She wants the president of Mexico to appoint her "peace and justice" ambassador so she can return to the U.S.
MEXICO CITY -- The recently deported illegal migrant and activist who took refuge in a Chicago church for a year, has asked the Mexico's president to appoint her "peace and justice" ambassador so she can return to the United States.
..."What I'm asking for is a diplomatic visa so that I can be an ambassador for peace and justice because I'm not a terrorist and the United States can't continue treating undocumented migrants as terrorists," Arellano told reporters after meeting with President Felipe Calderon at the presidential residence, Los Pinos.
In a news release, the president's office said Arellano asked the Mexican government to help her get a visa so she can enter the United States but it did not mention Arellano's request for a diplomatic appointment.
Arellano really is not a good face for "the movement."
Statements like "[T]he United States can't continue treating undocumented migrants as terrorists," make her seem like a complete nutjob.
I don't think she's winning over any hearts and minds with such rhetoric.
Enforcing our immigration laws and deporting felons are perfectly legitimate actions by the U.S. government.
ILLEGAL immigrants aren't being treated as terrorists, unless the ILLEGAL immigrants are suspected terrorists.
Arellano has made it very clear that she thinks she is above the law.
She's not.
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