When a stem cell treatment breakthrough is reported by the lib media, there is a concerted attempt to minimize the fact that the cells used are not from EMBRYOS.
Worse yet, some reports take a slap at those opposing EMBRYONIC stem cell research, suggesting that even greater medical breakthroughs are being thwarted by pro-life opponents.
It should be noted that NONE of the stem cell treatments and cures in use so far come from EMBRYONIC stem cells. ZERO.
There's the rub for the libs with a stake in promoting the Culture of Death.
They just can't seem to report the good news without suggesting that there could be better news if only EMBRYOS were being used. Stem cell medical breakthroughs that don't require the destruction of human life are diminished by those convinced that EMBRYONIC stem cells are the magic bullet.
The latest advance in the use of stem cells comes in the treatment (cure?) of Type 1 Diabetes.
From the U.K. Times:
Diabetics using stem-cell therapy have been able to stop taking insulin injections for the first time, after their bodies started to produce the hormone naturally again.
In a breakthrough trial, 15 young patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes were given drugs to suppress their immune systems followed by transfusions of stem cells drawn from their own blood.
The results show that insulin-dependent diabetics can be freed from reliance on needles by an injection of their own stem cells. The therapy could signal a revolution in the treatment of the condition, which affects more than 300,000 Britons.
While this report is clear and upfront about the stem cells being derived from the patients own blood, not EMBRYOS, it goes on to bash President Bush.
...But research using the most versatile kind of stem cells — those acquired from human embryos — is currently opposed by powerful critics, including President Bush.
What is that?
Clearly, an anti-life political agenda is being spoon fed to the public.
The message: "If you think this is good news, think of what miracles could be happening if only people like Bush and his minions weren't against the wholesale farming and destruction of EMBRYOS, human life, for medical purposes."
These accounts never mention that EMBRYONIC stem cell research hasn't yielded any medical treatments or cures to date.
Here's another report on this latest stem cell study on Diabetes:
LOS ANGELES -- Researchers have demonstrated for the first time that the progression of Type-1 diabetes can be halted -- and possibly reversed -- by a stem cell transplant that preserves the body's diminishing ability to make insulin, according to a study published today.
The experimental therapy eliminated the need for insulin injections for months or even years in 14 of 15 patients who were recently diagnosed with the disease. One subject, a 30-year-old male, hasn't taken insulin since his stem cell transplant more than three years ago, according to the study in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The study suggests a new avenue for treating the intractable disease, in which the immune system destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.
The article continues explaining the details of the new treatment, potential risks, and the results of the study.
While it does state that the patients "were infused with their own hematopoietic stem cells," it doesn't highlight that EMBRYOS have nothing to do with this promising new treatment.
It makes no mention of the fact that the research that produced this breakthrough in the treatment of Diabetes is the product of ADULT stem cells, the sort of research that President Bush and Culture of Life proponents support.
You can bet that if this advancement involved EMBRYONIC stem cells, this promising new treatment for Type 1 Diabetes would be used as fodder to bash the President and promote the Culture of Death agenda.
This breakthrough couldn't come at a worse time for those invested in EMBRYONIC stem cell research, as the stem cell debate is about to be revisited by the Senate.
No doubt, they'll fall back on their tired, old, and utterly baseless lines that EMBRYONIC stem cells can produce better treatments and cures, even though that hasn't happened.
Politics aside, everyone should welcome the promising results of this medical breakthrough, courtesy of ADULT stem cells.
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