Friday, February 1, 2008

David Letterman and Dick Cheney

The Writers Guild of America strike has now lasted 12 weeks and 5 days.

Late night TV talk shows are suffering because of it. The only guests Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien have had are NBC news personalities, politicians, and animals.

David Letterman and his Worldwide Pants, however, were able to cut a deal and bring the writers back to work.

This is what Letterman's writers produced to entertain America:

From the January 31 Late Show with David Letterman, inspired by Vice President Dick Cheney's 67th birthday on Wednesday, the "Top Ten Things Overheard at Dick Cheney's Birthday Party."
10. "Medic!"

9. "That's nice -- a card from Osama"

8. "He must be happy -- he's sneering from ear to ear"

7. "MMMMM! chocolate cake with Lipitor frosting"

6. "Clear!"

5. "Dick, you don't look a day over 93"

4. "Hey, his daughter is making out with Condoleeza"

3. "Instead of a pinata, we're gonna beat a Gitmo inmate"

2. "How about a rousing chorus of 'For He's a Miserable, Old Prick!"

1. "Duck!"

If this is the best work that Letterman's writers can do, I wish they were still on strike.

I became aware of this Top Ten List via the Media Research Center.

After reading it, I did go to the CBS website and watched the clip of Letterman delivering it. It was painful.

I used to be a regular viewer of Letterman's NBC show. (Remember when the home office was located in Milwaukee?) I continued watching when he moved to CBS. Eventually, I only tuned in to Letterman when I was interested in seeing a guest. I'd grown so tired of his mannerisms and smirks that I found myself too annoyed to enjoy the show. It was at the end of the campaign for Election 2000 that I pretty much said goodbye to Letterman for good. In addition to being bugged by his worn-out shtick, I wasn't interested in dealing with his clearly liberal political bias.

The Top Ten List above reminds me why Letterman is no longer a part of my nightly TV viewing.

To be fair, Letterman certainly isn't the only comedian to make fun of Dick Cheney, his health, and his hunting accident.

But what strikes me about this list is the fact that Letterman himself has had serious heart problems and bypass surgery. Numbers 10, 7, 6, and 5 could be applied to Letterman.

The audience laughed and applauded, but I don't think it's funny.

Moreover, I think it's particularly offensive for Letterman to mock Mary Cheney, the Vice President's daughter.

It's a double standard. Lib Letterman can joke about Mary Cheney being a lesbian and make insinuations about Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Do you think that a conservative could get away with making fun of a liberal's sexual orientation, without being slammed as a bigot?

I don't.

I think Number 2 on the Top Ten List above would be perfect for Letterman.

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