It's obvious that the guy is not too bright. That's OK. Not everyone is intellectually gifted.
The thing is Olbermann's miniscule audience of libs believes what he says. They buy into his trash.
Those in his audience not in agreement with the Olbermann perspective watch his MSNBC show because they are masochists. There's no other reasonable explanation.
On Wednesday, Olbermann commented on Rudy Giuliani's remarks at a Lincoln day dinner in New Hampshire on Tuesday.
He and other libs got bent out of shape because Giuliani told the truth.
Why? The truth is their enemy.
Here is what Giuliani said:
“If any Republican is elected president —- and I think obviously I would be the best at this —- we will remain on offense and will anticipate what [the terrorists] will do and try to stop them before they do it,” Giuliani said.
The former New York City mayor, currently leading in all national polls for the Republican nomination for president, said Tuesday night that America would ultimately defeat terrorism no matter which party gains the White House.
“But the question is how long will it take and how many casualties will we have?” Giuliani said. “If we are on defense [with a Democratic president], we will have more losses and it will go on longer.”
“I listen a little to the Democrats and if one of them gets elected, we are going on defense,” Giuliani continued. “We will wave the white flag on Iraq. We will cut back on the Patriot Act, electronic surveillance, interrogation and we will be back to our pre-Sept. 11 attitude of defense.”
He added: “The Democrats do not understand the full nature and scope of the terrorist war against us.”
So? What's the problem?
I agree with him.
The libs are aghast.
How could Giuliani tell (GASP!) the TRUTH?
Keith Olbermann became particulary testy in his rant responding to Giuliani's remarks.
Olbermann charged:
Since some indeterminable hour between the final dousing of the pyre at The World Trade Center, and the breaking of what Sen. Barack Obama has aptly termed “9/11 fever,” it has been profoundly and disturbingly evident that we are at the center of one of history’s great ironies.
Only in this America of the early 21st century could it be true that the man who was president during the worst attack on our nation and the man who was the mayor of the city in which that attack principally unfolded would not only be absolved of any and all blame for the unreadiness of their own governments, but, moreover, would thereafter be branded heroes of those attacks.
And now, that mayor — whose most profound municipal act in the wake of that nightmare was to suggest the postponement of the election to select his own successor — has gone even a step beyond these M.C. Escher constructions of history.
Those are the words of a real slimeball, a lib running scared at Giuliani's popularity with the American people.
Olbermann continues:
...And if you somehow missed what he was really saying, somehow didn’t hear the none-too-subtle subtext of “vote Democratic and die,” Mr. Giuliani then stripped away any barrier of courtesy, telling Roger Simon of
“America will be safer with a Republican president.”
At least that Republican president under which we have not been safer has, even at his worst, maintained some microscopic distance between himself and a campaign platform that blithely threatened the American people with “casualties” if they, next year, elect a Democratic president — or, inferring from Mr. Giuliani’s flights of grandeur in New Hampshire — even if they elect a different Republican.
How ... dare ... you, sir?
“How many casualties will we have?” — this is the language of Osama bin Laden.
Yours, Mr. Giuliani, is the same chilling nonchalance of the madman, of the proselytizer who has moved even from some crude framework of politics and society, into a virtual Roman Colosseum of carnage, and a conceit over your own ability — and worthiness — to decide who lives and who dies.
Rather than a reasoned discussion — rather than a political campaign advocating your own causes and extolling your own qualifications — you have bypassed all the intermediate steps and moved directly to trying to terrorize the electorate into viewing a vote for a Democrat, not as a reasonable alternative and an inalienable right ... but as an act of suicide.
Olbermann is horrified that Giuliani would dare to spell out what the future might hold if a Democrat took control of the country.
Olbermann is so desperate for attention and ratings that he compares Giuliani to Osama bin Laden.
That's more than a bit over the top.
It's a pathetic cry for attention.
Did Olbermann or Dems get upset with the "Vote or Die" movement of 2004?
P. Diddy and the best dressed clueless libs donned their "Vote or Die" shirts, never hesitating to say that a vote for George W. Bush and other Republicans would get you killed.
P. Diddy was even honored as BET's person of the year in 2004.
Only a few months after running New York City's marathon and raising several millions for the Big Apple's school system, Diddy didn't rest on his laurels, instead he starred in Lorraine Hansbury`s Raisin In The Sun on Broadway. With Combs in the lead role, the play was nominated for a Tony Award and became one of Broadway's highest grossing productions ever. Later on, Diddy launched Citizen Change -a non partisan organization that aimed to mobilize young voters and lure them to the polls in 2004`s presidential elections. Helped by his ``Vote Or Die`` campaign, 21 million young voters turned out to vote in 2004, 4.5 million more than the previous election. In between acting and leading his campaign, Diddy found time to open his Sean John store in midtown Manhattan and his "Making The Band 2" series once again generated high ratings for MTV.
First, it's ridiculous to suggest that P. Diddy's group Citizen Change is a "non partisan organization."
Second, the catch phrase for his efforts was "Vote or Die."
OK, Olbermann and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, etc. -- at least be consistent.
Slam P. Diddy.
It's not right to single out Giuliani for scorn, especially when he is accurately assessing the situation.
Olbermann goes on:
...Which party rode roughshod over Americans’ rights while braying that it was actually protecting them, Mr. Giuliani?
Which party took this country into the most utterly backwards, utterly counterproductive, utterly ruinous war in our history, Mr. Giuliani?
Which party has been in office as more Americans were killed in the pointless fields of Iraq than were killed in the consuming nightmare of 9/11, Mr. Giuliani?
Drop this argument, sir.
You will lose it.
What's scary is that some people value the opinion of Olbermann, of the outermost fringe of fringe Leftists.
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