Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Getting Robin Shellow's Goat

Receiving a pink gift bag holding a severed goat's head with a threatening note stuffed in its mouth is not a good way to start the week.

From Today's TMJ4:

Someone left a pink gift bag outside Robin Shellow's office, located at 324 West Vine Street, with a severed goat's head inside. To make matters worse police say there was a threatening note written to Shellow in the goat's mouth.

...The bag was found about 11 a.m Monday on the ground outside the lawyer's office, police Capt. Debra Davidoski said Tuesday.

"It was gross," Davidoski said.

A goat's head is a satanic symbol.

Shellow wouldn't talk to TODAYS TMJ 4 on camera, but she released a statement.

"August 27, 2007 was a full moon and was also the eve of a complete lunar eclipse," she wrote, before listing several local crimes and scandals in which she represented the defendants.

She went on to say: "It has been a few to several months since I have invented any new psychologically based defenses, the only thing I can assume is that someone was trying to get my attention on a lovely summer day and was unable to locate his or her copy of the yellow pages."

...Police checked with local meat processors to see if they could track down the goat slayer, but haven't had any luck, Davidoski said.

Police were treating the case as a threat. They also were investigating whether any of Shellow's past clients had anything to do with it.

There are some real sickos out there.

Putting the motive, the satanic connection, and the message to Shellow aside, I think reaction to the goat's head is interesting.

The focus is on the threat and the gruesome contents in the gift bag, reminiscent of the horse head scene from The Godfather.

What creep did this and why? What does it mean?

There doesn't seem to be a lot of concern for the goat. This isn't being examined from the animal cruelty angle.

I think reaction would be very different if Shellow had received a severed dog's head.

Goats get no respect.

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