Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ron Paul May Quit

WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul is hinting to supporters that he is ending his long-shot campaign for the presidency.

The Texas Republican congressman addressed supporters in a 7 1/2-minute video on his campaign Web site Thursday night and did not specifically say he was quitting the race.

He said that although victory in the conventional political sense is not available in the presidential race, many victories have been achieved due to the hard work and enthusiasm of his supporters.

He said that he hoped that one day he and his supporters could look back and say his campaign was a significant first step that signaled a change in direction for the country.

Paul said their job now was to plan for the next phase of their effort.

"Victory in the conventional political sense"?

Good grief.

On his video message, Paul said:

We must remember elections are short term efforts. Revolutions are long term projects. But even with the past year's achievements, we're still in the early stages of bringing about the changes that this revolution is all about. The most significant achievement of our months of dedicated efforts has been the degree to which the message of liberty has spread throughout the country, and in some ways, around the world.

What is Paul talking about? Revolution? I missed it.

I think Paul is trying to justify raking in millions of dollars from supporters.

He should quit screwing around. His plans to continue his revolution by keeping the meet-up groups meeting are bizarre. Give it up!

Paul ended his non-withdrawal withdrawal from the race with this:

Let me close by saying that we live in dangerous and exciting times. And with world events changing rapidly, our efforts are all that much more important.

An issue that I've been talking about for thirty years is now a key issue of the evening news-- that is the dollar crisis and its economic ramifications. The money issue gives our movement credibility and a chance to offer sound solutions. At the rate our economy is slipping, we will likely see the disintegration of the American empire, and that will be no small event.

Yeah, the disintegration of the American empire that Paul predicts will be no small event.

You know, this really has been a strange, strange primary season.

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