Thursday, May 5, 2005

Thank a Vet

The 60th anniversary of V-E Day will be celebrated on 8 May

During an "Ask the White House" online interactive forum today, Jim Nicholson, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, discussed ways for Americans to commemorate V-E Day.

He said:

V-E Day marks an important moment in history – the final defeat of Nazi fascism in Europe and the liberation of millions. While we sometimes think of observances in terms of ‘great’ and ‘small,’ it is often the seemingly small gestures that mean the most.

Fly our flag for V-E Day.

Find out about Memorial Day observances later this month where you live and attend them with your family.

Explain to your children and grandchildren the significance of the observance and the events behind them, so future generations never take for granted the sacrifice and courage of those heroes that secured a legacy of freedom that can too easily be taken for granted.

And always, one of the simplest yet most important gestures, when you meet a veteran – on the street, in the supermarket or anywhere else – take a moment to say ‘Thank you for your service.’ These gestures from the heart are among the most important we can offer those who served.

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