On CNN's The Situation Room, Wolf Blitzer showed his true colors this afternoon when talking with Robert Bennett, Judith Miller's attorney.
Blitzer blind-sided Bennett by playing the OUT OF CONTEXT audio clip of his brother Bill speaking about aborting black babies.
BLITZER: While you're here I'm going to switch gears dramatically on you and ask you a question about your brother. As you know, he's in hot water for some remarks he made yesterday on his radio show, Bill Bennett. Listen to this exchange he had with a caller.
WILLIAM BENNETT, FORMER EDUCATION SECRETARY: One of the arguments in this book "Freakonomics" that they make is that the declining crime rate, you know, they deal with this hypothesis, that one of the reasons crime is down is that abortion is up.
CALLER: Well, I don't think that statistic is accurate.
BENNETT: Well, I don't think it is either. I don't think it is either because first of all, I think there's just too much that you don't know. But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down.
That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far out -- these far reaching, you know, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.
BLITZER: Have you discussed this issue with him?
BENNETT: Well, no, and, Wolf, let me say, I am rather disappointed at you for not telling me you would ask me about that. This was about Judy Miller, and I think that's a courtesy you could have extended to me. What I would emphasize is Bill's comment that such a position would be morally reprehensible, I think it's largely making a mountain out of a molehill.
I mean, I suppose I'll get in trouble by saying that it's well established that men are more violent than women and so maybe if we abort all male babies, we would have a safer world. So I think this is really much ado about nothing.
BLITZER: Well, the reason I ask is because I know you and your brother love each other and you are good brothers. And it was only obvious to me, I assume, that you know I would ask a newsworthy question.
BENNETT: I didn't know that at all, Wolf. In the past you've always been very straight with me. And I'm honest with you and I'm offended by that.
BLITZER: All right. That's fair enough.
BENNETT: But I have never discussed this with him at all.
BLITZER: You are a good lawyer and a good brother and a good friend. Thanks very much for joining us.
BENNETT: OK, you're welcome.
BLITZER: Robert Bennett joining us here in THE SITUATION ROOM.
I don't know which is my favorite media moment of the week--
Bennett calling out Blitzer on his sleazy tactics
Scott McClellan making Terry Moran look like a complete fool after his "stench of corruption around the Republican establishment in Washington" generalization.
It's a tie.
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