Tuesday, November 7, 2006


men·dac·i·ty (mĕn-dăs'ĭ-tē) n., pl. -ties.

1. The condition of being mendacious; untruthfulness.

2. A lie; a falsehood.

Fair Wisconsin, thy name is mendacity.

Fair Wisconsin, the group against Wisconsin's Marriage Amendment, is employing some of the most unfair tactics imaginable.

The group is bent on confusing as many people as possible.

Did you think Florida's 2000 butterfly ballot was meant to trick voters?

Well, that was nothing compared to what Fair Wisconsin is doing.

Press Release

Automated phone calls on election eve intentionally mislead voters

Madison—Recent reports from citizens around the state reveal the latest dishonest tactic from opponents of Wisconsin’s Marriage Protection Amendment. Fair Wisconsin’s most recent deception is pre-recorded calls going to conservative areas all across the state. The caller says, “Vote NO to send the message that we care about our family values and our children. We don't want activist judges getting involved to determine what marriage means. We know in WI that marriage means a man and a woman. Vote NO to stop activist judges. Vote NO to protect our values. Vote NO on the Gay Marriage Amendment.”

“These calls prove once again that ‘Fair’ Wisconsin is anything but fair. They know that an overwhelming number of Wisconsin voters support the amendment, and that the only way gay marriage activists can defeat the amendment is to trick voters into casting the wrong vote,” said Julaine Appling, President of Vote Yes for Marriage. “Polling of likely voters has repeatedly demonstrated Wisconsinites deeply held belief that marriage should be between one man and one woman. Fair Wisconsin wants the amendment to fail so that marriage is left unprotected, thereby leaving it subject to redefinition by the whimsical ruling of an activist judge. It is disturbing to me that such deceit is not only encouraged but forthright in all of Fair Wisconsin’s ads and now their calls. There’s apparently no end to what they’ll do to get their way.

“Today people all across Wisconsin will come out and VOTE YES to preserve traditional one-man/one- woman marriage. A YES vote is the only way to prevent activist judges from redefining marriage in Wisconsin,” said Appling.

...Remember that only a YES vote preserves traditional one-man/one-woman marriage.

Fair Wisconsin knows that it must lie to voters to have any hope of getting Wisconsinites to accept its gay marriage agenda.

I think the amendment issue should be debated, but it should be debated FAIRLY and TRUTHFULLY.

I believe that Fair Wisconsin's deceitful ads and phone calls will backfire.

By lying, Fair Wisconsin is only firing up voters to go to the polls to uphold traditional marriage.

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