Monday, March 10, 2008

Laura Ingraham Spins her Brett Favre Bash Fest

Packer fans and Brett Favre fans and people with hearts let Laura Ingraham know that they disagreed with her take on Brett Favre's emotional retirement press conference.

Last Friday, Ingraham mercilessly mocked Favre for crying.

On her show Monday, Ingraham said that they had received a lot of e-mail. She speculated that her comments must have ended up on a fan message board.

Ingraham said, "A lot of people are really upset."

Again, she claimed that her discussion was more general and that she really wasn't talking about Favre specifically but the trend of men crying in public. If that was her intent, to make such general comments, she failed miserably.

She reminded listeners today that she repeatedly said Favre was a great guy. Fine. That didn't give her license to be so venomous.

Doing some lame CYA, Ingraham said once more, "It's not about Brett Favre."

That, of course, is pure BS.

Her attack was most certainly about Favre. She belittled him for showing his emotions, incessantly referring to his "blubbering."

Ingraham said, "All these years and I didn't know there was a woman quarterback in the NFL."

She played clip after clip of Favre breaking down. She took calls about Favre, allowing people to pile on.

She had a poll about Favre on her website, posing the question: "Did Brett Favre embarrass himself by crying at his retirement press conference?"

How wrong of us to get the impression that her comments were about Favre!

Yeah, right. She continues to misrepresent what she said and did on her show.

It was really ugly.

Today, Ingraham said, "Boy, they like Brett Favre."

That's true. I don't think she was prepared for the response to her remarks.

She ended her show by playing a clip from her appearance on O'Reilly Friday night. It was of O'Reilly saying that he will not cry when he retires.

Ingraham said that although she hates being cold, she was going to force herself go to Green Bay and see a Packer game at Lambeau. (Note to Laura: It can be hotter than hell at the games very early in the season. Some games are on clear, crisp, beautiful autumn afternoons.)

She said that she'd cheer for Brett Favre even though he's not playing anymore.

Ingraham made that conciliatory move after stating that she has "gottten the rage going" from the Packer fans.

Ingraham said that she had her cheesehead on.

Sure she does. I get the feeling she's wallowing in all the attention directed her way, even though it hasn't been positive. I think she believes that any attention is good attention.

It's not.

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