Sunday, July 31, 2011

Obama and Tweeting

This is funny.


REP. KEVIN McCARTHY: The President, to me, has been somewhat... Look, you cannot be the leader of the Free World and sit on the sidelines and tweet and think you're going to get the job done.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Jimmy Fallon and Brian Williams: Debt Ceiling

Brian Williams, aka "Bri Willy," stopped by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to Slow Jam the News.

With help from The Roots, they examine the debt ceiling.

Video here.

I still don't know why there was never an Anthony Weiner edition of Slow Jammin' the News.

Paul Ryan Speech: Harry Reid's Plan

On July 29, 2011, while speaking in the U.S. House of Representatives, Republican Paul Ryan exposes the ridiculousness of Harry Reid's plan to address the debt.


Sandy Pasch and Citizen Action

UPDATE, August 3, 2011: Citizen Action chief tells Pasch, others in email that "You as the Board of Directors make the final decision on all endorsements."

UPDATE, August 2, 2011: GOP Files Complaint Against Pasch

Complaint Filed Against Recall Candidate (Video)


Sandy Pasch has some explaining to do.

Charlie Sykes tweets:

Dem Sandy Pasch is listed as a member of the Board of Directors of Citizen Action: the group that organized this protest

And this:
Sandy Pasch is on brd of directors of group spending big $ backing her campaign. Coordination between candidate and indy groups illegal


Will the media expose Pasch?


AFSCME Protest: Opportunities, Inc.

Union thugs once again are targeting people with special needs.

In June, a Special Olympics event at the Capitol in Madison was disrupted by protesters.

Here's video, from MacIver Institute:


The latest union disgrace: AFSCME pickets Opportunities, Inc., a "a business that makes a point of hiring people with special needs."

The union thugs are so incredibly selfish. Their agenda is all that matters to them. They don't think about its impact on anyone else. They don't seem to think at all.

Obama: 14th Amendment

Will Obama go 14th Amendment?


House Vote on Debt Postponed

Still no resolution on the debt ceiling.

From the Wall Street Journal:

The House postponed a Thursday night vote on Speaker John Boehner's plan to raise the federal borrowing limit after he failed to stem a revolt by conservative GOP members. The delay leaves the credit status of the U.S. government in jeopardy with five days remaining before it begins running out of money to pay all its bills.

The development came after a two-hour debate on the bill was abruptly ended earlier in the evening. Mr. Boehner, knowing that a rejection could undermine his speakership, then joined other House GOP leaders in trying to pressure party members to reconsider their opposition.

Those efforts fell short and it wasn't clear if the vote would be rescheduled. But the development appeared to hand the initiative for the moment to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.), who is pushing an alternative version of the debt bill.

House Republicans and Senate Democrats planned to meet Friday morning at 10 a.m. to plan strategy. Republicans will figure out whether, and how, they can move forward.

"I think what's going on now is a process of dialogue among legislators who are listening to one another and deciding how it's going to be possible for us to move forward within the democratic process," said Rep. Mike Pence (R., Ind.).

Mr. Pence acknowledged that "we're not there yet" in terms of votes for the Boehner plan, but "Our objectives remain the same."

Greg Gutfeld nails it:

This is like watching sausage not get made.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nancy Pelosi and 'Life on this Planet'

Nancy Pelosi is engaging in some really bizarre rhetoric lately.

Read and watch her rant against Republicans. It's loony.

She has taken her lunacy to an even more extreme level.


NANCY PELOSI: What we're trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We're trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.

Is Pelosi drunk?

What is her problem?

Bob Wirch and Ocean Spray

Speaking of cranberries, DEMOCRAT Bob Wirch is guilty of the unauthorized use of the Ocean Spray logo, a copyrighted image.
Kenosha, WI- Senator Bob Wirch was asked to cease and desist after he was caught misusing a copyrighted image in a desperate attempt to line himself with a local business.

Wirch included multiple uses of the Ocean Spray logo in his campaign literature without permission from the company.

"This is a desperate attempt by Bob Wirch to align himself with a successful business when his record on job creation for the 22nd district is so dismal," says Jonathan Steitz. "In fact, the state chamber of commerce gives Senator Wirch a 19% rating on votes in the Senate for creating and protecting jobs in 2009. He does not know what it takes to create jobs because he has neither owned nor managed a job-creating business."

Steitz added that it's more than ironic that Wirch is trying to curry favor with business leaders when the longtime liberal senator has voted to punish job creators with more than $4 billion in new taxes and another $3 billion in reckless government spending.

"Wirch's votes in favor of job-killing taxes and reckless spending has only damaged our frail economy and put more middle class families out of work," Steitz said. "Since Wirch was sent to Madison more than 7,200 jobs have been lost in the district, and businesses like Chrysler and J.W. Peters, Inc have closed their doors. Wirch not only owes Ocean Spray and the voters an apology for illegally using a copyrighted image in this desperate ploy, but he also owes the large number of unemployed workers an apology for helping destroy thousands of jobs with his big government spending and massive tax increases."

Apparently, Wirch believes he's above the law. He better cease and desist.

Without question, Wirch's record reveals that he is not a friend to middle class families. The job-killing taxes and reckless spending that Democrats are so fond of is the enemy of working people.

The pro-Wirch ads attacking Jonathan Steitz paint Wirch as standing up for the middle class while Steitz stands up for the "super rich." Nothing could be further from the truth.

Steitz is looking to help middle class families.

Wirch's class warfare tactics are really sleazy.


Who Killed Grandma?

Cran on a Stick - WI State Fair

Here's a new "food on a stick" offering coming to the 2011 Wisconsin State Fair: "Cran on a Stick."

From FOX 6 News:

The dried sweetened cranberries are covered in dark chocolate, clustered on a stick, and then drizzled with white chocolate.

Although people who have tried "Cran on a Stick" think it will be a hot commodity, you will only be able to get it during the 11 days of the fair. You can buy them at the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association Booth for $2.50 a piece.

That sounds so good.

I love cranberries. Add dark chocolate and a drizzle of white chocolate and you've got a fantastic treat.

...According to the [Wisconsin Cranberry] Growers Association, Wisconsin produces more than 60% of the nation's supply of cranberries and well over 50% of the world's supply as well.

Wow! Wisconsin is a cranberry powerhouse!

Fifty percent of the world's supply?

Very impressive!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Steny Hoyer: Republicans, Bullets, Obama

The Left went berserk over Sarah Palin and crosshairs.

Why is it acceptable for DEMOCRAT leader, House Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer to use extremely violent imagery when referring to Republicans and their interaction with Obama?

Hoyer was on the despicable MSNBC's Morning Joe on Wednesday. He used language that was not at all in line with the supposed "new tone" in Washington ushered in after the Tucson shootings.


STENY HOYER: Bob, I think you're right. I think it's unfortunate that politics is playing a role. I think we're playing Russian roulette, frankly, with the nation's credit worthiness. And unfortunately, all the chambers seem to be loaded in the House side. They want to shoot every bullet they can at the President. I think it's political in that sense, but it is much, much too dangerous to be playing politics with the credit worthiness of the United States, where for the first time in history we wouldn't be able to pay our bills.

I am hopeful, again, John Boehner has offered a number of proposals. Remember back when John Boehner offered a continuing resolution to keep the government open. He lost 59 of his members then on a deal that he made, not a Democratic - Republican agreement, on a deal that he made.

No one called Hoyer on his terrible choice of words.

It's incredibly irresponsible for Hoyer to speak of Republicans wanting to riddle Obama with bullets.

Saying Republicans "want to shoot every bullet they can at the president" is a startling way for Hoyer to make his point.

Where's the outrage now?


The Leftists apply a different standard to themselves.

The hypocrisy of the Left knows no limits.

Obama 50: Pros and Cons


PRO: Barack Obama's birthday is next week!

CON: Donald Trump wants proof.

PRO: Our nation's president is turning the big 5-0!

CON: Our nation's debt is turning the big 5-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0!

PRO: Obama said he wants a debt ceiling deal for his birthday.

CON: But if that fails, he'll settle for a gift card to Outback Steakhouse.

PRO: Obama's birthday guests will get to play all his favorite party games.

CON: Like "Pin the debt on our grandchildren."

PRO: Being 50 should not affect Obama's performance in the White House.

CON: But just to be safe, he's stocking up on Viagra.

PRO: Even the Republicans got Obama a gift.

CON: All of their 2012 presidential candidates.

PRO: Obama says he's not going through any mid-life crisis.

CON: The presidential limo is now a red Mazda Miata.

PRO: Obama blew out the candles and made a wish.

CON: When he opened his eyes, Biden was still there.

PRO: At his party, Obama opened the door and 100 people jumped up and yelled "Surprise!!!"

CON: The Secret Service shot 12 of them.

Aldermen Ask Ryan to Resign

UPDATE, July 28, 2011: Sheboygan Mayor Bob Ryan says he will not resign

FOX 6 News reports that Sheboygan aldermen will ask Mayor Bob Ryan to resign.


From the Sheboygan Press:
City aldermen, meeting as the Committee of the Whole, recommended Wednesday night that Mayor Bob Ryan resign his post in the wake of an alleged weekend-long drinking binge in Elkhart Lake.

In a prepared statement made following a closed-door meeting that lasted almost two and a half hours, Council President Eric Rindfleisch said if Ryan refused to resign, the committee “recommends that the council take further steps.”

The episode “has brought embarrassment to the city. The council is reviewing its options from censure to removal if a formal complaint is filed,” Rindfleisch said in the statement.

I think Ryan should resign.

I hope people close to Ryan convince him that his resignation is in order.

Mayor Bob Ryan, Drunk in Elkhart Lake

UPDATE, July 28, 2011: Sheboygan Mayor Bob Ryan says he will not resign

Sheboygan Mayor Bob Ryan is struggling again with his alcoholism.

In 2009, Ryan was filmed at a bar, apparently drunk and making sexual remarks about his sister-in-law.

The antics of Sheboygan's mayor became fodder for comics, like Jay Leno.

JAY LENO: Oh, well, here -- here is another one of those stupid men behaving badly stories. The mayor of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, a man named Bob Ryan, has apologized after he was caught on a cell phone -- He was at a bar, and somebody had a cell phone camera, and he's talking to the guys about his sister-in-law, and saying that he heard she was good at one particular sex act.

Well, he gave a press conference, and his wife was standing next to him. The sister-in-law wasn't there... Well, she may have been under the podium, but she wasn't at, she wasn't at, you know, at the press conference.

(Laughter, applause)

But anyway, so far calls to his office are split down the middle -- half want him to resign, the other half want the sister-in-law's phone number. So, I don't know what's going on there.

Very embarrassing.

Now, Ryan is involved in more embarrassing public incidents, this time in Elkhart Lake, a small town in northwestern Sheboygan County, home to Road America and resorts.

From the Sheboygan Press:

Mayor Bob Ryan — an admitted alcoholic who a year ago said he was seeking treatment — confessed Tuesday to having a "couple drinks" over the weekend.

But while Ryan downplayed the relapse as one night out with friends, employees and customers at two Elkhart Lake nightspots said Ryan had been an obnoxious regular for at least several days, drinking from mid-afternoon until closing time while being rude and vulgar, especially toward women. They said he passed out at least once and was even seen getting into his car after drinking.

"He basically came to town on a rampage," said a bartender at the Barefoot Bay Tiki Bar in Victorian Village, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"He's been on a bender," said another man, who saw Ryan over several nights.

This comes three weeks before he is scheduled to face a judge over a sexual harassment complaint filed after he allegedly made drunken advances on Angela Payne, then the city's director of human resources. Payne filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development that will be heard before an administrative law judge Aug. 16-19.

City officials responded Tuesday by scheduling a closed session Committee of the Whole meeting for 6:30 tonight.

Ryan on Tuesday called the matter a "setback" to his ongoing treatment program — the same term he used after a relapse last July.

"It's not that big of a deal, anything that transpired," Ryan said. "I got off my program a little bit here, had a little minor setback, was out in Elkhart, went to a different couple places, end of story."

Ald. Eric Rindfleisch, president of the Common Council, said he was concerned with Ryan's version of events and information making its way to him and other leaders.

"I feel that (Ryan's comment) minimizes what took place and I feel that whatever did happen was far more serious than the mayor is discussing at this time," Rindfleisch said. "As a city leader and a resident and a taxpayer … I'm again appalled that the person that occupies the office of mayor has dragged the city through the mud."

...Witnesses at the Brown Baer grill and tavern said Tuesday that Ryan became a regular in recent days, arriving in the afternoon and staying until near closing time.

Three witnesses — two women and one man — said Ryan was at the Brown Baer after hours Sunday night, drinking Jack Daniel's whiskey and diet colas. Ryan made rude and sexually explicit comments to staff and patrons — when he wasn't passed out, said the witnesses, who asked to not be identified.

"He said some really inappropriate things (to women). Things you can't print in your newspaper," one woman said.

Ryan was passed out for long periods of time, during which bar patrons took pictures with him.

In one case, two women bared their breasts next to the passed-out mayor, the witnesses said. In another instance, a man took Ryan's watch off and put it on his own wrist, had his picture taken wearing it and then put it back on Ryan's wrist, they said.

"There are probably some pretty good pictures on the Internet by now," a witness said.

One man, who declined to give his name because Ryan is a "pretty powerful guy," said Ryan's comments led to a physical altercation at the Brown Baer.

"(Ryan) was basically being a (jerk)," the man said. "After a while, one guy got sick of it and punched him twice. Bar stools went flying; glasses went flying."

Both men were kicked out of the bar and Ryan sat outside the bar until police arrived. They did not arrest Ryan but told him to move on, the man said.

Yikes! The patrons at the Brown Baer sound like a real classy bunch, don't they?
...On another night after Ryan had been drinking, one woman said she saw him leave the Brown Baer and get into his car, a metallic blue Corvette convertible.

"He couldn't even focus," she said.

At the Tiki Bar, Ryan also was rude and vulgar to waitresses and other women, said a bartender, who also asked that his name not be used.

"He would show up in the early afternoon and stay pretty near closing time every night," he said. "Two nights in a row I had to cut him off."

I imagine Sheboygan residents must be losing patience with their mayor.

Perhaps he should focus on battling his alcoholism and step down.

Ryan is downplaying the reports of his drunkenness in Elkhart.

Ryan said he was out drinking Saturday with several business owner friends who live in Elkhart Lake, whom he declined to identify. He said he was only in the village on Saturday, and he stayed the night before driving home Sunday.

"I was not drinking and driving if that's the question," he said.

When questioned about reports of sexually inappropriate comments, he denied anything the various allegations.

...And Ryan denied ever passing out: "I was not passing out in any bars," he said.

Ryan said in April 2010 that he realized through the two-pronged scandal that representing the city is a 24-hour job, saying, "I thought I could keep a private life and be the mayor at the same time. I realized that is not possible."

But Tuesday he took the opposite tact in explaining his behavior, adding that the incident is mitigated because he wasn't in Sheboygan.

"Is it a newsworthy story? No, I would hope it would not be. Nothing happened. It's not a story. It's my personal life," Ryan said. "I was out and about in Elkhart Lake. I was not in Sheboygan. … It's a different city."

Ryan acknowledged being part of a physical altercation, which he said started when a man he didn't know at the Brown Baer confronted Ryan about being out drinking.

"Not that I should be out drinking alcohol, but if I can't even go to a place for year after year without people giving me a hard time, something's wrong with that picture," Ryan said. "I think there might have been a little pushing and shoving on his end toward me, but it was nothing major. It wasn't a big deal."

Ryan's excuse that his drinking and alleged bad behavior took place in another city is ridiculous.

That doesn't make it OK.

Sheboygan aldermen will meet tonight to discuss the matter.

Here's video, from FOX 6 News:


Jon Stewart and Obama Debt Speech


George Lopez and Sarah Palin

On Tuesday's Piers Morgan Tonight, George Lopez expressed his extreme distaste for Sarah Palin.

If she became president, Lopez says he would leave the country and go to Canada.


Transcript, from NewsBusters:
PIERS MORGAN,HOST: You said on immigration, "Elect Sarah Palin as President of the US in 2012 and we'll all leave voluntarily."

GEORGE LOPEZ: I agree. If Sarah Palin becomes president at any point, I will say allegedly, I will move to Canada.

MORGAN: Really?

LOPEZ: I will go further north. I've been south. I'll go further north.

MORGAN: You would literally leave the country?

LOPEZ: I would leave the United States of America.

MORGAN: Why would you be so drastic?

LOPEZ: I like my politicians to actually have a political background, to be politically -- to know politics, to actually have inherited something from working in the political world.

MORGAN: Why is someone like Sarah Palin so popular with so many people, do you think? How does she resonate with people?

LOPEZ: Well, she's --

MORGAN: What is she giving them they're not getting from conventional politicians?

LOPEZ: I -- is it that maverickness? Is it that homespun kind of Andy Griffith wink your eye, shift your imaginary gun thing? Maybe. Is it just that we've become a culture of personality? Of do we elect somebody by their smile instead of by their content? It's a little bit of all of that.

Morgan is a terrible interviewer.

Sarah Palin does have a political background.

Lopez is clueless.

When Lopez refers to a "culture of personality" and electing "somebody by their smile instead of by their content," it sounds like he's referring to Obama and his election.

As NewsBusters points out, Morgan promoted the show last night via Twitter using the Lopez statement about moving to Canada.

CNN and Morgan attract viewers with the idiotic bashing of Sarah Palin?

Lopez, Morgan, and CNN all look simply awful here.

Jerry Meals' Bad Call (Video)

The Pirates - Braves game lasted 19 innings, ending on what's being called a "controversial call" at home plate.
In the bottom of the 19th inning of a 3-3 ballgame — just minutes before 2 a.m. EST — Pirates catcher Michael McKenry appeared to clearly swipe the leg of a sliding Julio Lugo at home plate. But umpire Jerry Meals ruled McKenry missed the tag, giving the Braves a 4-3 win and sparking a social media firestorm among those dedicated enough to stick the game out to its conclusion.

I don't think it's appropriate to deem it controversial. There's nothing controversial about it. There can be no disagreement about it.

Clearly, it was a shockingly bad call.

Worst MLB call ever?


Milwaukee Streetcar Line

It would be nice if a streetcar line in Milwaukee would spark development, increase business, and improve the overall quality of life in the city.

That would be nice, but it's a pipe dream.

This is a major time warp.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

After nearly 20 years of debate, Milwaukee aldermen voted 10-5 Tuesday to build a modern streetcar line downtown.

They stopped short of final approval, however. In response to concerns raised by Comptroller W. Martin "Wally" Morics, the Common Council agreed to limit spending to engineering expenses for now, and to seek a review by the comptroller before releasing money for construction.

Still ahead in the next year are key decisions about how to run the line, how to pay its operating costs and how to resolve concerns raised by utility companies about moving their underground lines out of the way of the streetcar tracks.

The measure now heads to Mayor Tom Barrett, the plan's chief advocate, for signing.

"We know there's a lot of work to be done," Barrett said. "I view this as a significant step, but by no means do I view this as the end of the road."

Plans call for a 2.1-mile line, from the lower east side to the downtown Amtrak-Greyhound station, starting in 2014. Streetcars would run every 10 minutes on weekdays and every 15 minutes on weekends and during late-night and early-morning hours.

Modern streetcars, resembling light rail vehicles, would run on rails laid in streets, draw power from overhead wires and operate in traffic.

Rails laid in streets, overhead wires.

This would be a step in the right direction, if this were the 19th CENTURY.

...Utilities have warned it could cost $50 million or more to move utility lines along the initial route, but utility and city representatives have agreed those early projections are likely to come down with design adjustments and possibly even a route change. The council voted to cap the initial segment at $64.6 million and trim costs if needed.

Barrett has said he wants the streetcars to be operated by the nonprofit company that runs the Milwaukee County Transit System, but no formal deal is on the table.

Downtown Ald. Bob Bauman said the streetcar line would stimulate development, expand the tax base, create jobs and improve mobility for downtown workers, residents and visitors.

City officials predict the project will create 680 jobs at construction and supply contractors with the initial route, or 1,080 if the extensions are included. The extensions also would raise the number of permanent operating and maintenance jobs from 20 to 35.

The council voted 12-3 to reject south side Ald. Bob Donovan's move to subject the project to a referendum in the spring 2012 elections. Donovan cited the potential utility costs and Morics' concerns about insufficient information, while deriding predictions of economic development along the line as "incredibly rosy."

Of course, it will cost more than projected. That's certain. Additional costs will pile up. They always do.

I think Donovan's idea of having a referendum on this is an excellent idea.

Let the people of Milwaukee decide if they want a streetcar line.

It shouldn't be jammed down their throats.

Council members are probably afraid of a referendum because they know people don't want a streetcar line.

So, in their arrogance, they're bypassing the people, acting like they know what's best for the community.

They view residents as dolts, incapable of choosing the proper means of transportation to suit their needs.

...[Mayor Tom] Barrett, Kovac and Bauman said they viewed the initial line as a starter system that could be expanded if it is successful, with potential extensions to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Marquette University, Mitchell International Airport and various neighborhoods.

"This will remain controversial until people start riding it," and then begin clamoring for extensions to other parts of the city, following the pattern of similar systems elsewhere, Barrett said.

People are going to be "clamoring for extensions to other parts of the city"?

Yeah, right.

Back in the 1800s, streetcars replaced horses. That was progress.

This isn't progress.

It's a waste.

I'd rather have horses than streetcars.

Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want to Destroy

DEMOCRAT Nancy Pelosi should be ashamed for making such inflammatory, poisonous remarks about Republicans.

It's unacceptable. It's inexcusable.


NANCY PELOSI: This is an excuse. This budget deficit is an excuse for the Republicans to undermine government, plain and simple. They don't just want to make cuts, they want to destroy. They want to destroy food safety, clean air, clean water, the department of education. They want to destroy your rights. They do not like government.

Good grief.

That sounds crazed even for someone as extreme as Pelosi.

Republicans don't want to destroy. They want to prevent the country from collapsing. They want to protect the future for all Americans, for generations to come.

Pelosi's bitterness is disgraceful. It smacks of desperation.

Nick Barnett

Linebacker Nick Barnett is no longer a Packer.

From WBAY:

Among the first Packers to return to Lambeau Field Tuesday morning was Nick Barnett, but he might not be with the Packers for long.

Barnett was well aware that his fate in Green Bay would be determined shortly after the conclusion of the lockout. He and everybody else knew the handwriting was on the wall when both Desmond Bishop and Hawk received large, lucrative contract extensions in the last year.

Barnett did not wait long to find out what the team's plans were for him, being among the first to arrive when facilities opened at 9 A.M.

At that time he was keeping an open mind about his future in Green Bay.

"At this point, all I have heard has come from you guys and no one here. I'm sure they will talk to me or talk to my agent. I am just concentrating on being ready to play and not worry about rumors," he said before the meeting.

Less than an hour later, Barnett left. He did not stop to talk to reporters. He wrote on his Twitter account, "Just talked to Ted. Thanks for the great 8 years. Very blessed to be part of a great tradition and fans.

"Happy I was able to be here for the great (Super Bowl) XLV run. I will always keep a special place in my heart for this team and city."

Barnett says he was told the Packers will try to trade him, but if not, they will release him -- a move that will save the team about $5 million of salary cap space.

Nick Barnett is a class act, expressing thanks to the team and fans at what has to be a difficult time for him.

Packer fans owe Barnett thanks for his contributions to the team.

He won't be forgotten.

Best of luck in the next jungle!

Jimmy Williams, Grover Norquist, 'Butt Buddy'

The liberal media are really going off the deep end lately, particularly MSNBC.

Civility is out the window.

On the Dylan Ratigan Show, panelist Jimmy Williams, a Democrat lobbyist, referred to Grover Norquist as Newt Gingrich's "butt buddy."


JIMMY WILLIAMS: One person is controlling the agenda of the United States of America right now and his name is Grover Norquist.

Grover Norquist was Newt Gingrich's butt buddy. He was Jack Abramoff's close friend and laundered money from Native Americans. He charged people $25,000 a pop to go to a Bush White House signing ceremony. He is a petty criminal. And he's made just about every single member of the House of Representatives on the Republican, not the Tea Party, the Republican side, and almost all Republican senators sign a pledge saying that they will never ever for the rest of their lives raise taxes.

I need to know, first of all, do we have on the Left a Grover Norquist? And if we don't, why not?

I don't think it's appropriate for a panelist on a televised news program to use such a crass term as butt buddy.

MSNBC is really a mess.

There is a lack of decency. It's vulgar stuff. This level of discourse at the cable network reflects horribly on NBC News. This gathering place for Leftists is a disgrace.

I know they're desperate for ratings and they're trying to appeal to the fringe Left, but how low are they willing to go?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Leno: More David Wu Jokes

JAY LENO: There is a new tiger on the endangered species list. Take a look.

There you go. That is a United States congressman.

Fifty-six-year-old Oregon Congressman David Wu now coming under fire for allegedly making unwanted advances towards a teenage girl. Is that why he's dressed like a tiger? How young are these girls? Where's he picking 'em up? Chuck E. Cheese? What is that? How creepy is that?

Well, now Congressman Wu is being forced to resign. So the moral of this story: Never try to 'Wu' a much younger woman. OK?

These congressmen are out of control. You know, he didn't want to resign. He was fighting it, but after what he did last night, I'm sure you saw it. Well, maybe you missed it. Here take a look.

It's got to stop.

Jay Carney and Obama's Plan

Jay Carney put on a pathetic performance during the White House press briefing yesterday.

He insisted that Obama has a plan to handle the debt ceiling but he can't quite locate it.

It exists, but where?

What are the numbers?


QUESTION: you basically have this Boehner plan that you say can’t get through the Senate, and you’ve got a Reid plan that the Republicans don’t think you can get through the Senate or the House, and you’re saying we want a compromise, what was the point of giving a primetime address to the nation without an Obama plan and say neither of these other plans can work? Where is -- where is your plan?

MR. CARNEY: I understand that idea that there is not an Obama plan is like --

QUESTION: But there’s not. There’s not one on paper. There’s not one on paper.

MR. CARNEY: -- point number one -- is point number one on the talking points issued by the Republican Party. I get it.

QUESTION: No, no, that’s not a talking point.


QUESTION: No, no, show us the plan. It’s not a talking point. That’s unfair. Where is the plan?

MR. CARNEY: We have said from the -- first of all, the President put forward in detail his principles at George Washington University --

QUESTION: Principles, right. That’s not a plan.

MR. CARNEY: -- quite a lot of detail. The President stood before you -- I can’t remember if you were here Friday night. Some of you weren’t because you cut out early, but a lot of you were.

And he put forward in detail with numbers what he’s willing to do. He then referred from the podium to the fact that White House officials will be briefing in detail what our plan is.

Now, the purpose of putting forward a plan on paper -- our interest in this has been to get a compromise, to get a deal. It has not been to politically position ourselves, say, with things that appeal to our base, maybe pieces of legislation that we know can’t pass but it would be greeted warmly by certain constituencies. Our goal, and the reason why the negotiations have been conducted the way they have been conducted, is because we want a result. That’s the way the President has.

And it is simply not the case. The senior members of the House Republican leadership can open their desk drawer, pull out reams of paper that represents the President’s proposals and his counterproposals, and his counter-counterproposals, and his understanding that they need more of this and that he would like more of that. There is plenty of detail.

QUESTION: But even the President gave numbers on Friday night -- White House aides were saying last night he was giving the speech to the nation because most Americans were not paying attention until last night. So even if he gave these numbers on Friday night, they have not -- the American people were not paying attention Friday night, by your own estimation. So why didn’t he say last night, here are the nine things that I support? Here are the numbers, here’s what I want to do on taxes, and just lay it out -- and say, call your congressman with this -- not with this vague --

MR. CARNEY: The point -- I mean, the fact is you address the nation only so often on primetime. The President has been out here with an unbelievable amount of regularity talking to you, talking to the American people throughout this process. He has put forward in great detail -- I mean, if you guys haven’t talked about it on air or put it in your newspapers or online, then you should, because the detail is there.

Secondly, he needed to talk to the American people last night because -- for a good reason -- because they have their own lives to worry about and they count on Washington not always to take care of everything, but to take care of the big things like making sure we don’t default on our obligations. And he needed to talk to the American people, to those Americans who haven’t been paying close attention, to let them know where this stands and why it’s so important and why the risk is there that if Congress doesn’t act -- and we believe it will -- something that has never happened before in our history could happen and it would be very bad, indeed.

That’s why he had to address the country and why he wanted to explain to them his view that compromise is so necessary.

QUESTION: One other quick thing. I think on CBS radio this morning Dan Pfeiffer said that if Congress does not act by August 2nd this could lead to a depression. Is that your position, that we might have a depression in America?

MR. CARNEY: You know what, depression, how you -- what I know, what economic experts have said, is that -- and, again, Republican and Democrat, Jim Baker, Ronald Reagan, all sorts have said that a default on our obligations would produce an economic calamity. How you define that obviously depends on how long it lasts and what the ongoing implications of that would be.

We don’t believe it’s come to pass. Economic calamity is plenty scary and we should not even entertain that.

QUESTION: But over the weekend Democrats were saying there’s going to be a “Boehner drop” if there’s no action. Asian markets are going to crash on Sunday. Didn’t happen. American markets didn’t crash on Monday, and thankfully they have not crashed on --

MR. CARNEY: Ed, I want to move on, but you should go on the air and tell your viewers there’s nothing to worry about. That’s one approach.


QUESTION: Jay, why not release the last offer that Boehner made? I mean, instead of -- if you don’t want to release your own plan, release that plan. If that’s the deal -- if that’s the last offer he made and you guys are willing to go back with a few minor tweaks, release it. It’s the last week -- release it.

MR. CARNEY: I’m not going to -- look, we have shown a lot of leg on what we were proposing --


MR. CARNEY: From the podium, right here. (Laughter.) And from the Roosevelt Room. Certainly the Speaker of the House can address, or his people can address what they were -- what their last offer was. They claim that they walked away from the table because of the $400 billion --

QUESTION: Why not you do it? If they throw it out there and then you’re --

MR. CARNEY: The President stood here -- Chuck, again, I can’t remember if you were here -- it might have been Kristen -- but the President stood here on Friday night and went into great detail. You should look at the transcript. The President’s people met --

QUESTION: I understand, I’ve seen the transcript -- there’s still nothing out there. Why not just release that plan?

MR. CARNEY: Is it because you -- I mean, look, you need something printed for you, you can’t write it down? There is ample detail --

QUESTION: It’s not a plan. No, it’s not a plan. It was details of the plan, but it wasn’t a plan the same way that we’re getting a plan on the House side or that we’re getting a plan on the Senate side. It’s not.

QUESTION: We don’t know what the Medicare thing is. We don’t know what the Social Security part of this is. There wasn’t -- I mean, there was a lot of missing detail.

MR. CARNEY: We talked in great detail about what’s in Medicare, and you know it.

QUESTION: Why not put it out there, though? You guys went before the American people last night -- and I know that you’re probably getting frustrated because we’re all asking a version of the same question -- but you went before the American people last night and said come -- call your members of Congress and tell them we want a compromise. Well, you had a plan that you were making the case for which sounded like a version of the compromise. Release it to the public. I mean, that’s --

MR. CARNEY: $1.5 to $1.7 trillion in agreed-upon domestic discretionary non-defense savings -- cuts; other savings -- and on the most important stuff, the tough stuff, the stuff that makes it very hard for Democrats to do it but they’d be willing to do it -- important savings on entitlement reform. You know the issues; the President talked about it, other people talked about it, in terms of the kinds of reform that would produce significant savings. Okay? Significant savings in defense -- $400 billion -- significant savings in defense spending. All right? Significant savings in revenue through closing loopholes and tax reform that would produce -- by lowering rates and broadening the base, it would produce significant savings.

There are details -- we can go through details. And what we put forward -- again, this is a fluid situation. The point is, as both parties have said, they were engaged in serious negotiations; we were close to an agreement. One party said they walked away because of an insistence on an extra $400 billion in revenue. We said we could easily talk about that and resolve that issue. And that’s the kind of compromise --

QUESTION: -- $800 billion in new revenue into the Treasury --

MR. CARNEY: That’s correct.

QUESTION: -- coming out of tax reform.

MR. CARNEY: Correct.

QUESTION: And which parts of -- and was entitlement reform going to be cuts upfront and then a condition?

MR. CARNEY: Well, you know how things that had been talked about in terms of the reforms that would obviously be in the entitlements be phased over a certain period of time -- nobody has talked about upfront tax revenues. For example, the President himself said nothing before 2013 -- and how these things would play out. But these were significant savings, real savings -- the kinds of things in terms of entitlement reform that people have talked about for a long time, and Republicans in particular -- the President was willing to do. And he was looking for a partner, and he felt he had one, and he hopes he still has one going forward.

QUESTION: If he comes back with that $800 billion, why don’t you guys just accept the deal, ask a senator to introduce it in the Senate?

MR. CARNEY: We’ll see.


QUESTION: Just quickly to follow on Chuck, I mean, the President did say to us on Friday that you guys would open the books and show us the paper. And then when we were in the Roosevelt Room, there was paper that we asked for that we weren’t actually physically handed. So was that -- are you going to give that to us?

MR. CARNEY: The senior people in that room walked you through the numbers, okay? You know -- I mean, we can engage in this, but you know that the reason why we’ve approached it this way is precisely to make it -- to create the optimum circumstances for a compromise. It is -- most of you are veteran Washington reporters. You know how this process works; that if you -- that when you put forward a position, it becomes highly -- on difficult issues, before a compromise is reached -- it becomes charged politically and your chances of actually getting an agreement diminish significantly. That’s how it works. You know that’s how it works.

And it’s for that -- if you don’t, well, you should. Others do. It is precisely because we wanted and believed and hoped that we could reach a compromise that the negotiations were conducted the way they were -- by both sides, by the way.

It is one thing to say that, yes, Republicans put forward plans that everybody knows can’t become law. Republicans were also engaged in quiet, detailed, concrete negotiations to reach a compromise.

QUESTION: Are you worried about activists tearing this -- activists on your side of the aisle tearing it apart?

MR. CARNEY: And theirs. And theirs.

QUESTION: But that’s why you didn’t -- that’s why this hasn’t gone public?

MR. CARNEY: You know how it works.

QUESTION: I understand that, but that is the reason you --

MR. CARNEY: Because we wanted an outcome that if -- as we’ve talked about, we’ve cited Bob Dole and others, you got to hold hands, get in the boat together, okay? That’s why.

Oh, my God.

What an embarrassment!

Listen to the press actually boo Carney:

The guy is a disaster. He lacks control. He isn't quick on his feet. Carney is a lot like his boss.

David Wu Resigns

UPDATE, August 4, 2011: David Wu officially resigns seat amid sex allegations

Disgraced DEMOCRAT David Wu said he wasn't going to do it, but he is.

Wu is resigning from the U.S. House of Representatives.

From CNN:

Embattled U.S. Rep. David Wu will resign from the House of Representatives after being accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward a fund-raiser's daughter, he announced Tuesday.

In a statement issued by his office, the seven-term Oregon Democrat said he would step down once the current standoff between Congress and the White House over raising the U.S. debt ceiling is resolved.

"I cannot care for my family the way I wish while serving in Congress and fighting these very serious allegations," Wu said. "The well-being of my children must come before anything else."

Wu is wobbly.

Yesterday, he didn't believe his resignation was necessary. The well-being of his children wasn't an issue when he insisted he would serve out the remainder of his term.

I suspect his colleagues forced Wu to leave, wanting to avoid a repeat of the DEMOCRAT Anthony Weiner sex scandal debacle.

In any event, Wu is out. He joins fellow disgraced DEMOCRAT Weiner in resigning from the House.

Krauthammer: Obama's Speech

Here's video of Charles Krauthammer's reaction to Obama's speech last night:

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I thought I was cynical until I heard that speech. It was purely partisan. It was meant as a campaign speech, and I think it was a speech from yesterday. It has nothing to do with the current negotiations.

He's pushing the 'balanced approach,' a word which he knows is tested by his pollsters as appealing to independents. That's all that this is about. He used all the cliches that would help him with that constituency.

As Steve [Hayes] indicated, the Democrats in the Congress have already accepted it's only going to be about cuts. He's talking about the corporate jets again and again. He started his speech by blaming it all on Bush. This is now three and a half years in.

And what was so interesting is that he thought... he's talked about himself as being a new Reagan. That's how he sees himself, the liberal Reagan. Reagan could do one thing that almost no modern president could do: He could go to the nation and sway an issue. This is Obama thinking he's going to achieve that. I don't know if he's going to succeed or not, but he spoke to the American people.

Remember what he told Eric Cantor? 'You call my bluff, I'll go to the people'? That's his attempt. Let's see if it works.

Obama Debt Ceiling Speech (Video, Transcript)

Here's video of Obama's July 25, 2011, address to the nation on the debt ceiling matter:

Read the transcript here.

Instead of watching the entire address or reading the full transcript, here's a quick summary of what Obama had to say:

Monday, July 25, 2011

Black Tea Party Protesters: 'Sell Out Negroes'

Once again, African Americans who don't march in lockstep with the liberal politics of the NAACP are the target of racial attacks and slurs.

Members of the Tea Party are called racist.

From Gateway Pundit: Black Tea Party Protesters Called “Sell-Out Negroes” & Harassed Outside NAACP Meeting in LA (Video).

The new racism.
A group of black tea party patriots protested the NAACP in Los Angeles yesterday.

...The black tea party protesters were called “sell out negroes” by NAACP supporters at their protest.

“These “sell-out negroes” wish they were white… They have no business speaking for and joining with racists who want to kick them back into slavery.”


Very offensive.

Why is it liberals get a pass when it comes to their racist behavior?

David Wu: 'Consensual' Sex with Teenager

UPDATE, July 26, 2011: David Wu resigns.

DEMOCRAT David Wu says he won't run for reelection but he also won't resign in the wake of the sex scandal.

DEMOCRAT Wu claims that his sexual encounter with a teenager was consensual and he did nothing illegal.

From Politico:

Democratic Rep. David Wu admitted to a senior Democrat that he “did not use good judgment” during a sexual encounter with the teenage daughter of a family friend last Thanksgiving, although he claimed to have “done nothing illegal.”

Wu made the comment to Rep. John Larson (Conn.), chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, during a 40-minute meeting the two men had Monday afternoon.

...Sources close to Wu told POLITICO late Sunday night that he will not resign, although the veteran lawmaker has already decided not to seek reelection in 2012. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) have asked the Ethics Committee to investigate the incident, first reported by The Oregonian.

...Wu spent most of Monday huddled in the Democratic Cloakroom located off the House floor. Wu could be seen speaking to Honda and several other colleagues when he went on the floor to vote, but he quickly darted back into the cloakroom, which is off-limits to anyone but members and approved staffers.

Honda told Fox News that Wu shared “very personal things” during their conversation.

In an interview, Larson said he told Wu “to take care of your family, then yourself, then the institution, in that order.” While other top Democrats have privately urged Wu to resign, Larson said he had not done so. He called resignation “an option” for Wu.

Wu, though, admitted that an encounter with the girl occurred, potentially making it more difficult for his defenders to stand by him as the scandal unfolds. Wu reportedly told some of his staffers that the sex was “consensual,” The Oregonian reported.

The longer the scandal drags on the worse it is for Democrats.

It would be best for all involved if Wu would just step aside now.

By hanging on, Wu is giving Republicans a gift, just like Anthony Weiner did.

Thaddeus McCotter: Obama's Speech

Presidential candidate Thaddeus McCotter was tweeting his reaction to Obama's address to the nation last night.

President glosses over his historic spending binge; plugs phony cuts; pushes more taxes & spending; & plays class warfare card.

President invokes Ronald Reagan 2 prop up straw man argument; & ignores Chief Executive's role in signing Congressional spending into law.

Waiting 4 President 2 refuse contributions from wealthy, corporations, hedge fund managers & others not "paying their fair share."

President has a posture not a plan. Refuses to accept that in 2010 the electorate voted for LESS & LIMITED government.

Let us also remember those rigid ideologues who jammed Obamacare on the American public without its consent.

Cut, cap and balance, like everyone else has to do who can only spend what they make - unlike govt. that can spend what it takes and prints.

Every dollar in higher taxes is another step further from limited government & economic recovery.

Obama's speech wasn't presidential. It was political. When is Obama going to assume the role of the president and lead?

I would love to see a debate between McCotter and Obama.

McCotter would crush Obama.

Leno: David Wu Jokes

UPDATE: More David Wu jokes

JAY LENO: Well, folks, here we go again. This is so stupid. It seems 56-year-old Oregon Congressman David Wu... remember him? He's the congressman who sent staffers pictures of himself dressed as a tiger? Here's his picture. Look at this.

There he is. He's a congressman.

Well, he's now been accused of making inappropriate sexual advances to the teenage daughter of a friend. Teenager. What is it with these Democrats? If it's not Weiner's wiener, it's Wu's wang. What is going on?

There were signs with this guy. Did you see his campaign slogan? "Wu's your daddy." Right there we should have known.

Aaron Rodgers and Obama

Aaron Rodgers tweets:
Watching Obama on tv talking about the debt ceiling, hope he hasn't forgotten about the SB. Still waiting on the invite... #budgetcut??

Super Bowl champs - the Green Bay Packers!

I'm so happy the NFL mess is resolved.


Video of Charles Woodson's NFC Championship locker room speech here.


Obama and La Raza: Bypass Congress

Obama, the imperial president, told the National Council of La Raza that he finds it tempting to bypass Congress and change laws on his own.

His audience encourages King Obama, chanting "yes we can, yes we can!"

Alas, Obama acknowledges that's not how government works.


Transcript, from the White House.
THE PRESIDENT: Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. (Applause.) And believe me, right now dealing with Congress --

AUDIENCE: Yes, you can! Yes, you can! Yes, you can! Yes, you can! Yes, you can!

THE PRESIDENT: Believe me -- believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. (Laughter.) I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. (Laughter.) But that's not how -- that's not how our system works.


THE PRESIDENT: That’s not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written.

Thank God.

Of course, Obama does everything he can to skirt the Constitution and its checks and balances.

Obama is a petulant president.



Peter Wehner and I think alike.

Obama is petulant. It's not a word I often use, but it perfectly fits Obama.

Read "Our Petulant and Inept President," by Peter Wehner.

Government Unions and Bankrupting America

Here's a primer on public employee unions and what they're doing to the country:

Jonathan Steitz and Bob Wirch Debate

Over the weekend, I saw a barrage of TV ads attacking Jonathan Steitz.

Previously, I wasn't aware that he's the antichrist. Good grief.

Apparently, Democrat Bob Wirch supporters are afraid of dealing with the issues and believe mudslinging is their best approach to secure a victory.

Wirch refuses to debate Steitz.

A press release from Steitz for Senate:

Steitz Campaign: Wirch Ducking Debates with Steitz
Fleeing Senator Now AWOL on Debates

Kenosha, WI- The Jonathan Steitz for Senate campaign today called on state Senator Bob Wirch to stop ducking debates and engage voters on the issues instead of launching personal attacks.

The Kenosha Area Business Association (KABA), an association dedicated to the economic health of the greater Kenosha area, has issued a formal invitation to both Wirch and Steitz. Thus far, only Steitz has committed and Wirch has refused to respond.

"What can be more important to the area than to compare ideas for how to grow jobs and get people back to work," said Steitz. "Bob Wirch should stop ducking debates and explain to working families throughout the district why he thinks more government spending and higher taxes are the answer to getting people back to work."

In addition, the American Association of University Women has also issued a formal invitation for the two state senate candidates to debate. The Steitz campaign said they are calling on Sen. Wirch to attend these forums and explain his recent votes against the budget repair bill that has had increasingly positive effects statewide.

"Bob Wirch and his liberal allies have chosen to taint this election by running baseless attack ads on me, rather than being focus on the issues," said Steitz. "Senator Wirch doesn't want to speak to the issues because he knows his votes to increases taxes and spending by billions has not created jobs or helped the economy. Evidently, Wirch is unwilling to stand on his record so he can avoid public discussion at all costs."

Yet another request was made by WLIP radio and host Lenny Palmer. Senator Wirch has not responded to that request either.

"The voters of the 22nd District are looking for a leader who won't avoid the issues, which is clearly becoming a pattern for the Runaway Senator," Steitz said.

Wirch displays a disturbing pattern of failing to communicate with the public and discuss his record.

He left the state with his Democrat comrades when he didn't want to carry out his responsibilities as a state senator. Now, he's running away from the rigors of this recall election.

Doesn't Wirch realize that he's accountable to his constituents?

There's one reason Wirch won't debate Steitz. He's afraid he'd lose.

I think he's right.

Ames Straw Poll

From Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit:
TIME FOR ANOTHER THRILLING INSTA-POLL: So, Sarah Palin and Rick Perry aren’t included in the Ames straw poll, but you can vote on the complete field, plus them, right here. And discuss alternatives in the comments.

Cast your vote.

Feel what it's like to have the influence of being an Iowa voter.

I cast my vote for Thaddeus McCotter.

Paul Ryan 2012 Reelection

The lead story of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel online edition is a "what if" piece by Craig Gilbert.

It's a Democrat fantasy about Paul Ryan struggling to win reelection and the possibility of him losing.

It's a very odd article, something that reads more like Democrat party campaign literature than news.

As the fiscal voice of the GOP and the architect of its plan to scale back Medicare, Paul Ryan is the Republican many Democrats would most like to defeat next year.

A Ryan loss would cost his party a lot more than a seat in Congress. It would deprive it of one of its most influential figures. And it would be a huge blow to its policy agenda, which Ryan has played a central role in crafting.

Could Ryan, often touted as a candidate for Senate or even president, lose a re-election bid for his own U.S. House seat?

That would be a shock. By any conventional calculus, the odds are substantially against it.

At the same time, Democrats are correct in saying this contest won't be a nonevent like Ryan's past campaigns. Wisconsin has been turned upside down politically since the last time Ryan was on a ballot.

"It will definitely be a race he's not used to running," says his likely Democratic opponent, Kenosha County Supervisor Rob Zerban.

In other words, prepare for national money to probably pour into the state again, this time to bloody Ryan.

I'm sure Obama would encourage roughing Ryan up.

Gilbert concludes:

Ryan will enjoy obvious advantages next year (money, the makeup of the district, his own political skills, his electoral history). But there are major wild cards: the political fallout from his Medicare plan, the impact of having Obama on the ballot (and possibly even Walker if there's a successful recall drive next year), and the mad intensity of Wisconsin politics these days.

Gilbert seems to be giving a "you gotta believe" pep talk to Democrats: Stop Ryan. Recall Walker. Reelect Obama.

I think Obama being on the ballot will help Ryan, not hurt him.

This election is going to be a referendum on Obama's policies and his stunning ineffectiveness, especially in terms of the economy.

Obama and Lincoln, Debt and Slavery

Last week, while speaking at a town hall meeting at the University of Maryland, Obama compared himself to President Lincoln.

He stated that the nature of our politics means you don't get 100 percent of what you want.

Obama said he's making compromises in the tradition of our greatest presidents, like Lincoln did with slavery.

Obama asks, "Can you imagine how sort of the Huffington Post would have reported on that? I mean, it would have been blistering, right? You know? I mean, think about it. 'Lincoln sells out slaves.' There'd be protests, run a third party guy."

Not funny.


David Wu and Nancy Pelosi: Ethics Probe

UPDATE, July 26, 2011: David Wu resigns.

Nancy Pelosi is no longer too busy to comment on the David Wu sex scandal.

Yesterday, Pelosi made time to address the matter.

From USA Today, the Associated Press:

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi Sunday called for an ethics panel investigation of Rep. David Wu following a published allegation that a young woman reported he'd engaged in "aggressive and unwanted sexual behavior."

The Oregon Democrat has been facing calls to resign, but he remained silent Sunday.

In a statement Sunday night, Pelosi asked the "Ethics Committee to initiate an investigation into the allegations against Congressman Wu."

...The Democratic leader says she will send a letter to leaders of the Republican-led House Monday formally asking for the probe.

...A Democrat who has challenged Wu in next year's primary, state Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian, said Wu should see Pelosi's calls for an ethics investigation as a signal to step down immediately.

"An ethics investigation would result in a long drawn-out distraction and prolong the public pain" for the unidentified woman who has accused Wu, Avakian said through his spokesman, Jake Weigler. "For the sake of our community and this young woman and her family, as well as his own family, David Wu should do the right thing and step aside now."

Another Wu challenger in the Democratic primary, state Rep. Brat Witt, said an ethics investigation is needed so "we get to the bottom of the allegations and determine what the facts are."

Wu's only response so far has been a brief statement late Friday: "This is very serious, and I have absolutely no desire to bring unwanted publicity, attention or stress to a young woman and her family."

...Wu has won seven terms. In 2004, he won despite acknowledging a decades-old college incident in which he tried to force a former girlfriend to have sex. Voters said they disliked an opponent's attempt to use that against Wu.

In January this year, seven staffers resigned because of behavior that included sending a photo of himself in a tiger costume to a staff member and an angry public speech. Wu attributed those to a period of mental health challenges that began in 2008 as marital issues led to separation from his wife.

Pelosi really had no choice but to call for an ethics probe.

Her delay, claiming she didn't know what was going on with Wu, was somewhat of an embarrassment.

If Wu were a Republican, I think this story would be receiving dramatically more attention and he'd be forced to resign immediately.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Brett Favre: Philadelphia

He can't be serious!

Unretiring is a sickness with Brett Favre.

Someone stage an intervention. He needs to enter rehab for the affliction.

Eagles may want to sign Brett Favre; Vick would be ‘honored’
Folks, we're really sorry for this. We really are. But it's our duty to keep our Spidey-Senses up for NFL news, and we've caught wind of a … well, we're searching for the right word to describe it … rumor. Howard Eskin of 610 WIP Sports Radio in Philadelphia has it out there that the Eagles are interested in possibly procuring the services of ...



Brett Fa…

Oh hell, we can't even write it.

...Right now, this is just Eskin's rumor, though he's fairly dialed in. The Eagles can't talk to free agents or draft picks, but there's nothing in the lockout rules we're aware of preventing them from talking to retired players. If Favre is interested in coming back to a team able to challenge for a Super Bowl, in a media hotbed, behind a vulnerable quarterback, which a staff he knows, and talented targets all over the place … well, there would be few better places for him to go.

Then, there's the intangible argument. The lockout has taken the attention of the NFL media through the spring and summer; very few people have made Favre the primary subject of their attention, and we all know how he reacts to that.

It's tempting to ask the owners and players to put some sort of "Anti-Favre" provision in the new CBA before the NFLPA signs off on it, but we suppose we'll have to see how this plays out.

...UPDATE: Here's Vick's take on the whole thing; he's pretty clearly setting the terms of such a deal by mentioning Favre as a 'backup.'

I can't wait for training camp to begin in Green Bay. I love the atmosphere.

I wonder if Super Bowl MVP Aaron Rodgers would be "honored" to have Favre as his backup.

I crack myself up.

David Wu Sex Scandal

UPDATE, July 26, 2011: David Wu resigns.

The Democrats have another sex scandal to manage this summer.

Democrat U.S. Rep. David Wu from Oregon is picking up where Democrat U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner from New York left off.

Weiner's multiple encounters with women took place in cyberspace. Wu is being accused of more than virtual misbehavior. He's accused of an actual "unwanted sexual encounter" with a teenager.

Not good.

From The Oregonian:

A distraught young woman called U.S. Rep. David Wu's Portland office this spring, accusing him of an unwanted sexual encounter, according to multiple sources.

When confronted, the Oregon Democrat acknowledged a sexual encounter to his senior aides but insisted it was consensual, the sources said.

The woman is the daughter of a longtime friend and campaign donor. She apparently did not contact police at the time.

One person who heard the voice mail described the woman as upset, breathing heavily and "distraught."

In the voice mail, the young woman accused Wu of aggressive and unwanted sexual behavior, according to sources with direct knowledge of the message and its contents.

Reporters could not verify the young woman's age. Notes on Facebook over the past 18 months indicate she graduated from high school in 2010. California records show she registered to vote in August.

Wu, 56, did not respond to repeated questions from The Oregonian over the past four days.

Late Friday, Wu issued a one-sentence response: "This is very serious, and I have absolutely no desire to bring unwanted publicity, attention, or stress to a young woman and her family."

Sources familiar with the voice mail said it was clear that the woman was the daughter of a high school friend of Wu's in Orange County.

...Two people with knowledge of the recording and the later conversation with Wu said the alleged incident took place over Thanksgiving weekend. Sources said they were told that the woman went outside and Wu left after her. The sexual encounter followed, they said.

Two sources said the woman believed there was not enough evidence to press charges. There were no witnesses, and it would be her word against a seven-term member of the U.S. Congress.

The alleged incident raises new questions about Wu's behavior during the 1st District congressman's re-election campaign last year. According to staff at the time and emails from the period, he behaved so erratically that staff avoided scheduling him for public appearances and ran a campaign that relied heavily on advertising. Shortly before the Nov. 2 election, senior staff quietly shut down the campaign office and sent other campaign workers home.

In February, following unexpectedly large staff turnover, Wu acknowledged extreme stress last year, which he attributed to the campaign and problems in his marriage. He and his wife are in the process of getting a divorce. He said he sought counseling and has taken medication for an unspecified mental condition.

The Southern California incident allegedly occurred a little over three weeks after the election.

In 2004, The Oregonian reported on a 1976 case when Wu was a student at Stanford University and was disciplined for trying to force an ex-girlfriend to have sex.

Will the Democrats protect an alleged rapist? (They protected Bill Clinton.)

Nancy Pelosi has no comment.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Saturday night that she had no comment on whether Rep. David Wu should resign, one day after a Portland newspaper reported that the Oregon Democrat is facing accusations from a young woman of an “unwanted sexual encounter” last fall.

“I don’t have any comment on that at this time,” Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters as she left her Capitol office after a series of meetings with other congressional leaders on raising the debt ceiling. “I just really don’t know that much about it; I heard that there was some article in the paper.”

Pelosi told reporters that she’d have something to say at a later date, noting that “right now, we’re so completely, totally immersed” in the debt-limit negotiations.

Pelosi doesn't know much about the matter?

From Politico:

Rep. David Wu spoke to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other top Democrats on Saturday about his political future in the wake of allegations of a sexual encounter with a teenager, but it is not clear whether the Oregon Democrat will step down from office.

Wu has been accused of having an “unwanted sexual encounter” with the teenage daughter of a longtime friend last year over Thanksgiving weekend. The teenager, whose identity has not been disclosed, and her family have not filed any criminal complaint against the longtime lawmaker, but the incident, the second accusation of inappropriate sexual behavior against Wu, is “extremely troubling” to Pelosi and other Democrats, say Democratic insiders.

...Democratic insiders would not comment on Pelosi’s conversation with Wu other than to confirm that the two had spoken and other senior House Democrats have contacted the lawmaker as well.

Of course, Pelosi is taking the "no comment" route for now, the Weiner strategy.

Eventually, she's going to have to address the scandal. The Democrats can't ignore it.

The 56-year-old Wu's "unwanted sexual encounter" with a teenager is a big deal.

If the allegations of sexual assault are true, Wu has to resign.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik: YouTube Video

I think it's clear that Anders Behring Breivik planned to be famous.

It's as if he wanted all the details of his barbaric attacks to be documented and available to people in preparation for Breivik: The Movie.

Breivik didn't just have notebooks filled with his scrawling. He posted his deranged plans on the Internet. He released a video on YouTube.

Watch the 12-minute video:

The video, which promotes fighting against Islam, shows Anders Behring Breivik wearing a wetsuit and holding an automatic weapon.

The pictures appear at the end of the video called "Knights Templar 2083".

From the Wall Street Journal:
A couple of hours before the devastating bomb blast in Norway's capital, terror suspect Anders Behring Breivik released a video on YouTube where he calls for conservatives to "embrace martyrdom."

TV2 said sources within Norway's police confirmed the video was uploaded by Mr. Breivik, who was charged Saturday for the bombing and shootings in Norway's capital and a nearby island Friday that left at least 92 people dead.

The video was uploaded by a user called AndrewBerwick on YouTube, hours before the bomb in the centre of Oslo went off, TV2 said. It calls for conservatives to "embrace martyrdom."

"[If] the multiculturalist elites of Europe continue to refuse to voluntarily transfer political and military power to our conservative revolutionary forces ... then [the second world war] is likely going to appear as a picnic compared to the coming carnage," the video stated in captions.

Signed also by an AndrewBerwick, an English translation of the name Anders Breivik, was a manifest called "2083 - A European Declaration of Independence" on the site The manifest is 1,500 page description on Mr. Breivik's background and political viewpoints.

Breivik seems like an Osama bin Laden wannabe, "embrace martyrdom."

So why didn't Breivik take his own life?

He wants to witness the attention being heaped on him. He's a star.

Sky News has some excerpts from Breivik's 1,500-page manifesto
A 1,500 page document has appeared on the internet which is believed to be written by 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik.

It describes his mindset and preparations in the 95 days before the attack and claims he has been planning the acts since 2009.

The gunman's document reveals his dislike for what he sees as a growing influence of muslims in Europe.

It reads: Wednesday May 4 - Day 3: Finished creating the metal skeletons for the blast devices and completing other practical issues relating to gear and equipment.

Saturday June 11 - Day 41 I prayed for the first time in a very long time today. I explained to God that unless he wanted the Marxist-Islamic alliance and certain Islamic Takeover of Europe...he must ensure that the warriors fighting for the preservation of European Christendom prevail.

Friday July 22 - Day 82: Initiate blasting sequences at pre-determined sites... have enough material for 20 blasts... I believe this will be my last entry. It is now Friday July 22nd 12.51pm.

He says that being arrested was part of his plan - he wants notoriety.

Defence lawyer Geir Lippestad told Norway's NRK television channel that Breivik had "admitted responsibility" and "confessed to the factual circumstances".

"He explained that it was cruel but that he had to go through with these acts," Mr Lippestad said, adding the carnage was "long planned".

Breivik is getting exactly what he wants - fame.

It's as if he's proud of the slaughter.

Is Breivik mentally ill or is he pure evil?


TIME considers Breivik ill.

Read "An Interview with a Madman: Breivik Asks and Answers His Own Questions."


New York Times Reader Kills Dozens in Norway