If any were in Washington for Saturday's anti-war protest, their presence was lost amid the antics of the looniest of the Leftist loons. They were out in force.
That's unfortunate.
Saturday's rally succeeded in marginalizing the anti-war movement. Rather than an impressive show of thousands of concerned people committed to the cause, the gathering illustrated the extremist nature of many groups in attendance. It was far from impressive. It was embarrassing.
Maybe that's why so many wore masks. Apparently, those participants borrowed that strategy from the KKK and Hamas playbooks--cover your face.
There's no polite way to say this. The event attracted a lot of nutjobs.
Some protested capitalism. Some protested the police. Some promoted conspiracy theories. Some called for the impreachment of Bush and depicted him as Hitler. Some called for the incarceration of Cheney and urged his castration.
Some chose to honor the troops by displaying the American flag upside down, the flag that drapes the coffins of the fallen.
It was a diverse bunch, with varied agendas; but they were united by one thing:

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