Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Bush to Dems: Get Out of the Way

From Drudge:

President Bush tonight ripped the Democratic Party as a pack of do-nothing obstructionists bent on derailing his agenda of reform, telling Democratic leaders in Congress that on issue after issue, "they stand for nothing except obstruction, and this is not leadership."

Joseph Curl at WASHINGTON TIMES reporting in fresh editions: At an evening congressional gala at the Washington Convention Center -- which drew $23 million for House and Senate Republicans and amounted to the kick-off of the 2006 political campaign season -- the president drew standing ovations from GOP faithful as he hammered Democrats for offering no solutions to the nation's most pressing problems. "If leaders of the other party have innovative ideas, let's hear them. But if they have no ideas or policies except obstruction, they should step aside and let others lead," Mr. Bush said to thunderous applause from more than 5,000 supporters.

The president, who has spent the last several months seeking consensus on his Social Security reform package and reaching out to Democrats with non-confrontational rhetoric, said opposition party leaders are pursuing "the philosophy of the stop sign, the agenda of the road block, and our country and our children deserve better."

"Political parties that choose the path of obstruction will not gain the trust of the American people," he said at the event dubbed "The 2005 President's Dinner."

Mr. Bush said political parties can take one of two approaches: "One approach is to lead, to focus on the people's business, to take on the tough problems, and that is exactly what our party is doing."

"The other approach is to simply do nothing, to delay solutions, obstruct progress, refuse to take responsibility. Members of the other party have worked with us to achieve important reforms on some issues, yet, too often, their leadership prefers to block the ideas of others."

I think the President needed to make these comments. Even if the RINOs are willing to sell out, at least Bush is showing that he has a backbone. He is a leader, and I hope others stop whimpering and help him achieve his agenda. People didn't vote Republicans into office to have them behave like Democrats.

Ask a Dem what their ideas are, what their solutions are, on any issue. You won't get an answer because they have nothing. If they do have ideas, the Dems are doing a great job at keeping them under wraps. It's bad enough that they have nothing offer. What's worse is their efforts to block the people's business from getting accomplished.

Do the Dems really think they can gain ground in 2006 with their record of obstructionism?

The Democrats don't stand for anything. They only stand in the way.

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