Tuesday, November 6, 2007

West Bend Voters Say, "Read My Lips"

The tax revolt is alive and well among voters in the West Bend School District.

Voters responded to a $119.3 million school building referendum with a resounding, "NO."

They didn't just vote it down. They trounced it.
West Bend -- Voters in the West Bend School District rejected a $119.3 million school building referendum by a 62.6% to 37.4% margin in Tuesday's special election.

The proposal, which included the construction of three new schools and the renovation of others, was defeated in each of 9 communities within the 105-square-mile district.

The unofficial count with all districts reporting was 9,291 voting no to 5,542 voting yes.

Voter turnout was about 48%.

That's quite an impressive turnout.

I guess this shows that voters will get to the polls when they're threatened with a massive tax increase.

The tax revolt is NOT dead.

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