We have another Hillary plant. The woman can't seem to help herself.
Hillary's compulsion to control forums by planting questions reminds me of Bill's reckless, self-destructive sexual behavior. They're addicts.
I believe the last time/ times this issue surfaced the campaign clearly stated that the practice was unacceptable and it wouldn't happen again.
Of course, it did. It's like a sickness with Hillary.
On CNN's YouTube Republican presidential debate, it turns out that Hillary managed to get one of her allies to ask a question.
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- One questioner, Keith Kerr of Santa Rosa, Calif., a retired Army colonel who served as a brigadier general in the reserves, asked the candidates about their views on gays in the military and revealed himself to be gay. Not mentioned was his membership on a steering committee of gays and lesbians for Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Yes, that little detail was left out.
Kerr is listed on Hillary website as a member of her LGBT Americans For Hillary Steering Committee: Keith Kerr, retired Colonel., U.S. Army; retired Brigadier General, California National Reserve.
There's no denying the connection, though I'm sure the Hillary camp will come up with some excuse like Kerr acted alone, no conspiracy, no marching orders from the campaign.
Apparently, CNN vets its questioners as well as Hillary vets her campaign donors.
Although moderator Anderson Cooper tried to wipe the egg off his face by apologizing for allowing member of a Hillary Clinton steering committee to pose a question at the debate, Kerr was no stranger to CNN.
He appeared on CNN on December 11, 2003. (Transcript here.)
Wouldn't you think CNN would do a simple check on the questioners?
It certainly didn't take much digging to expose Kerr and his connection to Hillary's campaign.
CNN looks stupid for its shoddy journalism. Anderson Cooper comes off like a tool.
But the biggest loser is Hillary.
This latest revelation about another plant adds to her image as a dirty player. She's dishonest.
Hillary lost the YouTube debate.
Every Republican candidate, even the wackjob Ron Paul, did better on Thursday night than Hillary.
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