Monday, August 13, 2007

Libs Still Fear Karl Rove

This morning, Karl Rove's resignation as President Bush's White House deputy chief of staff was announced.

From The Wall Street Journal:

President Bush made the announcement Monday morning. "Karl Rove is moving on down the road,'' Mr. Bush said, appearing grim-faced on the White House's South Lawn with Mr. Rove at his side. "We've been friends for a long time and we're still going to be friends ... I'll be on the road behind you here in a bit,'' he said.

"I'm grateful to have been a witness to history. It has been the joy and the honor of a lifetime," said Mr. Rove, his voice quivering at times. "But now is the time. .. At month's end," Mr. Rove said, "I will join those whom you meet in your travels, the ordinary Americans who tell you they are praying for you."

After a lengthy hug from Mr. Bush and then his wife, Laura, Mr. Rove joined them on the president's helicopter. Mr. Rove, his wife and their son were flying with Mr. Bush on Air Force One to Texas, where the president is vacationing.

Mr. Rove, who has held senior posts in the White House since President Bush took office in January 2001, told Mr. Gigot he first floated the idea of leaving a year ago. But he delayed his departure as, first, Democrats took Congress, and then as the White House tackled debates on immigration and Iraq, he said. He said he decided to leave after White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten told senior aides that if they stayed past Labor Day they would be obliged to remain through the end of the president's term in January 2009.

"I just think it's time," Mr. Rove said in the interview. "There's always something that can keep you here, and as much as I'd like to be here, I've got to do this for the sake of my family." Mr. Rove and his wife have a home in Ingram, Texas, and a son who attends college in nearby San Antonio.

Some libs aren't buying it.

Comments posted on Democratic Underground:

there's ALWAYS something ELSE. Something else they're not saying. Something else they're lying about. Something else they're covering up. There's ALWAYS something ELSE.

ALWAYS. They're too close to be separated. bush is still in a huge mess. This is presumably not a good time to lose an allies. And I'm not an expert on this, but I'd assume that any bush "protections" would still cover kkkarl - no matter where he might be. As long as bush is president, he'll be able to afford rove protection.


I smell a Karen Hughes "event".

I agree there must be "something else"...Why is he willing to give Hillary a bump? Sure with his Hillary remark, he’s rallying the conservative base, BUT he’s also telling Americans that the BIG BAD CORRUPT REPUBLICANS DON’T LIKE through reverse psychology --everyone will $upport and vote for Hillary during the primaries.

I just keep thinking about Hillary’s connection to Rupert Murdoch. Most campaign donations go to advertising through our corporate owned media.

Yup. His umbilical cord is still attached to W. You can be sure that he is not leaving because he no longer lives and breathes through Bush's lungs.
I'd guess he's leaving for one of two reasons:

1) All together now: "He fought the law, and the law won."
He knows what evidence the Dems have on him and is trying to cut his losses by quitting, hoping the Dems
will ease up once they think he's 'gone.'

2) He needs to concentrate full-time on rigging the next election, so he can do his evil deeds while Gonzo is still AG.

In any event, there is something up his sleeve.
There is ALWAYS something up his sleeve.

You're naive if you think Bush will be without Rove for a second.

I think ol' Karl is gettin' ready... make himself available for the Republican candidate in 2008...

Hey, doncha know junior has a brother named Jeb? And poppy & Barbara are coming all over themselves that another one of their little monsters will be coming president.

with bush brain leaving who will be at the controls? Karen Hughes?

and will the cloak of executive priviledge still cover him?

all those who believe he's really leaving to spend more time with family, please raise a glass of kool-aid

These Lefties aren't celebrating Rove's departure.

They're fearing it.

Rove can check out any time he likes, but he can never leave.

Good grief.

These Lefties are really a bunch of paranoid wackos.

The announcement of Rove's resignation caused the lib media to flip out as well.

Bill Plante got in a parting shot:

As Karl Rove embraced President Bush today following an emotional farewell announcement on the South Lawn, the solemnity of the moment was shattered by Bill Plante of CBS, who bellowed to Bush: "If he's so smart, how come you lost Congress?"

What a pathetic display!

These people are deranged.

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