Tuesday, June 14, 2005


WNDU reports:

Two months later, no word on Jeffrey Ake

LaPorte businessman Jeffrey Ake was kidnapped in Baghdad two months ago. Since then, several rumors have circulated but now silence is starting to fall and so are some of the signs that were up supporting him.

The current status of Jeffrey Ake is unknown. No one even knows for sure if he is dead or alive. Representatives from the United States Embassy aren't talking and neither is the Ake family, leaving many LaPorte residents to wonder what is going on?

There are still signs up in LaPorte supporting Ake and his family but some say without any information at all, people have started to move on and businesses are taking down the signs.

Taylor Gussman from Al's Supermarket said, “Yeah I have seen some of the signs have been of Jeff Ake have been taken down. Some of them are still there.”

LaPorte’s Mayor Leigh Morris says at this time there is no new information and the city is just trying to respect the family's privacy.

I don't think removing signs of support has anything to do with respecting the family's privacy. That's a different matter all together.

If people in LaPorte are anxious for new information, imagine how difficult it is for the Ake family to be living with the uncertainty of the fate of their loved one for two months now.

I think it's unfortunate that some LaPorte businesses have removed signs of support. Why do that? As time goes on, the family needs more support and concern, not less.

The residents and businesses who have chosen to move on should thank God they can. The Ake family doesn't have that option.

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