and more charges could be filed if additional evidence is found, he said. During Thursday's court hearing, Patel sat next to his attorney and held up his hands to partially shield his face from news cameras.

Defense attorney Thomas Zoesch said Patel denies all of the charges.

Darshana Patel became pregnant in August and told authorities Manishkumar Patel promised he would commit to her and they could live anywhere they wanted, the complaint says. She said he became attentive after learning she was pregnant and occasionally made meals for her at her home. On Sept. 17, she and Patel, with their son, went to dinner and stopped at an ice cream shop in Appleton for dessert.

According to the complaint, while she stayed in the car, Manishkumar Patel went to buy her a smoothie. She said she saw him through the window of the store, splitting the smoothie into two cups and stirring one cup frantically before giving it to her. She said she had an upset stomach and couldn't drink it, and when their son asked to drink it, Patel told him he could not, the complaint says.

The woman later looked in the cup and found powder in the smoothie, the complaint says. She took it to her office, refrigerated it and bought an identical one to put in her refrigerator. She noticed Patel later removed that smoothie from her refrigerator, she thinks, because he thought it was the smoothie he had given her, the complaint says.

On Sept. 30, the woman miscarried. A week later, she sent samples of the smoothie to a California lab, which confirmed the smoothie tested positive for mifepristone, or RU-486, the complaint says. She went to authorities Nov. 1, and more tests were done, which led to Thursday's charges.

What a weird case!

It's like a bad screenplay.

This case does highlight that weird thing about abortion.

Killing a baby by terminating a pregnancy is perfectly legal and considered by many to be socially acceptable. If the mother wants her baby dead, she can end her pregnancy, whether by RU-486 or through other methods. It's an empowering act.

But when another person succeeds in killing or attempts to kill an unborn child, then it's criminal.

It's not homicide when the mother kills her baby. It is homicide when someone else does, other than a doctor, of course.

Defining whether aborting a child is a crime or a choice hinges on whether the mother willingly ends the child's life.

Either way, the baby is dead and intentionally put to death.

I find these moral inconsistencies to be irreconcilable.


Dr. Darshana Patel with her 3-year-old son, Shive, in the chapel at Elizabeth Ministry in Kaukauna. (Photo for The Post-Crescent by Wm. Glasheen)

Just a few days ago, the Post-Cresent ran a story on Elizabeth Ministry, citing Darshana Patel's loss.

Reading the piece, I was certainly left with the impression that the miscarriage was naturally occurring and there were no criminal elements to her story.

When Darshana Patel lost 14-week-old son Shankar to miscarriage a year ago Dec. 6, it was the loss of more than a dream.

"It's as if somebody cut your arm off or took away your limbs," said Patel, a Kaukauna physician and mother to Shiv, 3. "It was a nightmare for me in a sense. I woke up with contractions and bleeding and ended up coming to the hospital. But before I came to the hospital I had delivered my baby at home. So that was difficult."

The hospital helped Patel sort out some things, giving her only what she could handle at the time. Yet, in the grip of despair, figuring out what came next was a blur. With the gentle help of Elizabeth Ministry, Patel refocused "to do what a mom would want to do for her son," she said.

Since its inception in 1991, Elizabeth Ministry International has offered a safe haven for women to gather with other women in their special times of womanhood — the joys, challenges and sorrows of the childbearing years.

Founded by Jeannie Hannemann and the late Rev. Kurt Gessner while both served at St. Bernard Parish in Appleton, the ministry follows the example of the Bible's Mary and Elizabeth, who both found themselves pregnant in very unlikely circumstances: Mary, an unmarried virgin, and the elderly and infertile Elizabeth, her cousin. Mary went to Elizabeth's house for encouragement and support.

"What does a woman do when they need to talk?" said Linda Lamers, who is the Elizabeth Ministry coordinator at St. Katherine Drexel's St. Francis-Hollandtown location. "They usually call another woman."

That's why Mary turned to Elizabeth. And why Hannemann was there for Patel and for little Shankar, who was mourned in the Kaukauna-based ministry chapel for a week before being buried Dec. 13. For most Hindus, cremation is the ideal method for dealing with the dead. Infants, however, are buried rather than cremated.

"In the morning, I did the service on my own," Patel said. "I did chant my Indian mantra, and they let me do (the funeral) the way it came from my heart. There were no restrictions or requirements. … They were just there for me."

And they continue to be.

"Jeannie validated my feelings; I wasn't going crazy," Patel said. "She gave me permission to tell my story. That's how people mourn and how they heal."


Manishkumar Patel posts bail.
APPLETON -- The Outagamie County Sheriff's Department has reported that Manishkumar M. Patel, 34, of Appleton has posted $750,000 bail and will be released from the Outagamie County Jail.

...[Outagamie County Court Commissioner Brian] Figy ordered him held on $750,000 bail after Assistant District Attorney Mark Schroeder said Patel, who runs service stations and other businesses, had a net worth of $400,000 and was a flight risk. Investigators had found an airline ticket in Patel's home for a flight that was scheduled to leave for Germany on Nov. 28, the day after he was arrested, Schroeder said.

"Flight risk" Patel will be released.

I doubt that he's going to be sticking around.


Brett Favre lays on the ground after being hit in the arm. (Photo/AP)

This was painful.

From what little I heard of him, Bryant Gumbel was horrible. It was in the first quarter, Dallas' first possession of the game. Gumbel said something like, "The Packers' offense starts off with good field position."

Good grief. It's one thing to screw up a player's name. It's another thing to make such an obvious error. Doesn't Gumbel get paid to tell viewers the basic stuff, like which team is on offense and defense? We had enough of the arrogant yet ignorant Gumbel. At that point, we muted the sound and we listened to Wayne and Larry on WTMJ.

Brett throws some interceptions and then leaves the game with an injury.

On the bright side, Aaron Rodgers looked great.

If Charles Woodson and KGB had been playing, I think we could have won. Brett was out and the Packers were still in it.

Tonight's game showed that the Packers can beat the Cowboys.

10-2 is a great record.

Packers 27
Cowboys 37

Officers Sentenced in Frank Jude Jr. Beating

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Three fired Milwaukee police officers were sentenced to lengthy federal prison terms today for the beating of Frank Jude Jr.

Jon Bartlett, was sentenced to 17 years and four months. Daniel Masarik and Andrew Spengler were each sentenced to more than 15 years.

Bartlett, the first to be sentenced, sat expressionless throughout the hearing. He read from a prepared statement in which he apologized to both Frank Jude and Lovell Harris, who were not present.

"I am truly sorry for what happened to each and I hope that they forgive me," he said. "I know my actions will never be forgotten but I hope they can forgive me as a person."

Bartlett said he had been overwhelmed by everything that had happened since the October 2004 beating and was afraid for his future in explaining his subsequent actions of phoning in bomb threats and trying to buy firearms and ammunition. While he said he accepts responsibility for his actions, he continued to deny that he shoved a pen into Jude's ear.

He said he's lost his house, his cars, his motorcycles, his pet, every material object in his life and has been divorced by his wife.

He said that the time he has spent in jail he used to examine his life and has found God and reconnected with his family.

Reading a statement on behalf of Jude, attorney Jon Safran called Bartlett's actions "those of a terrorist."

"You violated my civil rights and you attempted to kill me. You took my life. You are a disgrace to the police uniform," Jude said in the statement, but added that he would pray for Bartlett's soul.

...Masarik's attorney, Jonathan Smith, had asked for a lesser penalty for his client.

Smith called it "a single 20-minute event in a 27-year life in which there was a group mentality, intoxication and a chaotic scene that escalated beyond control."

But Clevert issued a stinging rebuke of Masarik's behavior and that of other off-duty officers in the October 2004 incident.

"In my estimation it would be a travesty if I were to adopt the rationale discussed for a below-guidelines sentence," Clevert said.

"This case was so serious and has done so much damage and the defendant acted in a way the court believes requires harsh sentencing."

Finally, some closure on this incident.

The moral of the story: Don't beat up people.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

IDs for ILLEGAL Immigrants in San Francisco

San Francisco will be issuing ID cards to immigrants.

That would be reasonable if the cards were for immigrants. They're not. They're for ILLEGAL immigrants.

That means people breaking our laws and in our country illegally will get cards.

SAN FRANCISCO -- The mayor signed legislation Wednesday requiring the city to issue identification cards to undocumented immigrants and other residents who can't or won't apply for driver's licenses.

The IDs would not enable cardholders to drive in San Francisco, and they would not stand in for a work visa or Social Security number for those seeking employment. But the IDs would qualify them for health services at city-run clinics, public library privileges and resident discounts at museums and other cultural institutions, according to Mayor Gavin Newsom.

In effect, Newsom signed legislation to grant privileges to lawbreakers. The privileges come at taxpayer expense.

The ILLEGAL immigrants will even receive discounts at museums!

Good grief!

Do the ILLEGALS, members of the cheap labor forces who supposedly do the jobs that Americans refuse to do, have the time and money to be wandering through San Francisco's museums?

Despite the strong emotions the immigration debate arouses, Newsom said, he sees the ID card program as a practical move that will make it easier for San Francisco citizens to qualify for local services and for city government workers to determine who is eligible to receive them.

ILLEGAL immigrants shouldn't be receiving any local services.

They're in the country ILLEGALLY. They aren't entitled to services for citizens or LEGAL immigrants.

The IDs are supposed to make it easier for city workers to determine who is eligible for services.

If someone has a card that identifies him or her as an ILLEGAL, shouldn't that mean the individual should be returned to his or her home country?

"San Francisco does more than most other cities in the United States for its residents, but you need to prove you are a resident and there's no easier way to do it than having one card," he said. "I don't think it's that big of a deal and I think it's inevitable in other cities."

Yes, but ILLEGALS aren't citizens. They're squatters.

And unlike Newsom's claim, it is a big deal.

He has rendered our immigration laws null and void by legitimizing ILLEGAL immigrants.

Who needs comprehensive immigration reform when you've got a mayor like Newsom making the entire process of immigrating to America irrelevant.

Come one, come all.

The path to citizenship runs through San Francisco.

If you issue cards, they will come.

Nan Hegerty's Junkets

I didn't think Milwaukee's former police chief Nan Hegerty was very effective.

I was glad when she announced that she would be retiring. I wasn't too thrilled that her goodbye was so extended. It was less than a week into January when she said November 16 would be the date of her departure. Talk about a long exit!

Although I wasn't impressed with her leadership during her four years as chief, I thought she was a decent person, committed and respectable.

I'm rethinking my assessment of her.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

What better way for a top city official to celebrate her retirement than with an eight-day trip to New Orleans?

Only, in the case of former Milwaukee Police Chief Nannette Hegerty, the taxpayers ended up being stuck with the bill.

City records show that Hegerty traveled to the Big Easy on Oct. 11 to 18 for the back-to-back conferences of the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Her last day on the job was Nov. 16.

The city tab for Hegerty's trip: $2,578. This was the most expensive of her four out-of-state trips this year.

An agenda for the Major Cities conference was pretty much what you'd expect - a bunch of panel discussions and meetings. It did feature a three-hour event called "A New Orleans Celebration" held at Fulton Street, which is described as "a beautiful outdoor space adjacent to Harrah's Hotel and Casino."

The second conference sounds like more fun. Yes, it had its share of workshops and speakers. But the agenda included a morning golf outing at the Jack Nicklaus-designed English Turn course, a chance to participate in the "Manning Football Experience" - an interactive program involving punting and passing - and a night out at the Superdome experiencing "the tastes and sounds of New Orleans."

The Police Department is so strapped for funds and the city is in a crime crisis, but Hegerty saw fit to have taxpayers pay thousands of dollars for her to take two trips in her final days as police chief.

She was probably cleaning out her desk as she packed for her junkets. She was on her way out.

Why would she stick the citizens of Milwaukee with the bill for her to attend conferences that wouldn't benefit the city?

What an absolute waste!

...Deputy Inspector Mary Hoerig, a Hegerty loyalist, said the trip was worth it.

"Absolutely," Hoerig said. "In the police force, you really learn a lot by learning what other cities are doing and what's worked and what's not working."

A lot of good that will do Milwaukee now that Hegerty is gone. She can probably take what she learned with her to her first consulting gig.

This is really disgusting.

Hegerty used MILWAUKEE'S money for own benefit. She spent her last days on the job abusing her power and position.

It's truly unfortunate that Hegerty chose to go out this way, to soil her legacy, such that it is, by so blatantly ripping off the taxpayers.


Finally, it's Thursday. It's game day.

The week of live reports from Dallas, all the hype, all the advertising leading up to tonight's game is mercifully coming to an end and there will actually be some football. The teams will take the field.

Let's get some perspective.

The Packers - Cowboys game tonight is not the Super Bowl.

It's not a playoff game.

It's a regular season game, albeit a big one, with possible playoff implications.

Of course, I would love to see the Packers win. I think they can. You know what they say, "On any given Thursday...."

It's not like I haven't enjoyed hype of the big showdown replacing murder and fires and robberies as the lead story on the news. It's been a nice distraction.

And don't get me wrong. I'm really looking forward to the game. I think the hype is stressing me out, too much pressure. I dread the letdown if the Packers should happen to lose (not that I think they will).

All I care about now is what happens on the field. But I do have a few thoughts about Burlington boy Tony Romo.

I am sick of hearing that Romo was dating or is dating Jessica "Chicken of the Sea" Simpson. I'm sick of it. Enough already.

I'm really sick of hearing that growing up, Romo was no fan of Brett Favre.

Irving, Texas -- It's an irresistible, made-for-TV storyline: Kid from small-town Wisconsin grows up idolizing Brett Favre and winds up facing his hero in an epic battle between two 10-1 teams with Super Bowl aspirations.

Cue the violin music and the baritone voice-over.

In reality, however, there's a hole in the two-hankie tale bigger than the one in the Texas Stadium roof.

See, Tony Romo grew up idolizing Michael Jordan. He rooted for John Elway in Super Bowl XXXII. At Burlington (Wis.) High School in the mid-1990s, when Favre fever was sweeping Wisconsin, he picked No. 16 as his football jersey number in honor of Joe Montana.

"I was probably the outcast," Romo said.

His all-time favorite sports moment? No, it's not Favre sprinting around the Superdome after throwing a touchdown pass to Andre Rison in Super Bowl XXXI. It's not a grieving Favre going off for 399 yards and four touchdowns against the Oakland Raiders one day after his father died.

It's Jack Nicklaus, then 58, contending at the 1998 Masters.

"I come home from church on that Sunday morning in '98, and I can't wait," Romo said. "And the first thing (CBS announcer) Jim Nantz says when he comes on the screen is, 'You're not going to believe this.' And they show Jack.

"I jumped so high my head hit the ceiling."

That's kind of odd.

How did Romo not get caught up in the Packer-mania of the Super Bowl seasons of '96 and '97, the return to glory?

I can't imagine.

...Now, Romo finds himself in the biggest game of his life, a game that probably will determine home-field advantage for the NFC playoffs.

On the other side of the field will be Favre, a man he admires and respects but does not worship. Romo never owned a No. 4 Packers jersey. He never wore a cheesehead. He wants to play well, but not to impress Favre.

"I don't think it's a matter of Tony trying to go out there and impress anyone," Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens said. "I think Tony is going to go out there with the mind-set of winning the ball game.

"And if that impresses Brett, so be it."

Romo seems like a nice enough guy, but it is kind of weird hearing about how he didn't idolize Favre.

I just don't get how a Wisconsin kid who actually played football as quarterback during Favre's MVP seasons wouldn't worship the future Hall of Famer.

Furthermore, what Wisconsin kid in the past decade and a half hasn't at one time owned a No. 4 Packers jersey?

I can see him never wearing a cheesehead, but the other stuff is sort of surprising, very un-Wisconsin.

I'm guessing Romo doesn't like brats. I bet he doesn't like the Fonz either.

Hillary's Steer Keith Kerr

Well, there she goes again.

We have another Hillary plant. The woman can't seem to help herself.

Hillary's compulsion to control forums by planting questions reminds me of Bill's reckless, self-destructive sexual behavior. They're addicts.

I believe the last time/ times this issue surfaced the campaign clearly stated that the practice was unacceptable and it wouldn't happen again.

Of course, it did. It's like a sickness with Hillary.

On CNN's YouTube Republican presidential debate, it turns out that Hillary managed to get one of her allies to ask a question.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- One questioner, Keith Kerr of Santa Rosa, Calif., a retired Army colonel who served as a brigadier general in the reserves, asked the candidates about their views on gays in the military and revealed himself to be gay. Not mentioned was his membership on a steering committee of gays and lesbians for Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Yes, that little detail was left out.

Kerr is listed on Hillary website as a member of her
LGBT Americans For Hillary Steering Committee: Keith Kerr, retired Colonel., U.S. Army; retired Brigadier General, California National Reserve.

There's no denying the connection, though I'm sure the Hillary camp will come up with some excuse like Kerr acted alone, no conspiracy, no marching orders from the campaign.

Apparently, CNN vets its questioners as well as Hillary vets her campaign donors.

Although moderator Anderson Cooper tried to wipe the egg off his face by apologizing for allowing member of a Hillary Clinton steering committee to pose a question at the debate, Kerr was no stranger to CNN.

He appeared on CNN on December 11, 2003. (Transcript

Wouldn't you think CNN would do a simple check on the questioners?

It certainly didn't take much digging to expose Kerr and his connection to Hillary's campaign.

CNN looks stupid for its shoddy journalism. Anderson Cooper comes off like a tool.

But the biggest loser is Hillary.

This latest revelation about another plant adds to her image as a dirty player. She's dishonest.

Hillary lost the YouTube debate.

Every Republican candidate, even the wackjob Ron Paul, did better on Thursday night than Hillary.

Walid Shoebat Spreads the Word

It always seems to work out this way.

Some group tries to shut someone up, cancel an appearance, something like that.

What follows is a backlash.

The target of the attempt at censorship actually ends up getting more press.

Case in point: If UWM's Muslim Student Association had not tried to silence Walid Shoebat, none of this would be happening.


The Story concerning the UWM event has mushroomed into a major local media event. The Journal Sentinel was a Front Page story today,

CBS 58 will interview Walid on the 10 pm CST bulletin this evening Nov 28.

We have 4 major radio shows booked: Nov 29, Charles Sykes WTMJ at 8.30 am central, Crosstalk at 2 pm central, Nov 30, Vickie Mckenna WISN at 10 am central and Eric Von on Friday at 3 pm WMCS

We expect local affiliate TV will be covering the event on Tuesday along with live interviews with Walid.

If you want the truth to be heard loud, clear with no political correctness, just hire our people to speak at your local university.

If you wish to attend the UWM event please email us at, give the names of all attendees and a working tel number.

On February 25th 2008 we will have a 3 ex terrorist public event to be held in Melbourne, Florida. Ticket reservations for our Florida followers can be requested at the same email address. There are only about 2000 tickets available for this venue. Tickets will be $16.00 each or $100 for VIP sponsor tickets which include a desert reception to meet personally the participants of the event. We expect this event to be sold out within a few weeks of the tickets being available.

Thanks for your support

Keith Davies

I guess that attempt to shut up Shoebat pretty much backfired.

Such efforts usually do.

Milwaukee's Bleak Conservative Leadership Landscape

It appears that no one in the city of Milwaukee is willing to run to unseat Mayor Tom Barrett.

David Clarke announced that he won't try.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr., who had publicly weighed a mayoral bid, said today he will not challenge Mayor Tom Barrett in the April election.

In recent months, Clarke has continued his criticism of Barrett on crime and other issues, but made no move to run. Candidates can begin circulating nomination papers Saturday.

"I'm really disappointed the timing is not right for me to run at this time," Clarke said. "As I said before, Milwaukee needs a change in leadership at City Hall, but that does not necessarily have to be me."

...Said Clarke: "It doesn't look like there's going to be a mayor's race in '08 and I think that's unfortunate."

It's a sad situation for Milwaukee residents that they will have no choice in the mayoral race.

Is Barrett going to be like the perpetually unchallenged Herb Kohl?

There has to be someone who will take on Barrett.

Does Milwaukee have such a conservative leadership vacuum? Is it really that bleak?

There are plenty of libs and nuts wanting to be elected to office. Even the jailed Ald. Mike McGee has filed his declaration of candidacy form to hold on to his position as alderman of the 6th District.

Why think small?

McGee could run for mayor. He has a lot of time on his hands. And he might win. Only felony convictions before the election would stand in McGee's way.


Tom Barrett's CHRISTMAS Care Package Drive

This is a worthy project.

Mayor Tom Barrett is promoting a "Care Package Drive for Soldiers Serving in Iraq."

Barrett writes:

Dear Friends:

With the lighting of the city's Christmas tree recently, I was reminded that it is that time of year again – the holiday season. While it is easy to give thanks for what we have, it is important to keep in mind those abroad who cannot be with their families.

The City of Milwaukee will be holding a Christmas Care Package drive for 180 Wisconsin Army National Guard soldiers serving in Troop E, 105th Cavalry currently stationed in Iraq. These soldiers will not be able to celebrate the holiday season with their loved ones. With your help, we can brighten their holiday.

If you are interested in helping, please drop off selected items from the list below, or cash donations to help with shipping costs, to the designated drop-off point, - The Mayor's Office, City Hall Room 201 – by Monday, December 3. The items collected will be shipped to the soldiers so they receive them in time for the holidays.

I look forward to supporting our soldiers with your help this holiday season.

A list of items to donate follows.

Barrett's message is very apolitical. He takes no stand on the war. I think that's completely appropriate. This has nothing to do with policy regarding the war. It's about supporting Wisconsin soldiers serving our country.

I think it's worth noting that Barrett not only mentions Milwaukee's CHRISTMAS TREE (Gasp!) in his appeal, but the project is called a "CHRISTMAS Care Package drive," as opposed to a HOLIDAY Care Package drive, or WINTER SOLSTICE Care Package drive.

Granted, Barrett does refer to the "holiday" season more than he says "CHRISTMAS" in his newsletter. He is being inclusive. Still, it's undeniable that the project is a CHRISTMAS Care Package drive.

So, is Barrett daring to use his position in elected office to respect an establishment of religion by using the Christian celebration of CHRISTMAS to request items for the troops?

OF COURSE NOT. Not even close.


Criminals are jerks.

They break laws. They do harm. But some are more despicable than others.

The two scumbags who assaulted an 86-year-old Racine woman are among the lowest of the criminal lowlifes.

RACINE -- Racine police say two male suspects entered an 86-year-old woman’s assisted living center apartment Sunday, assaulted and bound her, and ransacked her home.

...Police say the suspects may have gained entry to the woman’s apartment through an unlocked door.

They then assaulted her and bound her, and ransacked her apartment, taking a 2 ¼ carat gold band ring, credit card, check book and possibly other items.

The woman was eventually able to free herself and call police.

...Police describe the victims as being of Hispanic descent and speaking broken English. One of the suspects apparently talked about going back to Puerto Rico.

Two men taking on an 86-year-old woman -- What tough guys!

The suspects are Hispanic. Will there be allegations of racial profiling, like those made by Phoenix talk radio station KNUV 1190 AM when police used the term "Hispanic" to describe a suspect?

They would be baseless. A description is a description.

I wonder. Are these scumbags in the country legally?

It's a fair question.

If one or both are ILLEGAL immigrants, you have to admit that they give ILLEGAL immigrants a very bad name.

UWM and Shoebat: When Money Doesn't Talk, It Stifles

When a controversial figure is scheduled to speak at UWM, and the Muslim Student Association is pressuring the university to cancel the event, how do officials deal with the situation?

They take the easy way out.

They try to kill the event in a roundabout way by applying an unusually high security fee.

UWM officials are raising the price on free speech.

It's a cowardly move.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

A student group at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee that invited a controversial speaker to campus is protesting the school's demand for extra security fees, saying the university is trying to kill the event and stifle free speech.

UWM's Conservative Union, a student group that promotes conservative issues, invited Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian Liberation Organization member who speaks on "Why I Left Jihad," to lecture on campus Dec. 4.

Shoebat, who has spoken at several universities, has raised the ire of some Muslim organizations because of his anti-Islamic message. At a speech in Missouri in September, Shoebat equated the religion with the Antichrist.

"We wanted to bring him in as an example of how a person can change and bring him in to speak about terrorism," said A.J. Piwarun, 23, president of the Conservative Union.

UWM imposed a $2,500 fee about two weeks ago on the Conservative Union, a figure UWM Union Director Scott Gore acknowledged is unusually high but said is required to pay for extra security, including campus police and metal detectors.

"The idea that we're trying to impede the process is wrong," Gore said. "We have to maintain some level of security in case there (is) a protest."

...Tyler Draheim, chairman of UWM's student-run Senate Appropriations Committee, said the price varies for what student organizations must pay to bring in a speaker. He said the "usual" price is between $300 and $500, and no higher than $1,000.

"(The price) kind of does surprise me," he said. "It's good that they're looking at security, but forcing the group to pay this out of pocket kind of hinders this event from happening."

Piwarun said the fee is exorbitant and the need for security is overhyped. He accused the university of discriminating against his group for its views.

"They've been creating many hoops and hassles for us," Piwarun said. "We believe they're picking us out because of our political beliefs."

It appears that the university is bowing to the demands of the MSA.

I don't think there's any question that the exorbitant fee is an effort to prevent Shoebat's appearance.

...If the Shoebat program happens as planned, the Muslim Student Association will not protest but plans a forum after the lecture, where speakers will address questions on Islam, Elsayed said.

"The main issue is safety for us and for others on campus," he said. "Where is the boundary between freedom of speech and hate speech?"

No protest has been sanctioned by the MSA. Does that mean there wouldn't be a protest?

If so, there's no need for the excessive security and the high price tag for the Shoebat speech.

However, if Shoebat does speak at UWM, there will no doubt be protests. They just won't be officially organized by the MSA, a convenient to shirk responsibility and give the appearance of taking the high road.

These claims of Shoebat's program raising serious safety concerns for Muslim students and others are crap.

They should worry about being the victim of a robbery on campus (a much more likely occurrence), not being the victim of violence because Shoebat speaks out against Jihad.

What's really stupid about this whole thing is no one needs Shoebat to point out the reality that there are radical Muslims engaged in Jihad against the United States.

The MSA should consider every suicide bomber in the Middle East as a threat to their safety. Every time there's a reference to the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., they should feel threatened.

In fact, the greatest threat to their safety may be the Mujahideen, the very people that Shoebat is condemning.

Agatha Christie, Steve Kagen, and Ten Little Indians

UPDATE: School to perform play NAACP had opposed

In Liberty Township, Ohio, the decision was made to cancel a school play, under pressure from the local NAACP.
LIBERTY TWP. -- A widely performed school play has been canceled by Lakota officials after a recent meeting with a local NAACP official.

The internationally acclaimed play - Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians" - was to be performed by students at Lakota East High School this weekend.

But Gary Hines, president of the local NAACP branch, recently complained to Lakota officials that the play, based on Christie's 1939 mystery novel, was inappropriate for a school production.

Hines said the book's original title and cover illustration used for its initial publishing that year in England was a racial slur toward blacks and included a cover illustration of a black person and a hangman's noose.

"The original title was 'Ten Little (N - - - - - -),' and it is important to say that because that was the actual title," Hines said Monday.

The title of the international bestseller was widely changed after 1939, and school theater productions in America have performed the murder mystery play as either "Ten Little Indians" or "And Then There Were None" for decades since.

Hines claims that a lack of racial diversity among Lakota's students and teachers allowed the play to be chosen despite the history surrounding its original title.

"It's a lack of diversity knowledge on their part. Diversity is not a way of life in Lakota," Hines said.

But Hines, who operates GPH Consultants - a diversity training company - in West Chester Township, said that despite his strong protest, it was Lakota officials' idea to cancel the play in response to his complaints.

"After learning of the play's origins and the hurt that it caused, we had hoped to use the performances as a way to create a discussion about diversity of all kinds in our community. However, students and staff continued to raise issues, and it was quickly obvious that bad feelings about the play were much more widespread and strong than originally thought. The best action seemed to be to switch to a different play," Weidlich said.

Keith Kline, Lakota East principal, said: "Certainly, it was a tough decision but one that needed to be made.

We must be sensitive, unless we're talking about Democrats.

Take Steve Kagen.

As a candidate for Wisconsin's 8th Congressional District, he said:

"I want to thank you for driving me around the district this morning. I really appreciate you getting me here almost on time," he says to laughter. "Our excuse, uh, in Oneida was, well we are on injun time. They don't tell time by the clock. Our excuse here is I'm a doctor and we're never on time."

He, of course, was elected.

Take Robert Byrd.

As a U.S. senator, in March 2001, appearing on FOX News Sunday, he said:

"There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."

Ex-Klansman Byrd, of course, is the longest-serving senator in the history of the United States.

But the NAACP must not let a high school production of an Agatha Christie play go forward.

Yes, the group must speak out against her racism.

Forget about bigoted comments made by Dems currently serving in the U.S. House and Senate.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

On my honor, I will try...

Daughters of Muslim immigrants to America are joining the Girl Scouts.

As the New York Times reports, the Girl Scouts are being more than accommodating to their needs.

Sometimes when Asma Haidara, a 12-year-old Somali immigrant, wants to shop at Target or ride the Minneapolis light-rail system, she puts her Girl Scout sash over her everyday clothes, which usually include a long skirt worn over pants as well as a swirling head scarf.

She has discovered that the trademark green sash — with its American flag, troop number (3009) and colorful merit badges — reduces the number of glowering looks she draws from people otherwise bothered by her traditional Muslim dress.

“When you say you are a girl scout, they say, ‘Oh, my daughter is a girl scout, too,’ and then they don’t think of you as a person from another planet,” said Asma, a slight, serious girl with a bright smile. “They are more comfortable about sitting next to me on the train.”

This article depicts Americans as bigoted.

Muslim girls in traditional dress have to put up with glowering looks from intolerant Americans. But when the girl is wearing a Girl Scout sash, everyone is happy.

...By teaching girls to roast hot dogs or fix a flat bicycle tire, Farheen Hakeem, one troop leader here, strives to help them escape the perception of many non-Muslims that they are different.

Scouting is a way of celebrating being American without being any less Muslim, Ms. Hakeem said.

“I don’t want them to see themselves as Muslim girls doing this ‘Look at us, we are trying to be American,’ ” she said. “No, no, no, they are American. It is not an issue of trying.”

The parents and their daughters aren't looking for a way to assimilate into American culture. Not at all.

The parents have reservations about allowing their daughters to participate.

...[A] more common concern among parents is that the Girl Scouts will somehow dilute Islamic traditions.

“They are afraid you are going to become a blue-eyed, blond-haired Barbie doll,” said Asma, the girl who at times makes her sash everyday attire. Asma noted that her mother had asked whether she was joining some Christian cabal. “She was afraid that if we hang out with Americans too much,” the young immigrant said, “it will change our culture or who we are.”

Troop leaders win over parents by explaining that various activities incorporate Muslim traditions. In Minneapolis, for instance, Ms. Hakeem helped develop the Khadija Club, named for the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, which exposes older girls to the history of prominent Muslim women.

What's wrong with this picture?

A Muslim mother would only allow her daughter to join Scouting as long as she was assured that it wouldn't turn her into a "blue-eyed, blond-haired Barbie doll."

The mother asked if her daughter was "joining some Christian cabal."

Girl Scouting a Christian cabal?

What a tolerant mother!

What's the problem with being blue-eyed, blond-haired, and Christian?

I used to be a blue-eyed, blond-haired, Christian Girl Scout.

Muslim mothers freak out over the thought of blue eyes and blond hair?

That's bigoted.

Can you imagine if a Christian mother had been quoted saying she didn't want her daughter "joining some Muslim cabal"?

The outrage would be ricocheting from sea to shining sea. The mother would be condemned. Organizations like UWM's Muslim Student Association would probably protest. They would probably fear for their safety.

Notice the leader Ms. Hakeem is quick to point out that the girls are definitely American. Then, scout Asma Haidara says her mother doesn't like the idea of her hanging out with Americans too much because it might change who she is.

Let me get this straight...

Participating in Girl Scouting is meant to give young immigrant Muslim girls a feeling of belonging, "to help them escape the perception of many non-Muslims that they are different."

Nothing wrong with that.

It's a way to assimilate to their new country.


The immigrant parents fear assimilation.

They don't want to be "American."

These immigrants WANT to be different, yet they want to escape the perception that they are different.

That's a dramatic difference from past immigrants.

So much for the melting pot.

...Troop leaders win over parents by explaining that various activities incorporate Muslim traditions. In Minneapolis, for instance, Ms. Hakeem helped develop the Khadija Club, named for the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, which exposes older girls to the history of prominent Muslim women.

Suboohi Khan, 10, won her Bismallah (in the name of God) ribbon by writing 4 of God’s 99 names in Arabic calligraphy and decorating them, as well as memorizing the Koran’s last verse, used for protection against gossips and goblins. Otherwise, she said, her favorite badge involved learning “how to make body glitter and to see which colors look good on us” and “how to clean up our nails.”

Scouting is OK as long as it incorporates Muslim traditions.

It's a positive thing.

The Times is applauding the Muslim troop leaders for transforming an American tradition to fit their needs.

Are these the same libs that get bent out of shape whenever there's a relationship between Scouting and Christianity? I guess they see the Muslim version of Girl Scouting as a victory over Christians.

This is priceless:

Predominantly Muslim troops do accept non-Muslim members.

Can you imagine predominantly Christian troops NOT accepting non-Christian members?

The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

* The word "God" can be interpreted in a number of ways, depending on one's spiritual beliefs. When reciting the Girl Scout Promise, it is okay to replace the word "God" with whatever word your spiritual beliefs dictate.

Sunday School for Atheists

Something is lacking in the lives of atheists -- a church.

They're comfortable not believing in God. That's not the issue. The problem, especially for atheists with children, is the lack of community and its support system of shared values.

From TIME:

[S]ome nonbelievers are beginning to think they might need something for their children. "When you have kids," says Julie Willey, a design engineer, "you start to notice that your co-workers or friends have church groups to help teach their kids values and to be able to lean on." So every week, Willey, who was raised Buddhist and says she has never believed in God, and her husband pack their four kids into their blue minivan and head to the Humanist Community Center in Palo Alto, Calif., for atheist Sunday school.

An estimated 14% of Americans profess to have no religion, and among 18-to-25-year-olds, the proportion rises to 20%, according to the Institute for Humanist Studies. The lives of these young people would be much easier, adult nonbelievers say, if they learned at an early age how to respond to the God-fearing majority in the U.S. "It's important for kids not to look weird," says Peter Bishop, who leads the preteen class at the Humanist center in Palo Alto. Others say the weekly instruction supports their position that it's O.K. to not believe in God and gives them a place to reinforce the morals and values they want their children to have.

In effect, the Humanist center is a church for atheists.

Atheism is their religion.

Their god is the Un-god.

...Atheist parents appreciate this nurturing environment. That's why Kitty, a nonbeliever who didn't want her last name used to protect her kids' privacy, brings them to Bishop's class each week. After Jonathan, 13, and Hana, 11, were born, Kitty says she felt socially isolated and even tried taking them to church. But they're all much more comfortable having rational discussions at the Humanist center. "I'm a person that doesn't believe in myths," Hana says. "I'd rather stick to the evidence."

Clearly, these nonbelievers are trying to fill a void in their lives, but that's easier said than done.

God has big shoes to fill.

Barbra Goes for Hillary

With Oprah on Barack Obama's bandwagon, Hillary was probably desperate for a big name celebrity endorsement.

Hillary got it.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Barbra Streisand, who hedged her bets months ago with donations to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards, has settled on one presidential candidate.
It's Hillary.

"Madame President of the United States ... it's an extraordinary thought. We truly are in a momentous time, where a woman's potential has no limitations," Streisand said in a statement released Tuesday by the Clinton campaign. "Hillary Clinton has already proven to a generation of women that there are no limits for success."

The Oscar-winning actress and singer is a FOB—Friend of Bill Clinton—and the endorsement is hardly surprising. In Hollywood, as in politics, timing is everything, and Streisand's endorsement comes one day after another entertainment superstar, Oprah Winfrey, announced she would campaign for Clinton rival Barack Obama.

"Hillary is a powerful voice for change as we find our country at an important crossroads. Under her leadership, our country will regain its respect within the global community. She will prioritize issues of global climate change, universal health care and rebuilding a strong economy. After eight long years, the public will once again have faith in their government," said Streisand, a longtime supporter of Democratic candidates.

In the statement, Hillary Clinton said she was honored for the support.

Do you think that Bill called Babs and convinced her to back Hillary?

I think it's highly likely.

UWM's Muslim Student Association and Walid Shoebat

Charlie points out that some students at UWM don't want former PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat to speak on campus.

This, of course, is the same university that opened its arms to
9/11 conspiracy nuts Kevin Barrett and James H. Fetzer.

But when someone like Shoebat is invited to deliver a lecture detailing the REALITY of his experiences and his transformation from a terrorist to a supporter of Israel, that's a problem. That presents a danger to students.

Charlie has the relevant MSA e-mails

To the UWM administration:

[I]t has been brought to our attention that an event entitled "Why I Left Jihad" is scheduled to take place at UWM on December 4th at 7:30PM in the Union Wisconsin Room. The speaker of the event is Walid Shoebat, a well known addict of hate-speech. His writing and speeches have deliberately rotated around inciting Americans with fear of Muslims and Arabs, associating them with terrorism. The
ramifications of allowing such hate-mongers to spread hate has been clearly driven in the physical attacks on Muslims, Arabs, or anyone with Middle-Eastern appearance following the events of September 11 th.

The Muslims at UWM feel that their safety will be in danger if the above mentioned event takes place on the UWM campus. We ask the UWM Administration to cancel the event due to these circumstances for the safety and comfort of the students. We take such an event as a direct attack on us and will hope the university will ask the sponsoring organizations to discontinue the program.

Nice try, but I assume that UWM will not bend on this one.

I think Muslims at UWM may have reason to fear for their safety on and around campus, but no more so than anyone else.

There's a disturbing increase in crime in the area. That's been documented. Be afraid, but not of Shoebat.

The idea that Walid Shoebat poses a threat to their safety is ludicrous.

Walid has spoken all over America and the world including Chile, Mexico, Canada, UK and South Africa. He has appeared on national television also all over the world including CNN, CNN International, FOX News, ITN, RTE, NBC, CBS, and ABC. He has also been featured on BBC radio 4 and 5.

Speaking Highlights:

Harvard Law School lecture

Special forum on Capital Hill Washington DC

Columbia Unversity lecture

Concordia University

UCLA, USC, University of Georgia, Washington University, Penn State, San Diego State and many others.

Keynote address to more than 700 Jewish leaders and rabbis from all over the world and North America at its Partners Conference in Stamford, CT, which is the highlight of Aish's calendar, and again in New York later in November.

Encounter conference, largest gathering of orthodox Jews in UK.

Jewish communities of St Petersburg, Memphis, St Louis, Scranton, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Albany, Dallas, Tampa, W. Palm Beach, Seattle, Cincinnati, Toronto, Motreal, Winnepeg, Calgary, Vancouver, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rockville MD, Atlanta, St Louis, Minneapolis, Phoenix, and soon Las Vegas and Cleveland.

Look at that lengthy list.

After Shoebat's many, many appearances, have there been incidents of violence against Muslims that have been directly tied to Shoebat? Has a clear pattern emerged?

Of course not.

It's unreasonable for the MSA to demand that UWM cancel Shoebat's lecture.

I think it's extremely narrow-minded for these students to believe that non-Muslims at UWM are incapable of making the distinction between radical Muslims using Islam as an excuse to engage in terrorism and peaceful, law-abiding Muslims.

The MSA has the right to protest the event, but shutting it down would be a violation of free speech rights.

"A Quiet Defeat for Political Correctness"

Charlie Sykes has a great piece on The American Thinker, "A Quiet Defeat for Political Correctness."

He discusses UW-Madison's "Think Respect" program, a diversity campaign "designed to root out inappropriate speech and behaviors on campus."

In effect, students were encouraged to rat each other out.

"A bias incident is a threat or act of bigotry, harassment or intimidation - verbal, written or physical - that is personally directed against or targets a University of Wisconsin-Madison student because of that student's race, age, gender identity or expression, disability, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, or other actual or perceived characteristic."

"Students can report anything, from a hate crime to graffiti to verbal harassment."

...Even at one of the most political righteous campuses in the nation, it turned out that students did not want to rat one another out to the diversity police.

Charlie exposed Madison's "Think Respect" campaign as an idiotic effort.

Students don't need to report such incidents. They talk through problems. In short, they have the ability to deal with it.

Imagine that.

UW-Madison has reason to be embarrassed by its ridiculous and failed program. However, the university also can be proud that its students aren't the social Neanderthals they assumed them to be.

This may be of interest to Lefties in Wisconsin: Rush Limbaugh highlighted Charlie's article on his program today. Now 20 MILLION listeners know about "Think Respect" and the Left's loony bomb of a campaign on the Madison campus.

Well done, Charlie.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Facial Yoga

Holiday gatherings with friends and family are just around the corner. You may not have seen these people in a while, maybe not since last Christmas, and you might be concerned about your appearance.

Looking a little haggard lately?

Are those little smile lines beginning to look less like the signs of many happy experiences and more like wrinkles?

Want to look better without suffering from Botox paralysis and drooling egg nog all over your made in China, battery-powered Christmas sweater?

Want to have a more wide awake look without going the Nancy Pelosi eye-popping face lift route?

Here's a suggestion:

Facial Yoga

For people who deem needles too scary and surgery too drastic, the latest anti-aging fad may appeal: facial yoga. Based on the premise that facial muscles, like any other muscle, need exercise to stay toned, enthusiasts of facial yoga say the regular practice of making kissy faces or wagging one's tongue can reduce worry lines and wrinkles — and even create a little peace within.

...At least one student thinks the practice has taken a few years off her face. "I look at myself now and say, 'That old lady is leaving,'" says Irene Elmore, who has been attending Hagen's class for about a month. "You can see the difference around the eyes and forehead."

Its fountain-of-youth allure is quickly gaining facial yoga a following in health clubs and yoga studios across the U.S. Leta Koontz holds Fresh Face Yoga workshops at her Pittsburgh studio for a mostly female clientele that ranges in age from 30 to 70. Koontz packs her sessions with inversion positions, arguing that keeping the head lower than the heart increases youth-giving blood flow to the face. "It's like natural Botox," she says. "Stress shows on our face, probably more than any other place on our body."

I don't know if I buy this.

It sounds like snake oil to me. But if you believe it works, you probably think you see a younger looking you in the mirror.

There are risks to dipping into this latest fountain-of-youth.

While stretching may tighten tired faces, dermatologists warn that good form is key. "If someone were doing a bizarre contortion, they could spasm. They might actually cause permanent damage," says Dr. Min-Wei Christine Lee, director of the East Bay Laser and Skincare Center in Walnut Creek, Calif.

Spasm and permanent damage -- That sounds scary.

Instead of spending time doing facial yoga, I think it would be better to use that time volunteering and helping others in need.

Focus on something besides wrinkles and they'll disappear. No need to take a facial contortion class to reveal one's inner beauty.

How to Succeed in School

Here's a novel idea on how students can improve their academic performance at school. It's very simple -- SHOW UP!

There's more negative news coming from the Milwaukee Public Schools.

MPS attendance slipped a bit last year.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Attendance in Milwaukee Public Schools dropped slightly last year, with a bit steeper decline among high school students.

Despite all the attention that has been focused on the need for better attendance, getting kids into school continues to be a major problem in thousands of cases. Overall attendance has been flat in MPS for at least the last eight years and substantially trails behind any other school district in Milwaukee County.

Attendance is one area where common sense and data generally merge: Kids can't learn if they're not in school, and the worse the attendance, the worse a student's problems in school tend to be.

A new report from MPS administrators says attendance overall in 2006-'07 was 87.96%, down more than 0.3% from the prior year. Overall attendance in MPS has hung close to 88% for years.

Jennie Dorsey, the new head of the MPS department that oversees issues including attendance, said she could not give a specific cause for the downturn or assess its significance.

She said a grant from the state Department of Public Instruction was allowing MPS to spend $510,000 more this year on efforts by social workers and social work assistants to deal with children and families with attendance problems. Dorsey said MPS officials hoped attendance systemwide would go over 90% in coming years.

Overall, the report says, MPS students missed more than 1.8 million days of school last year and were in school for nearly 13.7 million days. About 36% of absences were excused and 64% were not excused.

High schools continue to have the worst attendance and provided the biggest decline last year, from 80.4% to 79.6%. While attendance in high schools has improved from under 78% a few years ago to around 80% in recent years, that still means 1 in 5 students is not present in school on a typical day.

All those unexcused absences are inexcusable.

On a typical school day, 1 in 5 students are absent.

That's awful.

...In general, attendance problems are not spread evenly - many students have excellent attendance records, while a concentration of kids have chronic problems getting to school.

So, kids have chronic problems getting to school.

Doesn't that make it sound like there are barriers preventing them from attending?

They can't get to school.

That's misleading. The kids could get there, but they don't go.

In previous years, MPS researchers have put together figures showing that grade-point averages of students who attend at least 90% of the time were substantially higher than grade-point averages of students with attendance problems.


Was it really necessary for MPS researchers to check that out?

Of course, students who show up for class have higher grade-point averages than the students who don't go.

Again, I say, DUH! I say, Double Duh!

Soviet Chic

Oh, those glory days of the Soviet Union!

What better way to celebrate that warm and fuzzy time than through fashion?

MOSCOW, Nov. 26 -- Empowered by an oil boom that pushed the country’s trade surplus past $94 billion this year, Russia has been flexing its muscles abroad. At home, meanwhile, young and trendy Muscovites are in the throes of nostalgia for the staples of Soviet childhoods, relics of a time when the U.S.S.R. was at the height of superpower status.

That may explain why one of the most popular fashion designers this fall is Denis Simachev, who is selling overcoats fastened with hammer-and-sickle buttons, gold jewelry minted to look like Soviet kopecks and shirts festooned with the Soviet coat of arms, complete with embroidered ears of wheat.

“People in their 30s see these kinds of symbols as reminders of happy memories, like going to pioneer camp where they lived together, ate breakfast together and played sports,” said Mr. Simachev, 33, who wears his hair in a Samurai-style ponytail. He insists he is no Communist — for one thing, his overcoats sell for about $2,100 and his T-shirts for about $600. His boutique is sandwiched between Hermès and Burberry stores on a pedestrian lane, Stoleshnikov, that is one of the capital’s most expensive shopping streets.

Happy memories?

He has to be kidding.

Did Simachev ever suffer the indignity of standing in line for a day to get basics like toilet paper?

Mr. Simachev first attracted notice with a collection of retro Olympic tracksuits emblazoned with C.C.C.P., the Cyrillic initials for the U.S.S.R., and T-shirts printed with the likeness of President Vladimir V. Putin, which served as a wink at the cult of personality forming around the leader.

Remember when U.S. figure skater Johnny Weir caused a stir when he sported a CCCP warmup jacket at the Torino Olympics?

Not cool.

By tapping into a generation that is experiencing an identity crisis, Mr. Simachev, who is also known here as a D. J., a Ducati motorcycle rider and a snowboarder, has quickly become the epitome of Russian cool for a subset of gilded Moscow youth. They throng the pub underneath his store for lunch and on weekend evenings when it transforms into a nightclub.

Victoria Tirovskaya, 24, says she wears the designer’s clothes because they are chic and a bit audacious. “I have a classic blouse and shorts from Simachev but I also have a U.S.S.R. sweatshirt,” Ms. Tirovskaya, an interior designer, said. “Before Simachev, nobody dared to use the symbol of our country as a fashion icon.”

Is it liberating to flaunt symbols of oppression?

That doesn't seem to be the point though.

There seems to be a genuine desire to relive the glory days of the USSR.

...“At first, the people of my generation wanted to try those things that our parents could not, but now that we have seen everywhere, we are coming back to our roots,” said Evelina Khromtchenko, the editor in chief of the Russian edition of L’Officiel, a French fashion magazine.

Mr. Simachev has developed a swaggering fashion lexicon typified in his men’s wear by fur hats, fur boots, jackets with muscular shoulders and slim-hipped, low-slung trousers. “We are from Russia, from the former Soviet Union,” he said. “It’s what I know about, it’s what inspires me, and now, after years of Russians trying to live a Western lifestyle and forget they are Russian, other people are getting it.”

Russians are wearing Soviet Chic as a way to come back to their roots?

Yeah, those roots of oppression were really great.

Those desirable roots weren't strong enough to keep some of the greatest artists and performers of the Soviet Union planted there. They preferred to uproot and defect to the West.

...Russians more steeped in Soviet history say they are appalled at the merchandising of the symbols of totalitarianism. “Personally, I would never wear something by Denis Simachev because, for me, those symbols mean Stalinist terror, Communism, a K.G.B. spy system and the cold war,” said Alexandre Vassiliev, a fashion historian who has published 14 books here. “I disapprove completely.”

This is a perfect example of why it's important to know one's history.

"Stalinist terror, Communism, a K.G.B. spy system and the cold war" should be buried, not resurrected.

The designer’s fans say his motives are purely commercial. “Why did Andy Warhol paint Mao Zedong or Lenin? Because they are easily recognizable symbols,” said Nicolas Iljine, who specializes in Russian-American cultural exchange for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. “This is all pop nostalgia in a light-handed way. It doesn’t have deeper meaning.”

It may not be meant to make a political statement, but it's unavoidable. It does have a deeper meaning, like it or not.

The designer and the "trendy" Moscow youth are just too clueless to understand.

Wearing the symbols of the Soviet Union isn't all that different from a Jewish person wearing a yellow Star of David sewn on a coat for the "pop nostalgia" fun of it.

It's wrong to look back fondly on a time that was marked by the heavy hand of totalitarianism.

Teddy's $8 Million Story

Is Ted Kennedy's autobiography worth an advance of $8 million?

From the New York Times:

Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the most prominent surviving member of the Kennedy family, has agreed to sell his memoirs for an advance of more than $8 million, people with knowledge of the negotiations say.

After a six-day auction that concluded Nov. 19, Twelve, an imprint of Grand Central Publishing, bought world rights for the autobiography. Before the deal can be completed, Mr. Kennedy must clear his publishing contract with the Senate Ethics Committee.

Jonathan Karp, publisher and editor in chief of Twelve, said he hoped to publish the book in the fall of 2010. Mr. Kennedy is “walking, talking history,” Mr. Karp said, “and there’s no limit to what he can talk about with authority and distinctive personal perspective.”

...Mr. Kennedy has become a leading liberal legislator who has championed causes including the minimum wage, health care and immigration policy. As the youngest of the nine children of Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, he has a dramatic family history, and he is the first Kennedy of his generation to write an autobiography.

The Times certainly speaks adoringly of their Teddy.

That's no surprise. The Times is a liberal propaganda outlet and Kennedy is the grand poobah of libs.

I don't see how one can look at Kennedy and see a hero or a role model or a champion unless one is wearing rose-colored glasses with very thick lenses.

...Mr. Kennedy, who will work with a co-writer, is expected to write candidly about his personal history, including the 1969 Chappaquiddick accident in which he drove a car off a bridge on Martha’s Vineyard, resulting in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, a former member of Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s staff. He will also write about his unsuccessful bid for the presidency.

This should be rich.

Is Kennedy really going to be candid about his role in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, or is he going to be as candid as he was when he addressed the nation about the scandal on July 25, 1969?

There's no way that Kennedy is going to change his story. What new details would he have to offer?

At the time, Kennedy said:

I made immediate and repeated efforts to save Mary Jo by diving into strong and murky current, but succeeded only in increasing my state of utter exhaustion and alarm. My conduct and conversations during the next several hours, to the extent that I can remember them, make no sense to me at all.

...Instead of looking directly for a telephone after lying exhausted in the grass for an undetermined time, I walked back to the cottage where the party was being held and requested the help of two friends, my cousin, Joseph Gargan and Phil Markham, and directed them to return immediately to the scene with me -- this was sometime after midnight -- in order to undertake a new effort to dive down and locate Miss Kopechne. Their strenuous efforts, undertaken at some risk to their own lives also proved futile.

All kinds of scrambled thoughts -- all of them confused, some of them irrational, many of them which I cannot recall, and some of which I would not have seriously entertained under normal circumstances -- went through my mind during this period. They were reflected in the various inexplicable, inconsistent, and inconclusive things I said and did, including such questions as whether the girl might still be alive somewhere out of that immediate area, whether some awful curse did actually hang over all the Kennedys, whether there was some justifiable reason for me to doubt what has happened and to delay my report, whether somehow the awful weight of this incredible incident might, in some way, pass from my shoulders. I was overcome, I'm frank to say, by a jumble of emotions, grief, fear, doubt, exhaustion, panic, confusion and shock.

Instructing Gargan and Markham not to alarm Mary Jo's friends that night, I had them take me to the ferry crossing. The ferry having shut down for the night, I suddenly jumped into the water and impulsively swam across, nearly drowning once again in the effort, and returned to my hotel about 2 A.M. and collapsed in my room.

I remember going out at one point and saying something to the room clerk.

In the morning, with my mind somewhat more lucid, I made an effort to call a family legal advisor, Burke Marshall, from a public telephone on the Chappaquiddick side of the ferry and belatedly reported the accident to the Martha's Vineyard police.

What a load!

It's amazing to me that the people of Massachusetts bought any of that. Absolutely amazing.

If anything, the autobiography will give Kennedy an opportunity to rewrite his history, to put his spin on things from an old man's perspective, to give an authoritative final telling of the events of his life.

You can bet Kennedy won't be giving his story the Kitty Kelley treatment.

I guess one person's candor is another person's fiction.

Jamie Raab, publisher of Grand Central Publishing, declined to comment specifically on the size of the advance. But, Ms. Raab said: “One always feels a bit nervous when you spend a great deal of money. But I don’t feel as nervous as I would with other books at these figures because it touches on so many audiences, and I think we can get them all.”

Let's see...

Kennedy's story will appeal to ALL audiences.

There are the rich and pampered.

There are the dreamers of being rich and pampered.

There are the libs.

There are the Kennedy-philes.

There are the alcoholics.

There are the womanizers.

There are the liars.

There are the blowhards.

There are the pro-death proponents of abortion and other forms of murder.

There are the welfare state beneficiaries.

There are the socialists.

And there are the chronically irresponsible.

While the potential audiences for Kennedy's book are too numerous to mention, Raab is wrong when she predicts it's possible to "get them all."

There are people in the country who wouldn't waste their time or money on Kennedy's version of the truth.

I think it's legitimate for him to write his memoirs, but I can't ignore how unseemly it is to exploit the death of Mary Jo Kopechne to grab $8 million up front for selling his story.

...Stephanie Cutter, an adviser to Mr. Kennedy, said the senator would donate a “significant proportion of the proceeds” to charity.

Define "significant."