Have you noticed that Patrick Leahy has fully morphed into Mr. Potter from It's a Wonderful Life?
The physical similarities are obvious, but they have more in common than that.
The curmudgeonly old buzzard Leahy not only has the same sneer as the villainous Mr. Potter, he has the same miserable demeanor.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Jack and Josie came in right on cue, trailing their father, the man in line to be the next chief justice of the United States. Senators stooped first to greet the youngsters, 5-year-old Josie, in her baby blue party dress and white headband, and 4-year-old Jack, in his blue blazer, bow tie and short gray flannel pants. Only then did the senators rise to welcome Dad, also known as John Roberts.
In the gilded, marbled and pillared majesty of the Caucus Room of the Senate's Russell office building - site of hearings on momentous national events ranging from the sinking of the Titanic to Watergate - it was the children who stole the show at the start of Day One of Roberts' Supreme Court confirmation hearings.
"That is as staged a photo op as you'll have," happily proclaimed Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., after posing with Roberts and his wife Jane, committee Chairman Arlen Specter and the kids, who occupied the center spots.
It's easy to imagine Mr. Potter squinting his eyes and, with an evil half-smile, saying somthing like that.
Jack and Josie are adorable. Leahy "happily" but snidely refers to them as props.
Were Caroline and John John Kennedy props? Do you think Leahy would call all those precious pictures of President Kennedy with his children photo ops or staged moments?
The nation loves seeing pictures of the Kennedy children with their father, the president. I know I do. Similarly, I'm sure many Americans enjoy seeing Jack and Josie with their daddy, the soon to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
John Edwards didn't hesitate to bring his children with him on the campaign trail last year. They were in attendance, on stage, at several appearances with their dad. Did Leahy squawk about all of those staged photo ops?
Only a cantankerous type like Leahy or, as George Bailey called Mr. Potter, a "scurvy little spider," would have a problem with dads and cute kids.

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