Thursday, June 2, 2011

Walkerville Camp, Madison

People in Madison protesting Governor Scott Walker and Republican lawmakers trying to save the state of Wisconsin appear to have studied extreme Leftist Cindy Sheehan's 2005 playbook.

In the summer of 2005, Sheehan set up Camp Casey, in the name of her son killed in Iraq, to protest the war.

Sheehan's stunt lured protesters and the media to her Crawford, Texas tent city near President Bush's ranch. Naturally, the liberal media adored Sheehan and fed the spectacle.

The Leftists plan a similar stunt in Madison.

From the Wisconsin State Journal:

With lawmakers gearing up for a vote on the state budget, a “Walkerville” camp similar to the one that sprang up during the protests at the state Capitol earlier this year may be returning this weekend — this time to the terraces of Mifflin and Carroll streets.

We Are Wisconsin, an alliance of community groups, labor unions and others, has asked the city for a permit to set up the camp across from the Capitol to provide information about Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposals and efforts to recall Republican legislators who voted to eliminate bargaining rights for most public employees.

The city’s Street Use Staff Commission will have a special meeting Friday to consider the permit application for a state budget rally that would begin Saturday and continue through June 20.

David Boetcher, who is helping to organize the event, said an information station would be accompanied by overnight campers, who could number in the thousands on weekends.

The proposed camp area is North Carroll Street from State Street to West Washington Avenue, and West Mifflin Street from State Street to Wisconsin Avenue, including the “30 on the Square” cul-de-sac at 30 W. Mifflin St. and the Philosophers’ Stones area between the Wisconsin Historical Museum and Myles Teddywedgers Cornish, 101 State St.

Who could spend weeks camping outside the Capitol?

Who has that kind of time?


"How I spent my summer vacation..."

Fred Levenhagen is probably packing his gear right now.

Of course, the union thugs will probably be bused in from the surrounding area. And then there will be the aging 1960s radical contingent and the young wannabes.

There will be drums.

Families planning a June summer vacation that includes a trip to the Capitol might want to reconsider.

Tourism in Madison is going to take a hit.

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