Yes, I have my priorities in order so I missed it in real time.
Today, I'm hearing the sound bites and the spin and the lib media babble about Hillary's success.
Drudge has some information on the Hillary camp's reaction to Wolf Blitzer, debate moderator.
CNN debate moderator Wolf Blitzer did an 'outstanding' job in Vegas, a senior adviser to the Hillary campaign said early Friday. 'He was outstanding, and did not gang up like Russert did in Philadelphia. He avoided the personal attacks, remained professional and ran the best debate so far. Voters were the big winners last night.'
A rival campaign insider charges: 'Wolf turned into a lamb. No follow-up question on Clinton's huge flip on drivers licenses?'
A very wise man once talked to me about his experience in labor negotiations.
He said that if one side thinks a deal is fair and the other isn't satisfied, then it's not a fair deal.
If both sides are dissatisfied, then a fair compromise has been reached, one that doesn't favor either side.
Applying that thinking to Blitzer's performance, it would appear that Wolfie didn't do his job.
He was whipped.
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