Thursday, April 21, 2011

Trig Palin: Wonkette, Louis C.K., and Obama

Steven Crowder responds to the incredibly vicious attacks on Trig Palin and Sarah Palin by Wonkette and Louis C.K.


Weasel Zippers and NewsBusters have stories on the April 19, 2011, Wonkette post, written by Jack Stuef, mocking Trig Palin.

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history. [...]

“Why just celebrate tax day today, April 18th? It’s also Trig Paxson Van Palin’s 3rd birthday. His mom went to a lot of trouble to leak amniotic fluid over 8 states to make sure that he arrived in this world somewhat alive,” writes Wonkette operative “Barbara_i,” reminding us of the occasion. “Sarah went to a whole lot of trouble to name him ‘Van Palin,’ a ‘Van Halen’ reference he will never get.” Indeed.

Enjoy yourself today, Trig. Have fun! Get drunk (on purpose this time)! We can hardly wait for 15 years from now, when you will finally be able to vote and will be sent off by your mother’s junta to fight the Union in the Great Alaska War. It’ll be quite a loss. You’re the smartest one in that family.

After the controversy exploded, Wonkette deleted the post and apologized.
A post on this page satirizing Sarah Palin using her baby as a political prop was very badly done and sounded like the author was mocking the child and not just Sarah Palin/Sarah Palin’s followers.

The writer, Jack Stuef, has apologized for it. And we have decided to remove the post as requested by some people who have nothing to do with Sarah Palin, but who do have an interest in the cause of special needs children. We apologize for the poor comedic judgment.

What a lame retraction/apology/CYA move!

The reason it sounded like Stuef was mocking Trig Palin is because he did exactly that.

It's not OK to attack special needs individuals or their parents. It was extremely insensitive, not satirical.

It reminds me of Obama's Tonight Show appearance, March 19, 2009, when he so cruelly slammed the participants in Special Olympics.

Here's the very, very uncool exchange:
MR. LENO: Now, are they going to put a basketball –- I imagine the bowling alley has been just burned and closed down.

MR. OBAMA: No, no. I have been practicing all –- (laughter.)

MR. LENO: Really? Really?

MR. OBAMA: I bowled a 129. (Laughter and applause.)

MR. LENO: No, that's very good. Yes. That's very good, Mr. President.

MR. OBAMA: It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something. (Laughter.)

MR. LENO: No, that's very good.

MR. OBAMA: No, listen, I'm making progress on the bowling, yes.

This was so revealing - Obama's true self, the cold and callous and compassionless.

Stuef also revealed his true ugliness via what Wonkette disgracefully chalks up to "poor comedic judgment."


That's insane.

This bit of "entertainment" from alleged comedian Louis C.K. really crosses the line.


Here's the audio.

Louis C.K.'s remarks about being the parent of a special needs child are terribly insensitive. They are stunningly ugly remarks.

Anyone finding Stuef's post, or C.K.'s comments, or Obama's remarks amusing has a serious character flaw.

Do Leftists really hate Sarah Palin so much that they're willing to savagely attack little Trig and heartlessly laugh at him?

It's absolutely awful, but they are that bad.

Needless to say, Stuef, C.K., and Obama are cruel and thoughtless.

Perhaps they should volunteer to work at Special Olympics events or work with the athletes.

They might learn something.

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