Aaron Rodgers was Jimmy Kimmel's guest on Thursday night.
Aaron shows off his Super Bowl ring.
He tells a story about two photographers, speaking "European," having an altercation on the field before the Super Bowl coin toss.
Here's video:
It's great to be the reigning Super Bowl champs!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Mark Halperin, Obama, Dick (Video)
You usually make me angry, but in this case, you make me laugh.
The distinguished Mark Halperin said a bad, bad thing; and the MSNBC crew was too incompetent to handle the technical side, invoking the 7-second delay.
From Politico:
Only on MSNBC.
Can you imagine the outrage if a "senior political analyst" on FOX News called Obama a dick?
Obama would probably give a dramatic speech about angry political rhetoric and call for civility.
Editorial after editorial in liberal rags would condemn the offender.
Halperin's mistake was trusting MSNBC to cover his remark.
Alas, Halperin is suspended indefinitely.
The statement from TIME is funny.
Although Halperin should not have used that term during commentary on TV, the gist of his remark certainly reflects the views of much of the nation.
Here's video from MRC TV:
You usually make me angry, but in this case, you make me laugh.
The distinguished Mark Halperin said a bad, bad thing; and the MSNBC crew was too incompetent to handle the technical side, invoking the 7-second delay.
From Politico:
MSNBC senior political analyst Mark Halperin was suspended on Thursday by the cable network after he called President Obama “a dick” on a popular morning show and then quickly apologized.
“I thought he was a kind of a dick yesterday,” Halperin, who also is an editor-at large for Time, said on Morning Joe, referring to the President’s conduct during his press conference.
Only on MSNBC.
Can you imagine the outrage if a "senior political analyst" on FOX News called Obama a dick?
Obama would probably give a dramatic speech about angry political rhetoric and call for civility.
Editorial after editorial in liberal rags would condemn the offender.
Halperin's mistake was trusting MSNBC to cover his remark.
Alas, Halperin is suspended indefinitely.
A couple of hours later, MSNBC issued a statement, saying, “Mark Halperin’s comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the President, The White House and all of our viewers. We strive for a high level of discourse and comments like these have no place on our air. Therefore, Mark will be suspended indefinitely from his role as an analyst.
The cable outlet also put out a statment from Halperin at the same time, saying, “I completely agree with everything in MSNBC’s statement about my remark. I believe that the step they are taking in response is totally appropriate. Again, I want to offer a heartfelt and profound apology to the President, to my MSNBC colleagues, and to the viewers. My remark was unacceptable, and I deeply regret it.”
Time issued a statement later Thursday calling Halperin’s comments “inappropriate and in no way reflective of TIME’s views.”
The statement from TIME is funny.
Although Halperin should not have used that term during commentary on TV, the gist of his remark certainly reflects the views of much of the nation.
Here's video from MRC TV:
Obama Gets Daughter's Age Wrong
Obama thinks his daughter, Malia, is 13.
He's wrong. She's 12.
From Politico:
Twice, Obama said Malia was 13, although she's not.
Given that her birthday is just days away, it appears that Obama has already dubbed her a teenager. However, that is inaccurate.
This gaffe isn't nearly as bad as his "57 states" declaration.
And what's with "teenage-hood"?
I think Obama just created a new word.
Not too articulate.
Kind of funny given the criticism being heaped on Michele Bachmann by Leftists for her "bomblets."
I'd like Chris Wallace to ask Obama if he's a flake.
He's wrong. She's 12.
OBAMA: And, you know, Malia and Sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time. Malia is 13, Sasha is 10.
Q: Impressive.
OBAMA: It is impressive. They don’t wait until the night before. They’re not pulling all-nighters. (Laughter.) They’re 13 and 10. Congress can do the same thing. If you know you’ve got to do something, just do it.
From Politico:
President Obama, who has expressed his fears about his daughter Malia becoming a teenager next month, is apparently dreading her birthday so much that for a brief moment on Wednesday, he thought she had already turned 13.
At a press conference at the White House, Obama suggested that his daughters, who “generally finish their homework a day ahead of time,” could serve as role models for members of Congress.
"Malia’s 13, Sasha’s 10," the president said, even though 12-year-old Malia still has a few days to go until her July 4 birthday. "It is impressive. They don't wait until the night before. They're not pulling all-nighters. They're 13 and 10."
In a recent interview on “Good Morning America,” Obama expressed his anxieties about Malia’s upcoming birthday. “I’m not anticipating complete mayhem for the next four or five years, but I understand teenage-hood is complicated,” Obama said.
“I should also point out that I have men with guns that surround them often, and a great incentive for running for reelection is that it means they never get in the car with a boy who had a beer, and that’s a pretty good thing,” he added.
Twice, Obama said Malia was 13, although she's not.
Given that her birthday is just days away, it appears that Obama has already dubbed her a teenager. However, that is inaccurate.
This gaffe isn't nearly as bad as his "57 states" declaration.
And what's with "teenage-hood"?
I think Obama just created a new word.
Not too articulate.
Kind of funny given the criticism being heaped on Michele Bachmann by Leftists for her "bomblets."
I'd like Chris Wallace to ask Obama if he's a flake.
Indiana Planned Parenthood: Lies (Video)
An undercover tape from Lila Rose and Live Action reveals Planned Parenthood in Indiana to be deceiving the public when it claims that Indiana's Planned Parenthood funding cuts mean women on Medicaid would have nowhere else to go for health care.
Read Lila Rose's investigative report at Big Government: Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid Misinformation In Indiana.
Here's a press release from Live Action:
Lila Rose Discusses Latest Planned Parenthood Investigation with Ingraham on O’Reilly
Read Lila Rose's investigative report at Big Government: Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid Misinformation In Indiana.
The Obama Administration is bullying Indiana, threatening to cut billions in Medicaid care for the elderly and low-income, because Indiana's decided to cut funding to abortion providers.
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood serves less than 1% of Medicaid patients in Indiana, but performs over 52% of all abortions.
Stand with Indiana against the political bullying in their decision to stop funding Planned Parenthood.
Here's a press release from Live Action:
Medicaid Misinformation: Planned Parenthood Caught on Tape Lying About Indiana Healthcare
Live Action Launches “Standing with Indiana” Petition
June 29, 2011 – Undercover phone calls released today show Planned Parenthood of Indiana clinics admitting that they are not the only source of women’s health care for women on Medicaid. Planned Parenthood and its supporters have recently argued in support of restoring their Medicaid funding in Indiana that poor women will lose access to vital health care services if they cannot go to Planned Parenthood. Live Action, the group that recorded the calls, says its footage shows the reality is quite the opposite.
“Indiana has become Ground Zero in the national battle to defund Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion business in America,” states Live Action President Lila Rose. “As more and more states, most recently Wisconsin and Texas, continue to defund the abortion giant of millions of dollars, Planned Parenthood wants us to believe they are the only game in town when it comes to providing care for Medicaid patients. In reality, their own staff admit that they aren’t the only option for women in need.”
In an official press release, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards claimed that Indiana’s defunding of Planned Parenthood would “take away health care from thousands of women in Indiana.” Last week, Live Action’s undercover investigators called 16 of the 28 Indiana Planned Parenthood clinics posing as women on Medicaid concerned about where they could receive services if Planned Parenthood’s funding was not restored.
SEE VIDEO HERE: www.liveaction.org
Planned Parenthood staffers at all 16 locations admitted that Medicaid women would still have access to medical care after the defunding. Staffers suggested local health clinics or state-assigned primary care physicians for Medicaid patients: “Your primary care doctor should be able to do [a Well Woman exam,] I mean, that’s what they’re there for,” said a Planned Parenthood in Michigan City, while the Merrillville Planned Parenthood said of a local community health center, “They have the same services we have.”
“According to Planned Parenthood’s own statistics, their 28 clinics serve less than 1% of Indiana Medicaid patients, yet they do more than 50% of Indiana abortions,” notes Rose. There are over 800 other Medicaid providers available to these women in the counties with Planned Parenthood clinics alone.”
Even Indiana doctors agree that defunding Planned Parenthood in Indiana would have little to no effect on the care and services provided to Medicaid patients.
“If Planned Parenthood only sees 1% of Medicaid patients in the state, and that’s their statistic, it doesn’t seem like they are making a big imprint in the first place,” said Dr. Geoff Cly, at the Northeast Ob/GYN Women’s Health Group in Fort Wayne, IN. “I know in our group, we currently have capacity to see more patients and I’m sure many other groups could easily take care of the 1% that’s left if Planned Parenthood no longer took care of those patients.”
However, President Obama has come to Planned Parenthood’s aid by threatening to deny billions in low-income healthcare funds unless Indiana starts contracting with them.
“The Obama administration is holding patients’ health hostage in return for funding the largest abortion provider in the country,” asserted Lila Rose. “This abuse of power is a threat to every other state – that no matter the cost or consequences, this Administration will sacrifice healthcare for the needy to continue pouring tax dollars into Planned Parenthood.”
“Today we launch a ‘Stand with Indiana’ petition exposing Planned Parenthood’s deception and demanding that President Obama revoke his intervention on their behalf,” continues Rose. “Planned Parenthood has lied in covering up sex trafficking and statutory rape, lied about abusing taxpayer dollars, lied about mammograms, and now lies about Medicaid–all in the interest of protecting the taxpayer subsidies of their abortion business. States and their citizens no longer want to fund this corrupt organization.”
Access the “I Stand with Indiana” petition at: www.IStandWithIndiana.com
Fact Sheet with statistics, sources and figures available at:
Lila Rose Discusses Latest Planned Parenthood Investigation with Ingraham on O’Reilly
Mayfair: Facebook Fight
Mayfair Mall has not been having a very good June.
Earlier this week, there was the story of the teen thug pulling a gun on a couple in the Mayfair parking lot at around 2:00 in the afternoon.
Now, we hear about a violent fight that took place at the mall last week.
From WauwatosaNOW:
This wasn't a minor disagreement playing out in public.
This was a scary, violent incident.
There's nothing wrong with Mayfair.
There is quite a bit wrong with some of its patrons.
This handful of bad people may serve to keep many good people away from Mayfair.
Earlier this week, there was the story of the teen thug pulling a gun on a couple in the Mayfair parking lot at around 2:00 in the afternoon.
Now, we hear about a violent fight that took place at the mall last week.
From WauwatosaNOW:
A fight between two 23-year-old Milwaukee women at Mayfair last week resulted in hair scattered on the floor, nearly two dozen punches thrown and a bleeding eye, according to a Wauwatosa police report.
Also from the report:
One of the women was shopping at Journeys shoe store when the second entered, yelling about Facebook, at 6:32 p.m. June 22.
She pulled the first woman out of the store by her hair and punched her repeatedly, resulting in an eye injury.
Security guards arrived and pulled them apart.
Both women were arrested for disorderly conduct and the district attorney is expected to issue charges this week.
This wasn't a minor disagreement playing out in public.
This was a scary, violent incident.
There's nothing wrong with Mayfair.
There is quite a bit wrong with some of its patrons.
This handful of bad people may serve to keep many good people away from Mayfair.
Chris Abele: Campaign Fundraiser, County Employees
Chris Abele isn't much of a stickler when it comes to following the rules.
During the county executive campaign, we learned of Abele's habitual violations.
For example:
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Abele not only had a history of dismissing the rules, but it's still a pattern he follows.
Good grief.
Abele was in violation of the county ethics code but the violation of campaign law appears to be inadvertent. It was a "good faith mistake."
When did the Journal Sentinel ever cut Scott Walker this kind of slack?
The newspaper would have tarred and feathered Walker for soliciting from county employees.
Abele is extremely inexperienced. But don't his aides have a bit more awareness of something like the county ethics code?
Apparently not.
No problem. The liberal media aren't troubled with Abele being caught soliciting from county employees.
Abele just made a tiny "good faith mistake."
During the county executive campaign, we learned of Abele's habitual violations.
For example:
Chris Abele: Parking Tickets
Chris Abele: OWI
Chris Abele: Fireworks
Chris Abele: Tax Lien
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Abele not only had a history of dismissing the rules, but it's still a pattern he follows.
Abele's campaign solicited from county employees
Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele's campaign improperly solicited donations from county employees, seeking their attendance at a $50-per-person fundraiser held at Abele's home, an Abele campaign aide said Wednesday.
Abele said he was unaware of the county ban and would do whatever was necessary to ensure such solicitations won't happen again.
"I want to avoid even the appearance of impropriety," Abele said. Soliciting campaign contributions from county workers "sends the wrong message," he said. "I certainly in no way expect, nor have I asked, nor would I ever ask, any employee to support anyone other than someone they felt good with."
Patrick Gurasci, a campaign aide to Abele, took responsibility for what he called a mistake and said the telephone solicitation for a barbecue fundraiser at Abele's Lake Drive mansion on Monday had likely been made to about 30 to 40 county staffers. Gurasci said an automated phone call inviting people to the event came from a list of Abele supporters, as well as others.
The barbecue fundraiser was also listed on Abele's campaign website as his "Annual BBQ with Chris Abele." It suggested donations of $50 for supporters to $3,000 for his "executive's circle." There was no intention of targeting county staffers in the solicitation, Gurasci said.
He said the campaign so far had discovered only one $100 donation from one county employee and his spouse from the Monday event. The money was returned, Gurasci said. That donation was from Jeff Bentoff, Abele's spokesman and deputy chief of staff, and Bentoff's wife, Julie Penman, a former Milwaukee city official.
...Violations of the county ethics code carry fines of up to $1,000.
Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgraf said he hadn't received any complaints about donation solicitations under the county ordinance. In similar instances of violations of campaign law that appear inadvertent and were corrected by the candidate, "we have considered that it was a good faith mistake," Landgraf said.
Good grief.
Abele was in violation of the county ethics code but the violation of campaign law appears to be inadvertent. It was a "good faith mistake."
When did the Journal Sentinel ever cut Scott Walker this kind of slack?
The newspaper would have tarred and feathered Walker for soliciting from county employees.
Abele is extremely inexperienced. But don't his aides have a bit more awareness of something like the county ethics code?
Apparently not.
No problem. The liberal media aren't troubled with Abele being caught soliciting from county employees.
Abele just made a tiny "good faith mistake."
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
'America' - Glen Shulfer
Remember Glen Shulfer's song, "Union Man"?
Here's another song from Glen, "America." It's particularly fitting as we approach the Fourth of July, the celebration of the founding our great nation.
Glen writes, "It pays tribute to our troops, American values and the spirit of America."
Watch the video of this terrific, patriotic song.
Here's another song from Glen, "America." It's particularly fitting as we approach the Fourth of July, the celebration of the founding our great nation.
Glen writes, "It pays tribute to our troops, American values and the spirit of America."
Watch the video of this terrific, patriotic song.
Summerfest: Panic! At The Disco
Summerfest 2011, Day 2 - Panic! At The Disco headlines at the U.S. Cellular Connection Stage, 10:00 PM.
Summerfest 2011 Opening Day
Summerfest begins!
Does it feel like Thursday to you?
Meatloaf is the headliner at the new Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard stage, tonight at 10:00 PM.
Does it feel like Thursday to you?
Meatloaf is the headliner at the new Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard stage, tonight at 10:00 PM.
Tom Petty, Michele Bachmann, 'American Girl'
Tom Petty doesn't want Michele Bachmann's campaign using his song, "American Girl."
From Reuters:
More, from the Los Angeles Times:
Petty doesn't want Bachmann using his song, cease and desist.
It's his song. That's his right.
However, assuming Bachmann's campaign purchased a license for performance rights from ASCAP, Bachmann didn't do anything wrong.
It's easier for Bachmann to drop the song than to fight it.
Another performer is complaining about a Republican using his or her music. So what else is new?
What I find really out of line in all of this is the response by the Washington Post on Facebook:
What an irresponsible and petty thing to do!
This was a direct invitation by the Post to its Facebook followers to mock Bachmann and her supporters.
Naturally, the Leftists eagerly obliged.
Some examples:
Very nice.
The Washington Post harnesses its Internet community to belittle and smear a political opponent, encouraging Facebook users to demean Bachmann.
This is such typical liberal crap.
From Reuters:
On Monday, Bachmann officially announced her candidacy for U.S. president. She left the stage as Petty's "American Girl" blared over the loudspeaker. Uh-oh.
Petty's camp is unhappy with Bachmann's choice of exit music and will ask the campaign not to use the song, according to an NBC News report. (Petty's manager was not immediately available for comment, an employee said.)
Petty previously sent George W. Bush a cease-and-desist letter over his presidential campaign's use of the song, "I Won't Back Down." Bush backed down, of course. But the former president is not alone.
In the past couple of years, musicians have enjoyed great success in getting politicians to see the error of their ways.
After the 2008 campaign, John McCain was forced to make an apology to Jackson Browne to settle a lawsuit over the use of his song, "Running on Empty." A few months after that, California senatorial candidate Chuck DeVore went on bended knee to settle claims made by Don Henley over use of the songs "Boys of Summer" and "All She Wants to Do is Dance."
...A dispute over music played at a campaign event, like the developing Petty vs. Bachmann sued, is an entirely new legal debate. Arguably, so long as a campaign purchases a license from the performance rights organization ASCAP, it should stand on solid ground. On the other hand, Petty could still claim that such music constituted an implied endorsement of the Republican candidate.
More, from the Los Angeles Times:
The Traveling Wilbury and Grammy winner isn't 100% stingy with permission. Petty gave Hillary Rodham Clinton the thumbs up to use "American Girl" throughout her campaign in 2008.
Petty doesn't want Bachmann using his song, cease and desist.
It's his song. That's his right.
However, assuming Bachmann's campaign purchased a license for performance rights from ASCAP, Bachmann didn't do anything wrong.
It's easier for Bachmann to drop the song than to fight it.
Another performer is complaining about a Republican using his or her music. So what else is new?
What I find really out of line in all of this is the response by the Washington Post on Facebook:
Tom Petty wants Michele Bachmann to stop using "American Girl" for her campaign music. What song should Bachmann use instead? http://wapo.st/jeZB0q
What an irresponsible and petty thing to do!
This was a direct invitation by the Post to its Facebook followers to mock Bachmann and her supporters.
Naturally, the Leftists eagerly obliged.
Some examples:
Dan Kriwitsky - "Fly Me To The Moon" OK geeks, you can quote Kahn from Star Trek now.
Suzanne Wolf - Buecker Nah, Jacovich. Bad selection. I don't see that at all. You seem to be confused or misled...not unlike Bachmann herself.
Barbara Arendt - The lady's a tramp
Natasha Jordan - Whaaaa whaaa whaaa @Rosemary.... if she does not like this post or newspaper, why comment on it? DE FRIEND and move on to whatever it is that you do. Just don't come crying back here when the truth gets out about the crazy loon job she real...See More
Yerffej Nala Muioh - Just some spooky halloween music, ghosts, howling wind, ominous music, creaking door.
Jonay Bell - The three stooges?
Dave Logan - If she wants a Petty song, how about "Breakdown" or "Don't Come Around Here No More" as options?
Andy Heaton - The closest thing to "American Girl" is "American Boy." I'm sure her Tea Party supporters will like it.
Rush Storz - Crazy Bitch.
Gerry Cooney - I wouldn't want my name associated with a jackass like her either :)
Doug Traer - "Crazy" (CeeLo and Patsy Kline) "American Idiot" "Fool on the Hill" "If I only Had a Brain" "Stupid Girl" "Creep" "Bitch" "Bitch is Back"
Jane Clavin - american psycho..........lol; someone write it!
Thomas L DeGroat - The opening looney tunes theme comes to mind
Jaynie Britton Richardson - "If I Only Had A Brain".
Ellen Shapiro - I fought the law and the law won?
Denis Kaufman - I'm with Ann Lyons, "Don't Know Much About History."
Dameun Strange - How about 'Bat Outta Hell'
Karen Dowler-Ponciano - "Stupid Girls" by Pink
Very nice.
The Washington Post harnesses its Internet community to belittle and smear a political opponent, encouraging Facebook users to demean Bachmann.
This is such typical liberal crap.
Ron Johnson's Senate Speech, June 28 (Video, Transcript)
UPDATE, June 30, 2011: Harry Reid cancels Senate July 4 recess
UPDATE, June 29, 2011: Johnson vows to fight any attempt in Senate to proceed with Fourth of July recess
It is so refreshing to finally have someone like Ron Johnson representing me in the U.S. Senate.
What a tremendous improvement over Russ Feingold!
Ron Johnson presents real hope and change.
Ron Johnson isn't satisfied with business as usual in Washington.
He may be new in the U.S. Senate but he isn't afraid to shake things up.
He knows changes are needed in Washington. He wants to be part of the solution.
Video of Johnson speaking on the floor of the Senate, June 28, 2011:
I'm so glad we sent Ron Johnson to the Senate.
UPDATE, June 29, 2011: Johnson vows to fight any attempt in Senate to proceed with Fourth of July recess
Freshman Sen. Ron Johnson said Wednesday he will try to block any move by the Senate to recess tomorrow in advance of the Fourth of July holiday, saying lawmakers should remain in session to work on the budget and spending issues.
Johnson’s comments come a day after he took to the Senate floor vowing to block regular business unless Democrats advance a budget plan.
“We’re just trying to ratchet up the pressure on Democratic leadership, who controls what we do by and large,” the Oshkosh Republican said in an interview. “I’m doing this to make a point, to make sure we start turning our attention to the budget.”
...Johnson was joined by nine GOP colleagues at a press conference Wednesday demanding the Senate stay in session.
It is so refreshing to finally have someone like Ron Johnson representing me in the U.S. Senate.
What a tremendous improvement over Russ Feingold!
Ron Johnson presents real hope and change.
Ron Johnson isn't satisfied with business as usual in Washington.
He may be new in the U.S. Senate but he isn't afraid to shake things up.
He knows changes are needed in Washington. He wants to be part of the solution.
Video of Johnson speaking on the floor of the Senate, June 28, 2011:
SENATOR RON JOHNSON: “Mr. President, I ask to be allowed to speak for up to ten minutes.
“Thank you.
“Mr. President, I've been here for almost six months now.
“But I've been carefully watching Washington for more than 32 years, while operating my manufacturing business in Oshkosh, Wisconsin - watching how increasingly broken Washington has become over the years.
“Nothing I've seen in the last six months changes that evaluation.
“Washington is broken and America is going broke.
“Our economy is in a coma; people are suffering.
“America hungers for leadership, and it it’s not getting any - not from President Obama, not from the United States Senate.
“We can't afford to have a broken political process - not now - not while America is hurtling toward a financial crisis.
“Under Democratic leadership, it has been over two years since the United States Senate has passed a budget, and there is currently no mark-up going on in the Budget Committee to produce one.
“America is going bankrupt, and the Senate refuses to pass a budget.
“The President's budget - the one he presented several months ago to great fanfare, remember that? It was 4 ¼ inches thick, 2,400 pages long. Who knows how many thousands of man hours that document took to produce? It was going to be the solution to our fiscal problems.
“But it was so unserious, it would have added over $12 trillion to our nation’s debt.
“It was so unserious, when it was voted on in the United States Senate, it lost by a vote of ZERO to 97.
“It was so unserious, that not a single member of the President's own party voted for it.
“Instead of rolling up his shirt sleeves and personally tackling the number one problem facing this nation right from the beginning, President Obama delegated his role in sporadic negotiations to Vice President Biden.
“Now that those talks have broken down, the President is finally getting personally involved in this process.
“But what kind of process is this – a few people, talking behind closed doors, far from the view of the American public? Is that the process that is going to decide the fate of America’s financial situation, of our financial future? Is this how our government is supposed to work?
“I don’t think so.
“Of course not.
“Unfortunately, this has become business as usual in Washington.
“As a manufacturer, I know if the process is bad, the product will be bad.
“Business as usual here in Washington is a bad process.
“Business as usual is bankrupting America.
“It must stop.
“America is simply too precious to subject our financial future to Washington’s ‘business as usual.’
“Now I'm pretty new here, and I don't pretend to understand everything that makes the Senate work (or maybe more accurately, doesn’t allow the Senate to work). But I do know the Senate runs on something called unanimous consent.
“So unless we receive some assurance from the Democrat leadership that we will actually start addressing our budget out in the open, in the bright light of day - I will begin to object. I will begin to withhold my consent.
“The Senate needs to pass a budget. It shouldn't be that difficult.
“Families do it every day. A husband earns $40,000. A wife earns $40,000. Their total family income is $80,000. That's their budget. That's what they can afford to spend. American families figure out how to live within their means.
“The federal government should be no different. A budget is a number. We should first pick one number, and then a set of numbers, that won't let America go bankrupt.
“So let me start the process by throwing out a number: $2.6 trillion. This is $800 billion more than we spent just 10 years ago. That is the amount that President Obama, in his budget, says the federal government will receive in revenue next year. If we only spent that amount of money, we would be living within our means. What a concept, huh?
“If we want to spend more than $2.6 trillion, Members of Congress and members of this Administration should go before Congressional committees and openly justify what they want to spend, how much they want to borrow, and how much debt they are willing to pile on the backs of our children, our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren.
“They should explain just how much of our children’s future they are willing to mortgage.
“The American people deserve to be told the truth.
“Unless that happens, I will begin to withhold my consent.
“Unless there is some assurance that the Senate will take up its budget responsibilities in an open process, I will begin to object.
“Madame President, I note the absence of a quorum.”
I'm so glad we sent Ron Johnson to the Senate.
Prosser, Anger Management
I don't know how the Wisconsin Supreme Court manages to conduct any business at all.
The lunacy is stunning.
Liberal Justice Ann Walsh Bradley had the audacity to suggest that Justice David Prosser should get treatment for anger management.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
I think it might be a good idea for all the justices to have group therapy.
The lunacy is stunning.
Liberal Justice Ann Walsh Bradley had the audacity to suggest that Justice David Prosser should get treatment for anger management.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley asked Justice David Prosser to seek therapy to manage his anger two days after she says he put his hands around her neck, but he declined to do so, according to sources familiar with the situation.
The request came June 15, when all the justices met with Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs to discuss the June 13 altercation between Prosser and Bradley. At least some of Prosser's fellow conservatives on the court said it would be ridiculous for him to take such courses, the sources said.
I think it might be a good idea for all the justices to have group therapy.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Mayfair Parking Lot, Gun
More trouble at Mayfair Mall--
What's especially troubling about this most recent report of trouble at Mayfair is that the incident took place in broad daylight in the middle of the afternoon.
From WauwatosaNOW:
I don't know what sort of words were exchanged between the thug and the car owner.
In any event, nothing would warrant pulling a gun and threatening to murder.
It's very disturbing that one isn't safe in the parking lot at Mayfair at 1:57 in the afternoon.
What's especially troubling about this most recent report of trouble at Mayfair is that the incident took place in broad daylight in the middle of the afternoon.
From WauwatosaNOW:
A teenage boy pulled a gun and threatened a couple in the Mayfair parking lot last week, according to a Wauwatosa police report.
Also from the report:
The Brookfield couple got out of their car and began to open the trunk, and then they heard a loud stomp and indistinguishable noise. The teen caught the couple off guard, and he and the car owner exchanged words at 1:57 p.m. Wednesday.
When the teen got six or seven cars away, he pulled a gun from his pocket and said "Do you wanna die?" and "Do you want me to kill your wife?"
The couple ran into the mall and called the police.
They said the perpetrator appeared in his late teens and further described him as black, about 6 feet, 1 inch, about 145 pounds and having a swollen left eye. He was dressed in an oversized white shirt, long dark jean shorts and a white baseball cap.
I don't know what sort of words were exchanged between the thug and the car owner.
In any event, nothing would warrant pulling a gun and threatening to murder.
It's very disturbing that one isn't safe in the parking lot at Mayfair at 1:57 in the afternoon.
Collective Bargaining Law Takes Effect
It's been a long painful process and taken a long time but Governor Scott Walker and Republican legislators can finally say "mission accomplished."
The budget repair bill takes effect today.
From the Associated Press:
The 14 Democrat senators who fled the state to avoid voting on the bill couldn't stop it.
Thousands of protesters couldn't stop it.
LaFollette couldn't stop it.
Judge Maryann Sumi couldn't stop it.
The law takes effect today.
Everything seems to be OK.
Apocalypse not now.
The budget repair bill takes effect today.
From the Associated Press:
After months of heated debate, ear-splitting protests and legal maneuvering, Gov. Scott Walker's divisive collective bargaining law is finally set to take effect.
Secretary of State Doug LaFollette published the law in the Wisconsin State Journal newspaper on Tuesday. The measure goes into effect Wednesday, capping an ugly four months in Madison that saw state senators flee the state and massive protests at the state Capitol.
The 14 Democrat senators who fled the state to avoid voting on the bill couldn't stop it.
Thousands of protesters couldn't stop it.
LaFollette couldn't stop it.
Judge Maryann Sumi couldn't stop it.
The law takes effect today.
Everything seems to be OK.
Apocalypse not now.
Sheriff David Mahoney
Is Sheriff David Mahoney the right person to investigate the Wisconsin Supreme Court Choking case?
Short answer: NO.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Media Trackers spells out the very real concerns about Mahoney's impartiality:
Without question, the appearance of Mahoney's impartiality exists.
He should recuse himself.
Short answer: NO.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney -- who is now investigating a claim Supreme Court Justice David Prosser put his hands around another justice’s neck during an argument earlier this month -- endorsed Prosser’s opponent in the recent race for Supreme Court.
The Democratic sheriff endorsed Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg in her challenge to Prosser in the April 5 election. Mahoney and Kloppenburg also use the same campaign manager, Melissa Mulliken, who has worked on many state and local campaigns.
Mahoney took over the investigation Monday at the request of Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs. Tubbs said he consulted with the court before turning over the investigation to Mahoney.
Media Trackers spells out the very real concerns about Mahoney's impartiality:
The need for an impartial investigator to look into allegations of a physical altercation between two Wisconsin Supreme Courtjustices is absolutely critical. Wisconsinites deserve to know the full truth about this matter, and parties that are guilty of misconduct should explain their actions. Following the announcement by Capitol Police that the investigation will now be handled by Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney, MediaTrackers expressed concern over the sheriff's impartiality in the situation.
"After looking into Sheriff Mahoney's record, we have substantial reservations about his qualification to lead his department in a thorough and impartial investigation of this matter," stated Brian Sikma, Communications Director for Media Trackers. "Notwithstanding his long record of service to the public through law enforcement, the very politically charged nature of this particular investigation could prevent the public from resting full confidence in Sheriff Mahoney's abilities."
Citing a list of political activities, official actions, and unguarded public statements from Mahoney, Sikma concluded, "Sheriff David Mahoney’s partisan background and public statements raise questions about his ability to lead an impartial investigation. The sheriff should either explain why these items are not going to factor into any bias in the investigation, or recuse himself from the role altogether."
The following is a record of Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney's political, professional and public actions and statements that are cause for concern when it comes to his handling of a political charged Supreme Court matter:In 2008, Sheriff David Mahoney appeared in television ad endorsing Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson, a well known personal and political rival of Justice David Prosser. Mahoney also gave Abrahamson’s 2008 re-election campaign $100 dollars.
In 2008, Sheriff Mahoney helped create a program –later determined to be illegal – to give tax payer dollars to jail inmates to subsidize their bail. Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said that the Sheriff’s office overstepped its authority with the program.
During the Budget Repair protests that occupied the Capitol, Mahoney refused to order Dane County Sheriff Deputies to enforce an order to keep the Capitol doors shut. Mahoney explained, “I refused to put deputy sheriffs in a position to be palace guards."
When touring the Capitol in during the occupation by pro-labor protesters in March, Mahoney was quoted in The Nation magazine as saying “I smile everyday at what I am seeing take place in this building."
When asked in an April 21, interview with liberal Madison talk-show host John “Sly” Sylvester about booing of the national anthem by counter-protesters at a Tea Party rally, Mahoney said “I’m quite confident that booing the national anthem never occurred.” But of course, the booing was caught on camera which makes it hard to deny.
From 2004-2006, Mahoney served as President of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association. As President of the state’s police union, Mahoney was quoted as saying it is a duty to “take care of those who take care of you,” and that “the job you save may be your own.” During Mahoney’s tenure as President, the WPPA endorsed Governor Jim Doyle for Governor and donated to eight Democratic campaigns and just three Republican campaigns.
Sheriff Mahoney was appointed to three separate commissions by Democrat Governor Jim Doyle between 2007 and 2008.
Without question, the appearance of Mahoney's impartiality exists.
He should recuse himself.
Eugene, Oregon City Council and the Pledge of Allegiance
Some on the city council in Eugene, Oregon believe that the Pledge of Allegiance is divisive.
Its recitation is akin to reciting the Communist Manifesto.
It's not something that should be recited publicly.
The controversy in Eugene began when Councilor Mike Clark wondered why council meetings didn't begin with the Pledge.
From KATU:
Clark's suggestion to begin meetings with the Pledge was met with hostility.
A majority of the council would not agree to regularly reciting the Pledge.
From the Register Guard:
It's mind-boggling to me that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before a government meeting would be a source of controversy.
The idea that a compromise was necessary, only saying it four times a year, is sad.
From MRC TV:
The Communist Manifesto?
The Pledge should be relegated to being recited only in one's own home but not in a public forum?
Good grief.
That's disgraceful.
I bet NBC's ratings are through the roof in Eugene.
Its recitation is akin to reciting the Communist Manifesto.
It's not something that should be recited publicly.
The controversy in Eugene began when Councilor Mike Clark wondered why council meetings didn't begin with the Pledge.
From KATU:
Eugene City Councilor Mike Clark, who was elected in 2006, says he always wondered why the council didn't start its meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance.
He says he'll ask his seven colleagues and the mayor on June 20 to begin starting their meetings with the pledge.
The Register Guard reports many levels of government such as the Legislature, the Eugene School Board and Springfield City Council regularly say the pledge.
Clark's suggestion to begin meetings with the Pledge was met with hostility.
A majority of the council would not agree to regularly reciting the Pledge.
From the Register Guard:
Echoes of patriotism resounded at the Eugene City Council on Monday as councilors hotly debated and passed resolutions calling for the domestic redirection of federal “war funds” — and the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance before four council meetings each year.
After a lengthy debate on how the city should spend any money it might receive as a result of a redistribution of federal funds, the council voted 7-1 to endorse a resolution “expressing the City Council’s desire that funds to continue the Iraq and Afghanistan wars be directed to domestic priorities, including the pressing needs in the city of Eugene.”
...Earlier, councilors returned to an ongoing debate over whether future meetings should commence with the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
In a revised compromise, the council agreed to recite the pledge at four meetings a year closest to the patriotic holidays of Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Flag Day and the Fourth of July. The council also agreed that excerpts from the U.S. Constitution or Declaration of Independence could be read aloud at the council meeting nearest the Fourth of July holiday.
The first opportunity to recite the pledge will come at the council’s July 11 meeting.
An earlier proposal to also recite the pledge at the annual State of the City address will now be left to the discretion of the mayor.
The issue surfaced several weeks ago when Councilor Mike Clark suggested that the pledge be recited at the start of bimonthly council meetings. But Clark agreed to a compromise put forth by Councilor Alan Zelenka when it seemed clear that a council majority was not prepared to endorse reciting the pledge on a regular basis.
Monday’s vote on the pledge was 6-2, with Councilors George Brown and Betty Taylor in dissent.
Clark said part of his motivation was to respond to constituents who often cite the fact that some Eugene traditions — namely, the eccentric Eugene Celebration in late summer — do not sit well with some residents but are nonetheless tolerated by them.
And, with the resistance to the idea of a public body reciting the pledge, Clark said he feels they are not being given the same liberty.
“Something they value in that way is met with hostility,” Clark said. “Tolerating those differences is an important part of the community that we live in. It has become an issue of tolerance to a certain degree.”
But Brown disagreed.
“This whole notion that we need something for the ‘not-weird’ seems very weird to me,” he said.
It's mind-boggling to me that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before a government meeting would be a source of controversy.
The idea that a compromise was necessary, only saying it four times a year, is sad.
From MRC TV:
In Oregon, the Eugene Town Council voted 5-2 against a motion to recite the pledge at the opening of every town meeting. There was a compromise allowing the pledge to be said 4 times a year but only on certain holidays. One council member who voted for the ban said reading the pledge was like reading the Communist Manifesto before every meeting.
The Communist Manifesto?
The Pledge should be relegated to being recited only in one's own home but not in a public forum?
Good grief.
That's disgraceful.
I bet NBC's ratings are through the roof in Eugene.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Crespin Esquivel, Whitell Graduation Address
Crespin Esquivel is the principal of George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.
He delivered his graduation address to the class of 2011 in English and then he repeated it in Spanish.
Read more.
Video, from MRC TV:
The graduating class had 30 students. Taken by itself, I don't think it's that big of a deal.
However, the issue of assimilation into American society is a big deal.
Every ethnic group that has come to this country has learned English to advance in our society.
All of my ancestors didn't speak English when they came to America, but they learned.
A common language, communication, is critical to social functioning.
Not learning the language is a barrier. It's divisive. It's expensive.
It was with pride that America was known as the Melting Pot.
Now, it's oil and water.
He delivered his graduation address to the class of 2011 in English and then he repeated it in Spanish.
Read more.
Video, from MRC TV:
The graduating class had 30 students. Taken by itself, I don't think it's that big of a deal.
However, the issue of assimilation into American society is a big deal.
Every ethnic group that has come to this country has learned English to advance in our society.
All of my ancestors didn't speak English when they came to America, but they learned.
A common language, communication, is critical to social functioning.
Not learning the language is a barrier. It's divisive. It's expensive.
It was with pride that America was known as the Melting Pot.
Now, it's oil and water.
Michele Bachmann: Flake
The Associated Press is citing that goofy PolitiFact operation in its report on Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, "FACT CHECK: Bachmann bomblets raising eyebrows."
Who's eyebrows are raised about Michele Bachmann?
Bill Maher's eyebrows? Maybe Rachel Maddow? I suppose Chris "Are you a flake?" Wallace is in a state of raised eyebrows.
Did the Associated Press rip Joe Biden or Obama apart like this when they were presidential candidates?
Did PolitiFact highlight the litany of Obama gaffes? Did the Associated Press report on all the raised eyebrows Obama's idiotic comments have caused?
Good grief, Biden, the human gaffe/exaggeration/lie machine, is a heartbeat from the presidency!
What about Biden's "bomblets"? The list is endless.
Clearly, Michele Bachmann is being targeted for destruction. She's being dubbed a ditz.
In 2008, the lib media found success with their relentless attacks on Sarah Palin, and they're repeating the strategy.
It's extremely slimy.
I'm so sick of conservative women being marginalized.
Michele Bachmann is not a flake.
Who's eyebrows are raised about Michele Bachmann?
Bill Maher's eyebrows? Maybe Rachel Maddow? I suppose Chris "Are you a flake?" Wallace is in a state of raised eyebrows.
Michele Bachmann's claim that she has "never gotten a penny" from a family farm that's been subsidized by the government is at odds with her financial disclosure statements. They show tens of thousands in personal income from the operation.
And, on a less substantive note, she flubbed her hometown history when declaring "John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa," and "that's the kind of spirit that I have, too," in running for president.
The actor was born nearly 150 miles away. It was the serial killer John Wayne Gacy Jr. who lived, for a time, in Waterloo.
Those were among the latest examples of how the Minnesota congresswoman has become one to watch — for inaccuracies as well as rising support — in the Republican presidential race.
Did the Associated Press rip Joe Biden or Obama apart like this when they were presidential candidates?
Did PolitiFact highlight the litany of Obama gaffes? Did the Associated Press report on all the raised eyebrows Obama's idiotic comments have caused?
Good grief, Biden, the human gaffe/exaggeration/lie machine, is a heartbeat from the presidency!
What about Biden's "bomblets"? The list is endless.
Clearly, Michele Bachmann is being targeted for destruction. She's being dubbed a ditz.
In 2008, the lib media found success with their relentless attacks on Sarah Palin, and they're repeating the strategy.
It's extremely slimy.
I'm so sick of conservative women being marginalized.
Michele Bachmann is not a flake.
Monday, June 27, 2011
WI Supreme Court: Resignation?
The Wisconsin Supreme Court is an embarrassment.
The fact that Justice Ann Walsh Bradley and Justice David Prosser are duking it out over a physical assault incident involving them is nuts.
Calling the Court dysfunctional is being far too kind.
It's a disgrace.
The relationships between its members are toxic, and that's probably understating it.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Was Walker asked if the reports about Bradley's behavior, if true, merited her resignation?
That doesn't appear to be the case from the Journal Sentinel's online account.
Why wonder about Prosser resigning and not consider the possibility of Bradley resigning?
Bias? What bias?
This is so bizarre.
Law enforcement shouldn't be meeting with the Court to determine how to go about investigating an alleged physical assault.
Here we go again!
Why just talk about Prosser resigning?
If BRADLEY resigned, Walker would appoint her successor.
The anti-Prosser slant of the Journal Sentinel article continues:
"Entirely apart from the obvious violent nature of this act - and the fear it engendered in a female member of the court"?
So, according to Marquette Law School professor Peter Rofes, Bradley is the victim here? It's a given that she was attacked by Prosser, that terrifying brute?
It certainly appears that Rofes thinks he knows what happened.
Why the assumption that Bradley's version of events is accurate?
Rofes should know better than to make such statements.
What's with the strange consultations? Police shouldn't be conferring with the justices about a choking. That's not how they normally handle a violent act. They should do their jobs, no special treatment or additional discussions.
This is all so weird.
Of course, what's completely normal is the Journal Sentinel serving as a mouthpiece for liberals.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Crocker Stephenson discussed the insanity with Greta Van Susteren.
The fact that Justice Ann Walsh Bradley and Justice David Prosser are duking it out over a physical assault incident involving them is nuts.
Calling the Court dysfunctional is being far too kind.
It's a disgrace.
The relationships between its members are toxic, and that's probably understating it.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Two agencies are investigating a claim by Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley that Justice David Prosser put her in a chokehold earlier this month - an allegation Gov. Scott Walker on Monday called extremely serious.
Asked if the reports about Prosser's behavior, if true, merited his resignation, Walker said: "I don't even want to go down that path . . . other than to say that just based on the allegations that were made, I can't overemphasize how serious I think the situation is there. Until we know what happened, I don't think it's best for anybody for me to comment on what the next step is."
Was Walker asked if the reports about Bradley's behavior, if true, merited her resignation?
That doesn't appear to be the case from the Journal Sentinel's online account.
Why wonder about Prosser resigning and not consider the possibility of Bradley resigning?
Bias? What bias?
The separate investigations are being run by the Dane County Sheriff's Office and the Wisconsin Judicial Commission, which oversees the state's judicial ethics code. The sheriff's investigation was launched Monday; the commission's was authorized Friday and publicly acknowledged Monday.
"After consulting with members of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, I have turned over the investigation into an alleged incident in the court's offices on June 13, 2011, to Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney," Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs said in a statement.
The sheriff's office in a statement acknowledged it was taking over the case, but declined further comment.
It was not clear why Tubbs would consult with members of the court on who should investigate the matter.
This is so bizarre.
Law enforcement shouldn't be meeting with the Court to determine how to go about investigating an alleged physical assault.
...Walker told Journal Sentinel reporters, editors and members of the newspaper's Editorial Board on Monday that the current court was the most dysfunctional in his memory, and that the judiciary is supposed to be the most dispassionate of the three branches of government.
"I think, again, beyond the particulars of this case . . . the fact that there appears to be an ongoing friction among justices in the court is something that has to be resolved," Walker said. "I don't know what the right answer is."
Walker raised the possibility of providing a mediator, but was cautious about any involvement from either the executive or legislative branches of government.
Walker also said "long-term, it's worth looking at" an appointed Supreme Court, instead of an elected one, in Wisconsin.
Such a change would require a change in the state constitution.
If Prosser resigned, Walker would appoint his successor.
Here we go again!
Why just talk about Prosser resigning?
If BRADLEY resigned, Walker would appoint her successor.
The anti-Prosser slant of the Journal Sentinel article continues:
The court for years has been split by ideological and personal differences.
"Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this stunning development is how, given all that we have learned about the court in recent years, how untroubling many (people) are likely to find this," said Marquette Law School professor Peter Rofes. "Entirely apart from the obvious violent nature of this act - and the fear it engendered in a female member of the court - as each day passes the people of Wisconsin have less reason to believe that there is very much legitimacy left in this incredibly important institution."
"Entirely apart from the obvious violent nature of this act - and the fear it engendered in a female member of the court"?
So, according to Marquette Law School professor Peter Rofes, Bradley is the victim here? It's a given that she was attacked by Prosser, that terrifying brute?
It certainly appears that Rofes thinks he knows what happened.
Why the assumption that Bradley's version of events is accurate?
Rofes should know better than to make such statements.
...Nationally known police practices expert Melvin L. Tucker said he couldn't figure out why the Capitol police would confer with the justices about the direction of the investigation rather than simply presenting a case to the district attorney.
"There may be justifiable reasons for it, but it doesn't sound like it's normal," said Tucker, a former FBI agent who has served as a police chief in three states and is now based in North Carolina.
"If there was probable cause that a choking actually did take place, if the victim did give a statement to that effect, you go to the prosecutor's office and proceed from there," he said.
What's with the strange consultations? Police shouldn't be conferring with the justices about a choking. That's not how they normally handle a violent act. They should do their jobs, no special treatment or additional discussions.
This is all so weird.
Of course, what's completely normal is the Journal Sentinel serving as a mouthpiece for liberals.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Crocker Stephenson discussed the insanity with Greta Van Susteren.
Staff Sergeant Michael Kacer
Staff Sergeant Michael Kacer is a hero.
From the Wayne Independent, June 25, 2008:
Kacer sacrificed so much for his country.
Life has changed for him since that rocket attack in 2008, but life goes on.
Watch video of Kacer making an incredible catch at Yankee Stadium.
From the Wayne Independent, June 25, 2008:
Staff Sgt. Michael Kacer (Jr.), a native of Waymart, was seriously injured in a rocket battle in Afghanistan several days ago. Family members reported on Wednesday that Kacer was taken Sunday to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
A soldier with the 1st Battalion, 109th Infantry, Pa. National Guard, Kacer is a member of Bravo Company in New Milford.
Several soldiers from the 109th Infantry were wounded in the same attack, although it could not be confirmed by deadline their identities or companies. Captain Corey Angell, a spokesman for the Pa. National Guard at Fort Indiantown Gap, stated that there are 700 Pa. National Guard in Afghanistan and some have been wounded in attacks, but could not confirm any details.
An attempt to contact Bravo Company headquarters was unsuccessful.
Sgt. Kacer’s uncle, Frank Kacer, who runs a kielbasa business in Waymart, and his sister Mary Andzulis, of Pittstown, NJ, provided information that had been related to them, from the soldier’s father, Michael Kacer, Sr. of Waymart. The father went to Walter Reed to be near his son. Sgt. Kacer’s mother, Betsey, of Atlanta, Georgia, had also arrived at the hospital.
A message left for Michael Kacer Sr. was yet to be returned.
Apparently, on Wednesday or Thursday of last week, Sgt. Kacer was on a mission assisting another company, and was on foot patrol. He and the about 15 other soldiers had entered a concrete building. A barrage of shoulder-launched RPG missiles rained down on them. Mary related that her nephew pushed one soldier on the floor out of harm’s way and took the brunt of injuries.
He was airlifted to Germany, where his left arm was amputated six inches from the shoulder. The soldier also suffered a severed colon and multiple facial fractures. On Sunday he was flown to Washington, D.C., and admitted to Walter Reed. His Uncle Frank stated that he is expected to be at Walter Reed six to 12 months.
Frank said his nephew, who is 26, was born and raised in Waymart and graduated Western Wayne High School. He joined the National Guard right out of school. He is an assistant manager of Turkey Hill Minut Market in Scranton. In November, Michael married Lauren Marie Worozilcak, prior to Michael’s deployment at the end of the year. They reside in Olyphant.
Michael was on his third deployment, having served in Bosnia and Iraq.
Kacer sacrificed so much for his country.
Life has changed for him since that rocket attack in 2008, but life goes on.
Watch video of Kacer making an incredible catch at Yankee Stadium.
Walker Signs Budget
Yesterday, at a private ceremony in Green Bay, Governor Scott Walker made good on his promise to balance the budget, eliminating a $3.6 billion deficit without raising taxes.
It's not perfect. Nothing is. But it's good.
Of course, the Leftists are saying it's a disaster.
I think that's the clearest indication that the budget is good for the state, putting Wisconsin on a path to prosperity.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Fiscal responsibility.
What a concept!
Video from FOX 6 News:
It's not perfect. Nothing is. But it's good.
Of course, the Leftists are saying it's a disaster.
I think that's the clearest indication that the budget is good for the state, putting Wisconsin on a path to prosperity.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Gov. Scott Walker signed a two-year $66 billion budget Sunday that will cut nearly $800 million from public schools, expand taxpayer support for private voucher schools, cut taxes for investors and businesses, clamp down on property taxes and put the state's finances in better shape than they've been in for more than a decade.
Using the vast veto powers of Wisconsin governors, Walker struck out dozens of budget provisions, including one that would have allowed bail bondsmen in Wisconsin. He also used his veto pen to bar public employees from collecting pensions unless they work for a state or local government for five years or more, set up new possible limits on a family-planning program and allow state officials to do more no-bid contracts.
As previously announced, the GOP governor also vetoed a provision that would have allowed most fired Milwaukee police officers to continue to receive pay while they appealed their dismissals.
Walker's 50 vetoes were less extensive compared with those issued by previous governors, but that's due largely to the fact that Walker's fellow Republicans run both houses of the Legislature and worked closely with the governor in crafting the legislation. Walker has the broadest veto powers of any governor nationwide, allowing him to strike out entire provisions of the budget or rewrite sections by selectively crossing out words.
Wearing khakis, a blue shirt and no tie, Walker signed the budget Sunday afternoon before a crowd of about 100 at Fox Valley Metal-Tech - a site chosen to highlight a tax cut for manufacturers included in the budget.
...A few hundred protesters gathered outside Fox Valley Metal-Tech, chanting "Shame!" as Walker's guests drove into the parking lot. They held signs decrying budget cuts and chanted, "Recall Walker!"
The budget - Walker's first since taking office in January - closes a $3 billion shortfall over the next two years largely without relying on tax increases. It raises spending by $1.1 billion, or 1.8% over two years, and leaves the state with an estimated $300 million surplus in its main account by June 2013. Republicans in the Legislature passed the budget earlier this month on party-line votes.
"Our balanced budget makes tough choices while also providing a path to prosperity for our state and our people," Walker said in a 20-minute speech. "Through honest budgeting, we are providing an alternative to the reckless tricks and gimmicks of the past. To move forward together, we are acknowledging that we have to make sacrifices to protect the next generation by decreasing the serious debt that they would otherwise inherit."
Fiscal responsibility.
What a concept!
Video from FOX 6 News:
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Prosser and Bradley: CHOKE
More Wisconsin Supreme Court drama...
The latest: An argument allegedly turned physical. Justice David Prosser CHOKED Justice Ann Walsh Bradley.
Sounds more than a little weird, doesn't it?
The story really ticks me off.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Oh, good grief.
These accounts are so strange.
If Prosser truly choked Bradley, she should have reported the incident to the police immediately.
If Prosser assaulted Bradley, she should have pressed charges.
If this did occur as Bradley claims, it certainly would have been to her advantage to get the police involved right away. It would make her enemy, Prosser, look terrible.
But almost two weeks after the incident, we're hearing about it? Why would Bradley delay reporting being attacked? She still hasn't come forward with a comment. All we have are unnamed "sources."
That's very odd, very lame.
The justices aren't talking.
What has this "investigation" revealed?
If Bradley charged at Prosser with her fists raised, and Prosser needed to take defensive measures to protect himself, he should have called the police.
This is all so ridiculous.
Physical attacks between justices cannot be tolerated. There is absolutely no doubt that an individual lacking that degree of self-control is unfit to serve on the court.
Has there been a physical altercation?
We don't know.
This is idiotic.
Whatever the reality of the matter is, the justices, and the media reporting their antics, need to grow the hell up.
Justices must behave.
Media shouldn't report unsourced crap.
Utterly irresponsible.
Perhaps law enforcement should be present at all times when Supreme Court justices are meeting, to maintain order.
Officers should be armed with pepper spray and stun guns. They shouldn't hesitate to use force to control the justices.
Here's more, from WISN: Report: Prosser Grabbed Female Justice By Neck During Argument
Read the original report from the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism here.
Bradley says Prosser choked her
What I don't understand is why Bradley didn't immediately get the police involved.
Where's the criminal complaint?
I'd like to read it.
The latest: An argument allegedly turned physical. Justice David Prosser CHOKED Justice Ann Walsh Bradley.
Sounds more than a little weird, doesn't it?
The story really ticks me off.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
An argument between state Supreme Court Justices David Prosser and Ann Walsh Bradley became physical earlier this month, according to sources who told the Journal Sentinel two very different stories Saturday about what occurred.
According to some sources, Prosser wrapped his hands around Bradley's neck. According to others, Bradley charged Prosser, who raised his hands to defend himself and made contact with her neck.
A joint investigation by Wisconsin Public Radio and the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism first reported Saturday on the incident, stating that Prosser "grabbed" Bradley around the neck.
A source who spoke to several justices present during the incident told the Journal Sentinel that the confrontation occurred after 5:30 p.m. June 13, the day before high court's release of a decision upholding a bill to curtail the collective bargaining rights of public employees.
At least five justices, including Prosser and Bradley, had gathered in Bradley's office and were informally discussing the decision.
The conversation grew heated, the source said, and Bradley asked Prosser to leave. Bradley was bothered by disparaging remarks Prosser had made about Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson.
Bradley felt Prosser "was attacking the chief justice," the source said.
Before leaving, Prosser "put his hands around her neck in what (Bradley) described as a chokehold," the source said.
"He did not exert any pressure, but his hands were around her neck," the source said.
The source said the act "was in no way playful."
But another source told the Journal Sentinel that Bradley attacked Prosser.
"She charged him with fists raised," the source said.
Prosser "put his hands in a defensive posture," the source said. "He blocked her."
In doing so, the source said, he made contact with Bradley's neck.
Another source said the justices were arguing over the timing of the release of the opinion, which legislative leaders had insisted they needed by June 14 because of their work on the state budget. As the justices discussed the case, Abrahamson said she didn't know whether the decision would come out this month, the source said.
At that point, Prosser said he'd lost all confidence in her leadership. Bradley then came across the room "with fists up," the source said. Prosser put up his hands to push her back.
Bradley then said she had been choked, according to the source. Another justice - the source wouldn't say who - responded, "You were not choked."
Late Saturday, Prosser issued a statement that said: "Once there's a proper review of the matter and the facts surrounding it are made clear, the anonymous claim made to the media will be proven false. Until then I will refrain from further public comment."
Oh, good grief.
These accounts are so strange.
If Prosser truly choked Bradley, she should have reported the incident to the police immediately.
If Prosser assaulted Bradley, she should have pressed charges.
If this did occur as Bradley claims, it certainly would have been to her advantage to get the police involved right away. It would make her enemy, Prosser, look terrible.
But almost two weeks after the incident, we're hearing about it? Why would Bradley delay reporting being attacked? She still hasn't come forward with a comment. All we have are unnamed "sources."
That's very odd, very lame.
The justices aren't talking.
What has this "investigation" revealed?
If Bradley charged at Prosser with her fists raised, and Prosser needed to take defensive measures to protect himself, he should have called the police.
This is all so ridiculous.
Physical attacks between justices cannot be tolerated. There is absolutely no doubt that an individual lacking that degree of self-control is unfit to serve on the court.
Has there been a physical altercation?
We don't know.
This is idiotic.
Whatever the reality of the matter is, the justices, and the media reporting their antics, need to grow the hell up.
Justices must behave.
Media shouldn't report unsourced crap.
Utterly irresponsible.
Perhaps law enforcement should be present at all times when Supreme Court justices are meeting, to maintain order.
Officers should be armed with pepper spray and stun guns. They shouldn't hesitate to use force to control the justices.
Here's more, from WISN: Report: Prosser Grabbed Female Justice By Neck During Argument
Read the original report from the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism here.
Bradley says Prosser choked her
Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley issued a statement late Saturday saying that fellow Justice David Prosser choked her and disputing claims that she attacked him first.
"The facts are that I was demanding that he get out of my office and he put his hands around my neck in anger in a chokehold," she said. "Those are the facts and you can try to spin those facts and try to make it sound like I ran up to him and threw my neck into his hands, but that's only spin.
"Matters of abusive behavior in the workplace aren't resolved by competing press releases," she said.
"I'm confident the appropriate authorities will conduct a thorough investigation of this incident involving abusive behavior in the workplace."
What I don't understand is why Bradley didn't immediately get the police involved.
Where's the criminal complaint?
I'd like to read it.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Justin Bieber and Jimmy Fallon: Someday
Justin Bieber has a new fragrance - Someday.
Jimmy Fallon lends a hand in helping promote it.
Watch the ad here.
Jimmy Fallon lends a hand in helping promote it.
Watch the ad here.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Fred Clark: Press Release
Media Trackers has examined Democrat Fred "I feel like calling her back and smackin' her around" Clark's latest press release.
Read Clark's press release.
Media Trackers shows that Clark made statements about opponent Luther Olsen that are factually inaccurate.
Clark is misleading the public about Olsen.
From Media Trackers:
I suppose we should not be surprised that Clark is stooping so low.
If he has so little respect for his constituents that he speaks of wanting to "smack around" one of them, it follows that he'd being willing to mislead them.
Apparently, he's shameless.
I don't know why anyone would vote for Clark.
More on Fred Clark: "Is Madison Running Rep. Fred Clark’s Senate Campaign?"
Read Clark's press release.
BARABOO -- A recent news report revealed that Senator Olsen has pledged support for a federal budget that slashes Medicare support. Nationwide trends indicate that politicians who support this legislation are facing very tough reelections due to voters devout support of Medicare. Senator Olsen also indicated that concerns about Medicare were merely a scare tactic used as en election strategy.
14th state Senate District candidate Fred Clark released the following statement on the recent story:
"What really scares seniors to death is the possibility that Washington D.C. and Madison politicians like Luther Olsen will radically change Medicare and SeniorCare, true lifelines for millions of senior citizens. We need to balance the budget, but parents and grandparents should not be forced to sacrifice their health just to pay for the millions in corporate tax breaks Senator Olsen wants to deliver to wealthy corporations."
"Voters don't support Medicare as an election strategy, they support it as one of the most important ways we honor our commitment to care for our elders."
This spring, more than 23,000 people signed a petition to recall Senator Olsen because they were deeply disappointed when stopped listening to the people of the 14th Senate District. Olsen has turned his back on the people he represents, choosing instead to support the divisive, extreme agenda of the special interests and party bosses in Madison.
Fred Clark will be an independent voice for the people of the 14th Senate district. As a former small business owner and forester, Clark understands rural issues and how to grow our economy. Clark is running to put the people of the 14th Senate district first and fight for the values that matter -- jobs, education, seniors, and our future.
Media Trackers shows that Clark made statements about opponent Luther Olsen that are factually inaccurate.
Clark is misleading the public about Olsen.
From Media Trackers:
Milwaukee - Representative Fred Clark's (D-Baraboo) state Senate campaign released a scathing press release yesterday attacking Senator Luther Olsen (R), Clark's opponent in the recall race unfolding in District 14. Media Trackers, a Wisconsin group that works to promote accountability in government and the media, fact-checked the release and found disturbingly misleading information.
Rep. Clark's release claimed that Sen. Olsen wants to "radically change SeniorCare" in a way that would force seniors to "sacrifice their health just to pay for the millions in corporate tax breaks that Senator Olsen wants to deliver to wealthy corporations." This claim is flatly inaccurate because irrespective of corporate tax breaks allegedly supported by Sen. Olsen, Olsen did not support changes to SeniorCare during the recent session. In fact, he ardently defended the program as vital to the needs of Wisconsin seniors.
Clark and his campaign went on to attack Olsen as someone who is beholden to party bosses in Madison while saying Clark is an "independent voice," who will "fight" on behalf of the 14th District. The legitimacy of Clark's claim to being an independent voice are questionable because Clark's campaign press secretary is Gillian Morris, a spokeswoman for the Wisconsin Democratic Party with an official Wisconsin Democratic Party e-mail address. "This fact about the Clark campaign press release is quite ironic," remarked Brian Sikma, Communications Director for Media Trackers. "It is highly misleading of Rep. Clark to suggest that he is independent of Madison special interests when his campaign communications arm is run by a Wisconsin Democratic Party spokesperson."
"From his factually inaccurate charge that Sen. Olsen wants to change SeniorCare, to his misplaced claim of independence from Madison, Fred Clark is continuing to demonstrate who he really is," Sikma asserted. "Voters saw him apologize for threatening to 'smack around' a female constituent, and now they are having to sort through this misleading press release. It would be helpful to the overall tone of the race if Rep. Clark decided to stick to real facts and not what he might imagine the facts to be."
I suppose we should not be surprised that Clark is stooping so low.
If he has so little respect for his constituents that he speaks of wanting to "smack around" one of them, it follows that he'd being willing to mislead them.
Apparently, he's shameless.
I don't know why anyone would vote for Clark.
More on Fred Clark: "Is Madison Running Rep. Fred Clark’s Senate Campaign?"
Rick Perry: Twitter, Tweeter
JIMMY FALLON: During a speech last week, Texas Governor Rick Perry accidentally referred to Twitter as 'Tweeter.' Perry apologized for the gaffe and asked everyone to friend him on Headbook.
Flashback: Obama refers to Twitter as 'Twitters.'
Obama: Afghanistan and Election 2012
Why did Obama choose to ignore his military commanders regarding Afghanistan?
It's Election 2012, stupid.
Ron Fournier, National Journal, writes:
In other words, Obama chose the course he believes suits his ends.
It's Election 2012, stupid.
Ron Fournier, National Journal, writes:
Don't kid yourself. President Obama's decision to withdraw 33,000 troops from Afghanistan before he stands for re-election is not driven by the United States' "position of strength" in the war zone as much as it is by grim economic and political realities at home.
A sagging economy, a soaring national debt and an increasingly restive Congress pushed Obama to order troop reductions that are both deeper and faster than recommended by his military commanders.
"America," the president said in a prime-time address from the East Room, "it is time to focus on nation building here at home."
In announcing his decision, which still leaves 68,000 troops in the country after the 2012 election, Obama focused on a set of numbers that pander to a war-weary nation -- 10,000 troops out this year and another 23,000 in 2012, keeping a promise he made in 2009 to begin winding down the "surge" by the middle of this year.
By 2014, Obama said, "this process of transition will be complete, and the Afghan people will be responsible for their own security."
But the president's eye is set on numbers that have little to do with battlefield strategy and everything to do with his re-election hopes. They include:Fifty-six percent of Americans say U.S. troops should be brought home as soon as possible, up from 40 percent a year ago (Pew Research Center).
Fewer than a quarter of people see signs of improvement in the economy and two-thirds say the country is on the wrong track. A clear majority of Americans say their children are destined to a lower standard of living (Bloomberg News National Poll).
The United States has spent $1.3 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past decade. Afghanistan alone is costing about $120 billion this year.
...The message as framed by the Obama political team: He knows it's the economy, stupid; he'll focus on it like a laser beam, even if it means "defying" his commanders and Cabinet.
...Obama does not to need to worry as much as past Democratic presidents about being labeled soft on national security -- not after giving the order that led to the assassination of Osama bin Laden. No, his biggest concern is being labeled tone deaf on joblessness and debt.
...In the end, Obama chose the clearest course to re-election.
In other words, Obama chose the course he believes suits his ends.
Fact Check: Obama Speech
Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post, "fact checks" Obama's speech.
The Bottom Line
The president’s speech had a ring of “mission accomplished” to it. The real test will come when Afghan forces begin to fully replace the U.S. troops who are leaving. That test will come soon enough, though given the timing of the troop withdrawals, the full impact of this announcement may not be apparent until after the 2012 elections.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Obama Speech: Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal (Video)
Here's the transcript, from the White House.
Here's reaction to Obama's speech.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.):
“America has been an exceptional force for good in this world and we should never apologize for it. At the same time, we are running a $1.5 trillion deficit, and we must re-think our spending in all areas. We have to re-evaluate, but we have to do it in a sensible manner. What gains have been made in Afghanistan – as tenuous as they may be – have been paid with a very high price, in terms of the sacrifice of the finest among us. We have to make sure those gains are consolidated, and not lost. The Afghan people are like folks everywhere. They want peace. They want freedom. At some point, they have to fight for it, and I am very encouraged that so many are willing do so.”
MMSD, Sewage, and Illegal Dumping
What does heavy rainfall in the Milwaukee area mean?
It means the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District will be dumping sewage into rivers and Lake Michigan. Lots of it.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Of course.
MMSD is fouling Lake Michigan and rivers again.
Are we supposed to be impressed that this is the first time this year that MMSD has dumped sewage into Milwaukee's source of drinking water?
In an interesting twist, news of the sewage dumping comes on the same day that Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and other city officials held a news conference about the problem of illegal dumping.
From FOX 6 News:
Illegal dumping on city or private property is a serious problem. It shouldn't be tolerated.
Citizens should report this crime if they see their neighborhood being abused as a dumping ground.
A thousand dollars in reward money is quite an incentive to get involved.
Too bad Mayor Tom Barrett and city officials tolerate dumping sewage in Lake Michigan. I wish they'd take a strong stand against that.
Prepare for Milwaukee area beaches to prohibit swimming due to contaminated water.
Same old, same old.
It means the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District will be dumping sewage into rivers and Lake Michigan. Lots of it.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Two waves of heavy rains and high winds downed trees and power lines and flooded roadways throughout the Milwaukee area Tuesday afternoon and evening.
...Tuesday's second wave of rain hit about 8 p.m. Within 20 minutes 3-4 inches had accumulated on the roadway of the Zoo Interchange, the National Weather Service said. In Milwaukee Sewer grates were reported overflowing at S. 43rd St. and W. Lincoln Ave. Street flooding lifted manhole covers at N. Port Washington Road at Capitol Drive. There also were estimates of rainwater two-feet deep on roads two miles southeast of Miller Park, the weather service said.
...Flooding also was reported at Mayfair and Blue Mound roads in Wauwatosa and at Lily and Burleigh roads in Brookfield.
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District started combined sanitary and storm sewer overflows into local rivers and Lake Michigan in central Milwaukee and eastern Shorewood around 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday was a second day of heavy rain and it overwhelmed regional sewers and started filling the district's deep tunnel. It was the first sewer overflow to waterways reported by the district this year.
...MMSD Executive Director Kevin Shafer said he ordered closing of gates connecting combined sewers to the deep tunnel during a Tuesday evening downpour to prevent sewage backups into basements and to reserve space in the tunnel for flows from the majority of the district served by separated sanitary sewers. Overflows from combined sewers likely started as gates closed.
The main deep tunnel already was more than half full from combined sewer flows when Shafer ordered the combined sewer overflows. Another reason for the emergency measure is to prevent overflows from separate sewers. The district's state permits allows up to 6 combined sewer overflows in a year but generally prohibits separate sanitary sewer overflows except under extreme conditions.
By late Tuesday night, the City of Milwaukee said it had received about 150 complaints of backwater in basements and water flowing into basements through basement windows. At least a half dozen manhole covers were displaced.
Of course.
MMSD is fouling Lake Michigan and rivers again.
Are we supposed to be impressed that this is the first time this year that MMSD has dumped sewage into Milwaukee's source of drinking water?
In an interesting twist, news of the sewage dumping comes on the same day that Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and other city officials held a news conference about the problem of illegal dumping.
From FOX 6 News:
This is the season for a lot of outdoor fun, but unfortunately it is also a time when the City of Milwaukee sees an increase of illegal dumping.
The City of Milwaukee is asking for help from citizens to stop these culprits, and this growing problem.
Sanitation Services Manager Wanda Book said, "There are over 3,000 city owned vacant lots across the city that unscrupulous characters have been using as their private dumping grounds."
Last year, the city spent $175,000 clearing illegally dumped debris and the problem is getting worse.
City leaders say citizen reporting is the key.
"We need citizens who are tired," Alderwoman Milele Coggs said. "Who are sick and tired of their neighborhoods being used as a garbage dumping ground and we need them to be the eyes and ears on the streets for us."
Common Council President Willie Hines witnessed illegal dumping in his district and he took action.
Hines said "Write [their] drivers license plate down, the name of the company and forward it to the police department of which we were able to cite him."
...If you see illegal dumping in progress, call the Milwaukee Police Department's non-emergency number.
Also, you should call the We Tip hot-line number at 1-800-78-CRIME. You can be rewarded up to a thousand dollars if your information leads to prosecution.
Illegal dumping on city or private property is a serious problem. It shouldn't be tolerated.
Citizens should report this crime if they see their neighborhood being abused as a dumping ground.
A thousand dollars in reward money is quite an incentive to get involved.
Too bad Mayor Tom Barrett and city officials tolerate dumping sewage in Lake Michigan. I wish they'd take a strong stand against that.
Prepare for Milwaukee area beaches to prohibit swimming due to contaminated water.
Same old, same old.
Obama, Prime Time Address, Afghanistan
Obama is commandeering prime time TV again.
Recently, his approval ratings have plummeted. I suppose he thinks talking to the American people will change that.
From CBS News:
More, from the Wall Street Journal:
A ten minute address by Obama is mercifully short. I hope that report is accurate.
I do get the feeling Americans are war-weary. U.S. troops have been in Afghanistan for nearly a decade.
Speaking of war-weary Americans, what about Libya?
Recently, his approval ratings have plummeted. I suppose he thinks talking to the American people will change that.
From CBS News:
President Obama plans to announce a substantial drawdown of troops from Afghanistan in a high profile speech in prime-time television Wednesday night, making good on his 2009 pledge to start bringing soldiers home by July 2011.
Mr. Obama coupled his decision to send a "surge" of 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan in 2009 with a promise to bring some of them home this summer.
"The president will keep the commitment he made in December of 2009 to begin the drawdown of U.S. forces from Afghanistan next month," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Tuesday.
The 8:00 p.m. ET speech will be the sixth address to the nation since taking office in January 2009, according to records kept by Mark Knoller of CBS News.
Carney told reporters Obama made a final decision Tuesday and informed a small circle of key advisers, though the spokesman was coy with reporters about the scope and pace of the drawdown.
More, from the Wall Street Journal:
President Barack Obama will announce Wednesday the first steps in a gradual plan to extract the U.S. from the Afghanistan war, including an initial withdrawal of as many as 5,000 troops next month, defense officials say.
Mr. Obama will announce the drawdown in a primetime address to a nation increasingly weary of wars overseas and caught up with economic troubles at home. The conflict in Afghanistan has left more than 1,600 Americans dead in almost a decade of fighting.
The pullouts are expected to commence in July when the first of the 33,000 so-called surge troops head home. Military leaders told Mr. Obama they envisioned having all of the surge troops out of Afghanistan around the fall of 2012, officials said.
Defense officials expected the president to pull a total of roughly 10,000 troops out of Afghanistan by year end. Such a plan is close to what Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, had recommended.
...The president decided the pace of the drawdown Tuesday and informed his national-security team in the Situation Room, an administration official said.
...Mr. Obama's address, at 10 minutes long, won't delve deeply into U.S. policy in the region, the senior administration official said, but will lay out for Americans a trajectory for winding down America's role in the war.
In 2001, President George W. Bush led an international coalition into Afghanistan to topple the Taliban regime that had hosted Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda militants as they planned the Sept. 11 attacks. The Taliban fell quickly, but returned as the main element of an insurgency that now engages 100,000 American troops, 30% of them surge forces that Mr. Obama ordered deployed in 2009.
When he announced that escalation, Mr. Obama also promised to begin a "significant" withdrawal this July.
...After announcing his decision, Mr. Obama will travel on Thursday to Fort Drum, N.Y., where he will meet with troops. Fort Drum is home to the Army's 10th Mountain Division, which has been deployed numerous times to Afghanistan and Iraq. Mr. Obama first announced the troop surge in Afghanistan in New York, at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
In a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released last week, 54% of Americans said they approved of the way Mr. Obama is handling the war in Afghanistan.
But polls show Americans increasingly war-weary—particularly after bin Laden's death—and, with the federal deficit ballooning, wary of the cost of engagement.
A ten minute address by Obama is mercifully short. I hope that report is accurate.
I do get the feeling Americans are war-weary. U.S. troops have been in Afghanistan for nearly a decade.
Speaking of war-weary Americans, what about Libya?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tracy Morgan: Anti-Gay Rant Apology (Video)
Tracy Morgan is still apologizing for anti-gay remarks he made during a performance in Nashville on June 3rd.
Read an account of Morgan's rant here.
Some people at Morgan's show enjoyed his "comedic take." A few people walked out. It wasn't until word of Morgan's performance spread via the Internet that his comments became a major problem for him.
Yesterday, Morgan returned to Nashville to apologize. He met with members of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and Kevin Rogers, the man who shared Morgan's offensive remarks via a Facebook post.
Associated Press video:
CNN video of Morgan's apology:
Morgan certainly seems sincere. He understands that he offended people with what he said.
He's taking responsibility for the words he said on stage. I believe he realizes that he really hurt people and he's deeply sorry.
Could it be that Morgan is just doing this apology tour because it's a smart career move?
But I don't think that's what's going on here. Watching him speak and listening to his apology, I believe that what he said was heartfelt.
He's not that good of an actor to pull off a fake apology.
Morgan's high profile experience may prompt others to reflect on their own unkind words and realize the pain they cause.
Hopefully, Morgan isn't the only one who's learned a lesson.
Read an account of Morgan's rant here.
Some people at Morgan's show enjoyed his "comedic take." A few people walked out. It wasn't until word of Morgan's performance spread via the Internet that his comments became a major problem for him.
Yesterday, Morgan returned to Nashville to apologize. He met with members of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and Kevin Rogers, the man who shared Morgan's offensive remarks via a Facebook post.
Associated Press video:
CNN video of Morgan's apology:
Morgan certainly seems sincere. He understands that he offended people with what he said.
He's taking responsibility for the words he said on stage. I believe he realizes that he really hurt people and he's deeply sorry.
Could it be that Morgan is just doing this apology tour because it's a smart career move?
But I don't think that's what's going on here. Watching him speak and listening to his apology, I believe that what he said was heartfelt.
He's not that good of an actor to pull off a fake apology.
Morgan's high profile experience may prompt others to reflect on their own unkind words and realize the pain they cause.
Hopefully, Morgan isn't the only one who's learned a lesson.
Cigarette Warning Labels: Graphic
The U.S. government is demanding that graphic warning labels it has designed be placed on both the top half of the front and back of packs of cigarettes. In addition, the labels must occupy 20 percent of the space on advertising.
Here are some of the examples the FDA displayed last year:

View the final label designs.
From the Wall Street Journal:
Who doesn't understand the health risks of smoking?
There is no lack of anti-smoking education. If one is too stupid to know the dangers, I don't know how that person is capable of learning to smoke.
I do think warning labels are appropriate on potentially dangerous products, but the government's new designs are a no-holds-barred assault on the tobacco industry.
Is this the beginning of more government intrusion in private industry? Will the FDA expand its power and design graphic warnings for other potentially harmful products, like FOOD?
Any food consumed in quantities that are extreme can cause serious health consequences.
Consuming too much clear, clean WATER can kill.
Virtually every product has risks. The need for graphic warnings are endless.
Should grills be required to have images similar to the 36 cigarette labels since one consumes carcinogens when eating grilled food?
Should makers of toothpicks be required to have a label that includes graphic pictures of the wooden spikes sticking out of people's eyes?
Should packages of candles for birthday cakes include graphic images of burn victims? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Make a wish!
Should women's high heel shoes come in boxes with pictures of women with broken bones and deformed feet?
Should children's bikes be required to have stickers depicting dead children, killed in accidents?
Should entrances to playgrounds in parks have large graphic warning signs that show children injured while playing, some paralyzed, some dead?
Should EVERY bottle of wine and spirits have graphic pictures of diseased livers and dying people? Celebrate!
Should EVERY car have images of bloodied bodies on the dashboard and the bumpers?
If the government is to be consistent, yes. If the government's role is to determine the design of labels of private industries' products, then yes.
While I support warning labels and an informed public, I think it's wrong for the government to be in the business of controlling the design of product packages.
What's especially troubling about the cigarette campaign is that it singles out one industry, at least for now.
If the government is truly concerned about public health, then the government must be consistent.
Without question, it must demand that abortion clinics plaster images of dismembered fetuses and the mutilated, murdered bodies of nearly full-term babies on its doors and walls.
Read Dr. Regina M. Benjamin's take on the issue: New Graphic Warnings Labels: A Step In The Right Direction
It's for the children.
Here are some of the examples the FDA displayed last year:

View the final label designs.
From the Wall Street Journal:
Cigarette makers must add large, graphic warning labels depicting diseased lungs, a man exhaling smoke through a hole in his neck and other images to packaging and advertising in the U.S. by October 2012, government officials said Tuesday.
The nine graphic images—accompanying warning labels with messages such as "Smoking can kill you" and "Cigarettes cause cancer"—are the biggest change to warning labels in more than 25 years. Such warnings were required by a 2009 law that gave the Food and Drug Administration the authority to regulate tobacco products.
The supersize labels are the highest-profile part of an intensified war on tobacco by the federal government, which ranks it as the leading cause of preventable and premature death in the U.S., linked to an estimated 443,000 deaths a year. The adult smoking rate of 20.6% in 2009 has remained largely unchanged since 2004, and about 20% of high school students also smoke.
The new color labels must occupy the top half of the front and back of a cigarette pack, and 20% of an ad's space. Other images include a baby near a cloud of smoke, a dead body, and a man wearing a black t-shirt with "I Quit" written across the chest. All labels include the number of a national quit line. Current warning labels, which were put on cigarette packs in the 1980s, are contained in a small box with black and white text warning about the dangers of smoking.
...Reynolds American Inc., Lorillard Inc., Commonwealth Brands Inc. and other tobacco companies sued the FDA in 2009, arguing that the graphic-labeling rule and other marketing provisions in the new federal tobacco law violate their constitutional rights to free speech. Last year, a judge mostly ruled in the government's favor—including on the graphic-labeling rule—but the mixed verdict prompted appeals from both sides.
...How effective the labels are at discouraging smoking remains to be seen. More than 25% of smokers in 13 of 14 countries in a recent survey reported that large, graphic warning labels prompted them to think about quitting, according to results published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In a 2001 survey sponsored by the Canadian Cancer Society, 44% of smokers said warning labels increased their motivation to quit. The Institute of Medicine, a U.S. federal advisory body, concluded in a 2007 report that graphic warnings would convey a better understanding of the health risks of smoking and would reduce U.S. consumption.
Who doesn't understand the health risks of smoking?
There is no lack of anti-smoking education. If one is too stupid to know the dangers, I don't know how that person is capable of learning to smoke.
I do think warning labels are appropriate on potentially dangerous products, but the government's new designs are a no-holds-barred assault on the tobacco industry.
Is this the beginning of more government intrusion in private industry? Will the FDA expand its power and design graphic warnings for other potentially harmful products, like FOOD?
Any food consumed in quantities that are extreme can cause serious health consequences.
Consuming too much clear, clean WATER can kill.
Virtually every product has risks. The need for graphic warnings are endless.
Should grills be required to have images similar to the 36 cigarette labels since one consumes carcinogens when eating grilled food?
Should makers of toothpicks be required to have a label that includes graphic pictures of the wooden spikes sticking out of people's eyes?
Should packages of candles for birthday cakes include graphic images of burn victims? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Make a wish!
Should women's high heel shoes come in boxes with pictures of women with broken bones and deformed feet?
Should children's bikes be required to have stickers depicting dead children, killed in accidents?
Should entrances to playgrounds in parks have large graphic warning signs that show children injured while playing, some paralyzed, some dead?
Should EVERY bottle of wine and spirits have graphic pictures of diseased livers and dying people? Celebrate!
Should EVERY car have images of bloodied bodies on the dashboard and the bumpers?
If the government is to be consistent, yes. If the government's role is to determine the design of labels of private industries' products, then yes.
While I support warning labels and an informed public, I think it's wrong for the government to be in the business of controlling the design of product packages.
What's especially troubling about the cigarette campaign is that it singles out one industry, at least for now.
If the government is truly concerned about public health, then the government must be consistent.
Without question, it must demand that abortion clinics plaster images of dismembered fetuses and the mutilated, murdered bodies of nearly full-term babies on its doors and walls.
Read Dr. Regina M. Benjamin's take on the issue: New Graphic Warnings Labels: A Step In The Right Direction
As Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius reminded us, "President Obama is committed to protecting our nation's children and the American people from the dangers of tobacco use. These labels are frank, honest and powerful depictions of the health risks of smoking and they will help. These labels will encourage smokers to quit, and prevent children from smoking. President Obama wants to make tobacco-related death and disease part of the nation's past, and not our future."
It's for the children.
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