Instead, I scanned the transcript, and found absolutely nothing about the firestorm over NBC's exploitative airing of Seung-Hui Cho's message from the grave.
Not one word.
Here's a screen cap of the transcript portion with the end of Virginia Tech president Charles Steger's interview:
When did Tim Russert become a doctor?
I know it's a typo.
What's really lame though is Russert's "I would like to say, on behalf of all of us here at NBC, let’s go, Hokies."
Blah, blah, blah.
NBC's exploitation of "Cho's Manifesto" showed no sensitivity for the victims and their families.
Cho intended senior project multi-media presentation of self-portraits and his writings to monopolize the news.
NBC eagerly obliged.
The network's excuse for its crassness?
It used great restraint, airing just "some" of the material that Cho sent to NBC.
The "some" that was aired, nonstop, was too much -- WAY TOO MUCH.
And now Russert, speaking on "behalf of all of us here at NBC," acting as if they care -- it smacks of insincerity.
When they were drooling over being selected by Cho to be the recipients of his obituary and when they were milking it, they didn't stop to show concern for the survivors of the victims then.
Russert's mention of the Virginia Tech Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund doesn't make up for the damage done by the network and its abysmal cable outfit MSNBC.
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