Thursday, May 19, 2011

Obama, Israel, and 1967 Borders

Obama reminds me of Jimmy Carter, the anti-Semite.

For example, Carter has spent years making offensive statements and writing books trashing Israel.

Back in 2006, David Horowitz called Carter out in his article, "Jimmy Carter: Jew-Hater, Genocide-Enabler, Liar."

Even as Islamic Hitlerites gather in Iran to deny the first Holocaust of the Jews and to plot the second, former president Jimmy Carter tours America with a new book that describes Jews as racists and oppressors, and suggests they are also a conspiratorial mafia that intimidates “critics,” controls America’s media and war policy, and are therefore also the source of Islamic terrorism and the Arabs’ genocidal campaign to eliminate them from the map of the Middle East.

In other words, Americans beware of the Jew in your midst.

Here is Carter’s description of the Middle East conflict in his own words, delivered during an interview he gave on National Public Radio during the second day of the Holocaust deniers’ conference in Teheran:
“I have spent a lot of time in Palestine in recent years. … The Palestinians have had their own land, first of all, occupied and then confiscated and then colonized. They’ve been excluded from their own gardens and fields, and pastures and churches. They have been severely restrained in their movements. They have to have different kinds of passes to go through different checkpoints inside their own lands on their own roads. The Israelis have built more than 200 settlements inside Palestine.They connect these settlements with very nice roads for the Israeli settlers, and then superhighways and so forth going into Jerusalem. Quite often the Palestinians are prevented from even riding on those roads that have been built in their own territory. So this has been in many ways worse than it was in South Africa.”

When hundreds of millions of Muslims are calling for the extermination of the Jews of Israel this is more than a lie; it is a blood libel.

Yesterday, Obama delivered a major speech and left no question that he has fully morphed into Jimmy Carter, the anti-Semite.

Here's video of Obama's full speech:

Transcript, from the White House:
OBAMA: The State Department is a fitting venue to mark a new chapter in American diplomacy. For six months, we have witnessed an extraordinary change taking place in the Middle East and North Africa. Square by square, town by town, country by country, the people have risen up to demand their basic human rights. Two leaders have stepped aside. More may follow. And though these countries may be a great distance from our shores, we know that our own future is bound to this region by the forces of economics and security, by history and by faith.

Today, I want to talk about this change -- the forces that are driving it and how we can respond in a way that advances our values and strengthens our security.

What does Obama mean by "our values"?

Is abandoning Israel, our democratic ally, an exhibition of "our values"?

I don't think so.

From the Wall Street Journal:

President Barack Obama, seeking to get ahead of historic changes rolling through the Middle East, promised support for democratic uprisings in the Arab world and called for the first time to begin negotiations for a Palestinian state based on Israel's pre-1967 borders.

Mr. Obama, in a wide-ranging speech on the Mideast, stressed to a global audience—the speech was broadcast in English, Arabic and Farsi—that with the fall of governments in Tunisia and Egypt and the death of Osama bin Laden, the era of al Qaeda and Islamist militancy is giving way to an age of popular rule.

Yet the responses to Mr. Obama's speech highlighted the difficulty he will have in reconciling myriad interests in Washington, Israel and the Arab world.

With grievances deep and ideological lines drawn decades ago, some in the Mideast, including Israel's prime minister, said Mr. Obama went too far; some pro-Israel U.S. lawmakers agreed. Others, from Palestinians to Arab diplomats, said he didn't go far enough.

...The speech had its biggest resonance in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to meet Mr. Obama Friday at the White House.

Mr. Obama entered office pledging to end the Arab-Israeli conflict, and White House officials have voiced frustration with Mr. Netanyahu and his commitment to expanding construction in disputed territories.

Mr. Obama sounded pained in describing the state of the dispute, noting that "the international community is tired of an endless process that never procures an outcome. The dream of a Jewish and democratic state cannot be fulfilled with permanent occupation."

For the first time since entering the White House, Mr. Obama said his administration sees the Mideast peace process producing an independent Palestinian state set along Israel's borders as they were before the 1967 Six Day War. Creating such a state would require Israel to cede control of parts of East Jerusalem and exit settlements in the West Bank, though Mr. Obama acknowledged that some elements of a future Palestinian state's borders would still be up for discussion.

...Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the only Jewish Republican in Congress, said the path Mr. Obama laid out for Middle East peace "undermines" the U.S. relationship with Israel. "By keeping the burden and thus the spotlight on Israel, the president is only giving the Palestinian Authority more incentive to carry on its unhelpful game of sidestepping negotiations and failing to put an end to terrorism," Mr. Cantor said in a written response to the address.

In his speech, Obama referred to the Palestinians "suffering the humiliation of occupation" by Israel.

That sort of terminology sounds exactly like it was lifted from Jimmy Carter's anti-Israel book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.

Here's stunning video of Carter slamming Israel:

What a mistake for Obama to adopt Carter's views!

That's not the way to peace. It's an invitation to annihilate Israel.



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