Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Simpsons Season Finale

Tonight's episode of The Simpsons ventured into uncharted terrority. Although politics and religion have been a part of the series throughout its run, with numerous references to government and God, this season's finale was different.

Bart was sent to a Catholic school for disciplinary reasons, but he soon grew to like the faith, with the help of a young priest. Later, when Homer learned of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Confession, he wanted to convert. He saw it as a spiritual "get out of jail free" card. Marge and church members were horrified at the thought of losing Bart and Homer to the Catholics.

As a Catholic, I was able to laugh at the stereotypes and the nun and priest jokes. However, the bigotry of Marge and Flanders and Rev. Lovejoy was a bit unsettling. I was sure there would be a message at the end, when all the bashing would be shown to be wrong. I was right, in a way.

Eventually, members of the various Christian faiths did come together at the end, pointing out that instead of focusing on their "stupid differences," they should focus on their "stupid similarities."

Then, there was a flash forward to 1000 years later. Bart was considered a prophet and there were warring factions over his message.

What at first appeared to be an anti-Catholic episode, morphed into a hard slap at Christianity and all religions in general.

Overall, it was very funny. Nonetheless, I was caught off guard somewhat by the finale's assault on people of faith.

Interestingly, Muslims weren't trashed.

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