Howard Dean is not only a disgrace to the once proud Democratic Party; he is a disgrace to the nation, an unmitigated disgrace.
I find it amazing that someone of Dean's character is actually the Chairman of the Democratic Party. It's political suicide for the Democrats.
Supposedly, Dean was chosen for the post because he was a fund-raiser master. He knew how to bring in the bucks. To date however, Dean has had problems getting big money donors on board.
I don't know why anyone would support a party headed by the shameless Dean.
On September 9, Dean was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN. Some of his comments were absolutely astonishing.
BLITZER: Some, as you know, critics of the president, Kanye West, the rap artist, for example, have accused him of being a racist. I want you to listen to what the First Lady Laura Bush said last night. Listen to this.
FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH: I think all of those remarks were disgusting, to be perfectly frank, because, of course, President Bush cares about everyone in our country. And I know that. I mean, I am the person who lives with him. I know what he's like and I know what he thinks, and I know how he cares about people.
BLITZER: Do you agree with the first lady?
DEAN: No. I do not think that this president cares about everybody in America. It's one nice -- I'm sure the suspect a nice man on a personal level. His policies have been devastating to middle class and poor people in this country, white, black, and brown.
People who were affected in this disaster, the people who are holed up in the Astrodome, look at the kinds of things that have been said about them. Look what the Republican representative from the Louisiana said this morning in "The Wall Street Journal"; that finally God has gotten -- or has cleaned up the public housing in New Orleans.
It's not enough to be a nice guy. I'm not disputing the fact the president is a nice man, and maybe he's compassionate in his personal life. The truth is that Americans have suffered deeply under this presidency, 80 percent of Americans, and that black people, Hispanic people, and poor people and old people have suffered disproportionately.
Dean actually said, "I do not think that this president cares about everybody in America."
He's playing the same old race/class warfare card. How dense are these Dems?
Dean and Kanye West should hang out together. Maybe West could even work one of Dean's screams into a performance.
BLITZER: So, I just want to press you on this. You can't blame the president for what some Republican Congressman says.
DEAN: I think there's an indifference in the Republican Party towards people who aren't at the very top of the income level. Their whole tax policy has shown that.
How about this? Bill Frist, the chairman -- the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, his first thing he wanted to do when he got back, after Hurricane Katrina struck, in the United States Senate, first thing he wanted to do is extend the estate tax exemption, $750 billion.
Where does Dean get off criticizing Frist for indifference?
Frist went to the hurricane ravaged area as a medical volunteer. He treated diabetics for low blood sugar and dealt with cases of high blood pressure and dehydration.
Did Dr. Dean volunteer his services? Of course not.
All talk, no action.
BLITZER: But there were 1,000 -- at least 1,000 school busses in New Orleans, and none of them were mobilized to get poor people, old people, people who didn't have cars, out of that city as that hurricane, Category 5, was building up steam along the -- in the Gulf of Mexico. Who should have ordered that those school busses, to get drivers and start driving people who don't have cars out of the city?
DEAN: That's an easy criticism to make, because beforehand you can blame everybody. You can blame the last four or five presidents --
BLITZER: Isn't that the responsibility of the mayor or the governor?
DEAN: Unless you tell people what the sequence is, I can't answer that question. I have to tell me that the sequence was that the hurricane was known to be, going to hit New Orleans directly, which it didn't. And that those busses weren't under water, and that the people who were supposed to be driving them didn't --
BLITZER: On Saturday and Sunday there was no water in New Orleans.
DEAN: Right.
BLITZER: And that was the -- the hurricane hit Monday morning.
DEAN: You're holding the mayor --
BLITZER: On Friday they knew this could potentially hit New Orleans, and that it could be a Category 4 or 5.
DEAN: You're holding the mayor to a different standard. This is a Republican spin machine stuff. You're holding the mayor to a different standard than you are holding FEMA.
With all due respect to Dr. Dean, his responses are pure idiocy.
Reread the exchange. It's unbelievable.
When asked a very straightforward question, Dean flops around like a fool.
"[B]eforehand you can blame everybody. You can blame the last four or five presidents."
He's got to be kidding! Dean doesn't have the decency to admit that it was inexcusable to not use all those buses to evacuate people.
Yeah, it was Gerald Ford's fault that Mayor Nagin didn't bus people out of New Orleans.
Remember, these words aren't coming from some Code Pink nut protesting outside of Walter Reed. They are coming from the CHAIRMAN OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!!
Just a sampling of his sound bites are capable of dooming the Democrats, long term. I hope Dean keeps talking.
The good news is he will.
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